The Show Begins

Chapter 60: Give her a gift


"Sorry... I just fell asleep. Are you done singing?"

A quiet and somewhat sticky voice came softly in the silent night.

Lai Yang really didn't know whether to be happy or sad, but his heart, which had almost jumped out of his chest, calmed down a little after her explanation.

Fortunately she didn't hear it.

Unfortunately, she didn't hear it.

"Laiyang, I'm sleepy. You should go to bed early too."

Tianjing was really sleepy, and the pleasant sounds she heard were all muted and unclear.

"Well, hang up then. Good night."

In fact, Lai Yang wanted to sleep while talking on the phone, but it was just a thought. If he really said it out loud, it would be a bit over the line.

But it’s okay, there’s still a long way to go.

The stars were also sleepy. They hid outside the dark brown window, blinking their eyelids constantly, and gradually fell asleep on the soft sky.

But Lai Yang was not sleepy at all, because after he hung up the phone, he turned to a circle of friends that Tian Jing posted a few hours ago.

It was this circle of friends that made Lai Yang's heart surge.

An exciting plan came to his mind.

The next day at noon, Lai Yang came to Xu Mo's studio for the first time.

The studio is also in Xuhui District, in a commercial and residential building. It is not large, only about 100 square meters.

The decoration is quite cozy, with various flowers and plants in the corners and many painting stands artistically arranged.

Xu Mo leaned against the front desk of the studio with her graceful figure, her hair tied in a bun and light makeup on, looking at Lai Yang in confusion.

"You want to learn to paint?"

"I don't want to learn. I want to paint a picture within three days. I want to give it as a gift." Lai Yang retracted his gaze and said with a chuckle.

Xu Mo opened her red lips slightly: "Three days? Have you ever learned to paint before?"

“I taught myself to draw stick figures when I was a kid.”

"… "

Xu Mo's pale little face was full of speechlessness. After being stunned for a few seconds, she asked him what he was going to draw

Lai Yang took out his mobile phone and opened the photo album, and a series of yellowed old photos appeared.

In the photo, a gentle woman is smiling, with a sense of tranquility.

"Oh, is this Tianjing's mother?" Xu Mo shouted in surprise.

"Oh my god! You can see that? Wait... How do you know about Tian Jing?"

Xu Mo had met Tian Jing when she came to the theater last time, but how did she know her name

"Hehe, your childhood friend wrote that you like quietness. So, are you going to paint a portrait of your future mother-in-law?" Xu Mo smiled slyly.

Lai Yang cursed in his heart, Yuan Shengda is a big mouth who yells at everyone he sees.

"No, her mother died many years ago.

I saw her posting on WeChat Moments, and then I wanted to draw a picture of her and her mother together. Here, this is her photo. ”

Lai Yang took out the poster of Tian Jing's last performance.

"It should be a picture of a mother and daughter watching the sunrise together on the soft and fine sandy beach on the sea. Anyway, I want to paint a happy picture. I want to give it to her as a New Year's gift."

After saying that, Lai Yang found that Xu Mo was staring at him in a daze.

"Hey, even though I'm handsome, it's not appropriate for you to look at me like such a fangirl." Lai Yang teased with a smile.

Xu Mo was not angry. Instead, her expression became more affectionate, with her little mouth slightly open.

"Laiyang, you, you really are... If I were that girl, I would probably be moved to death."

Lai Yang's heart slowed down for a moment; "Really? Will you be very touched?"

"You even moved the mother out, how can I not be moved? How dare I not be moved?"

"Well… "

"Butdidn't you say last night that He Shengda had a childhood engagement? Now you're falling in love with someone else?" Xu Mo raised her eyebrows.

"Stop it, the child marriage is a pure lie, Aru, we are really just good buddies."

"Brother? I'm afraid you're the only one who thinks so."

Xu Mo said this quietly, but didn't ask any more questions.

After looking at the photo carefully, she told Lai Yang in a sweet voice that if he wanted to paint that kind of charm, he could only paint in oil.

But if you don’t have any foundation, you probably won’t be able to draw it within three days, and the drawing won’t look like the original.

"I don't have you."

Lai Yang bumped Xu Mo with his shoulder in a mean way.

Although they had only known each other for a short time, Xu Mo had a nice personality and could get along well with Lai Yang.

"Here's what I think. As for the lines of the characters, I'd rather let you, a professional, do it, but I can come up with ideas and apply colors to help elevate the soul of this painting."

Lai Yang also took the example of a movie, saying that he was the director and she was the photographer, lighting technician, pattern maker, screenwriter, etc.

After all, after a movie is finished, the audience will only remember that it was the work of a certain director.

"Director Lai, I find that you are really good at fooling people." Xu Mo looked at him with seductive eyes.

During these three days, Lai Yang spent all his time here except for the performance.

And Yuan Shengda did not disturb him for the first time, mainly because she found a new part-time job.

But the girl deliberately didn't tell me what she was going to do.

During the painting process, Lai Yang learned that Xu Mo's family was from Shenzhen.

Speaking of Shenzhen, Laiyang starts talking again.

"I found that Shenzhen people have a unique sense of humor. How can I describe this humor

He deserves a beating, but he is also very capable of defusing crises.”

While painting, Xu Mo asked Lai Yang suspiciously why he said that.

"When I was in middle school, my uncle got married in Shenzhen, and I stayed there for a while. I lived in an old building in a village in the city. One evening, a little boy next door sprayed me in the face with a water gun. I was so angry that I was about to hit him, but his father came."

"I explained the situation to his father. I thought he would teach his son a lesson, but his father just laughed and said to me, 'Hey, let's not talk about anything else. Look at my kid's water gun. Does it shoot far?"


Xu Mo couldn't help laughing. Her fair wrist held the colored pen and she smiled tremblingly.

This painting has reached the final stage, with only the last bit of painting left.

“Is this a joke?” she asked.

"No, it really happened!"

"How did you respond?" Xu Mo painted with a smile.

"What can I doreply? Let's not talk about how far it is, your gun is filled with boiling water."

Xu Mo's defense was broken. She smiled with red lips and white teeth, her slender waist arched, and she asked in a trembling voice, "And then?"

Lai Yang took a deep breath, and the rest of the story was more profound.

That day he also bought a squirt gun and filled the house with several large buckets of water, intending to trap the little boy at night and squirt him to death.

As a result, the old building caught fire that night, and the fire started from next door.

When he woke up, everyone in the building ran downstairs, and he was planning to run as well.

But the fire next door was too big, and the little boy next door was still crying in the house.

In the end, the water that was originally intended to splash him became water for putting out the fire.

"There's still this? Is everyone okay in the end?"

"I don't know. Anyway, the little boy cried until he lost his voice."

Xu Mo's face froze, and Lai Yang's eyes drooped. "I had no water either. Later, it seemed like the firefighters came and I was taken away. That night, my uncle took me away."

The story was a bit heavy, and the two of them were silent for a moment. After a while, Xu Mo suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Laiyang, your painting is finished."

Lai Yang's expression tensed, he stood up straight and looked at him with burning eyes.

In the painting, the morning light shines on the cheeks of Tian Jing and her mother, their skin is white with a rosy glow and full of warmth.

She leaned on her mother's shoulder and smiled. They sat on the beach, the water splashed gently under their feet, and the soft sand supported their feet.

The coconut trees and light white clouds behind him blend into the blue sky, and the whole painting exudes a sense of tranquil happiness.

"I believe she will cry when she sees this painting." Xu Mo said softly.

Lai Yang did not respond, but his trembling heart was already full of anticipation.