The Show Begins

Chapter 87: Quiet support


It was already very late at night when I came out of the police station.

When Lai Yang and Yuan Shengda took a taxi back, they stared at the neon lights outside the window in a daze.

After what happened to Li's mother, he thought of his own parents. Ever since they learned that he had set up a talk show theater, although they didn't object much, they didn't really support it in their hearts.

They always feel that they are in Shanghai, without a formal job, and are somewhat just muddling through life.

But the parents did not delve into this topic. On the one hand, it was a kind of encouragement to themselves, but more importantly, it was because they could not help much and felt a little powerless.

Lai Yang knew it all, so he wanted to prove himself, to prove that the path he had chosen was correct and that this theater could definitely be successful.

But after repeatedly hitting a wall in reality, my inner determination inevitably made me retreat and doubt myself.

As for the content of the performance, he hasn't even started rehearsals yet, but he's already worried about the box office alone.

After returning to the house, Lai Yang sat alone on the sofa in the living room, lit a cigarette and thought about a solution.

At this moment, WeChat suddenly dinged.

Has the issue of Li Dian’s mother been resolved

The message was sent by Tian Jing. Lai Yang held the phone in a daze for a long time!

I haven't contacted her for several days. Why did she send me a message now and know that something happened to Li's mother

But Lai Yang quickly realized that it must be Yuan Shengda who told him, and said that when he came back in a taxi just now, he saw her typing on her cell phone.

It's solved, thank you for your concern. Lai Yang replied very politely, but he was actually a little angry.

He always felt that Tian Jing was hiding her feelings from him, but when he thought about it carefully, there was no need for her to confess to him, after all, they were just friends.

The next second, Tian Jing sent a photo, which was exactly the picture of the broken clay jar.

The photo was taken from the living room, and no doubt it was Yuan Shengda again.

Is your hand not scratched

Tianjing, are you concerned about yourself

Lai Yang's heart suddenly warmed up, and the depressed feeling in his heart immediately dissipated a little. Then he immediately searched for some photos of hand bandages on the Internet and sent them to Tian Jing.

It's very serious. The doctor said that amputation may be necessary.

In the dialog box, she replied with an expression of covering her mouth and laughing, which made Lai Yang's mouth corners rise.

Oh, I said there was poison in your soup. Look, there was poison on the clay pot too, which scratched your hand and made it swollen like this.

There were several more snickering expressions following Tian Jing, which made Lai Yang feel both angry and amused.

After he and Tian Jing exchanged several sentences in a row, he realized that they were both a little confused.

There seems to be no reason for the cold war or reconciliation.

Suddenly they started chatting again. Although Lai Yang still wanted to ask about the origin of the song, he decided not to do so tonight.

You have developed Shengda into an undercover agent now? Why did she tell you everything? Lai Yang asked.

She said you were in a bad mood and thought she was bringing bad luck to you, so she asked me to enlighten you.

Lai Yang was stunned by these words, and then a sense of guilt rose in his heart.

Lai Yang felt more and more that Yuan Sheng seemed to have changed. He was not as careless as before, but became much more meticulous.

"Attract bad luck" was just what I said casually, but I didn't expect her to take it seriously.

Lai Yang collected his thoughts and asked about the situation at Tian Jing's side. Tian Jing replied that it was fine. Yun Bin took over this shopping mall, but the original developer failed to make it work, resulting in the surrounding business environment not keeping up.

Although there are several residential buildings near the shopping complex, there are almost no consumer places within one kilometer, such as supermarkets, bars, restaurants, etc.

So this time she brought the team there, and there was also a big investment promotion task, so she stayed there for a longer time, and she was not sure when she would come back, but she would try to be there before the Laiyang Thousand-Capacity Stadium opened.

Oh, then I think our jobs are similar. I have to get people to buy tickets, and you have to get people to enter the store. It seems that your job is more difficult than mine.

After Lai Yang replied to the message, Tian Jing sent a smiling emoticon wearing sunglasses, and then asked him how about issuing the ticket.

Now when Lai Yang saw the words "issue ticket", he trembled all over.

After lighting a cigarette, he briefly explained the situation.

After I sent the message, about a minute or two later, someone sent a message asking if it was convenient to talk on the phone.

Lai Yang's heart skipped a beat. He cleared his throat while holding the phone and called Tian Jing.

The next second, she called out "hello". It had been a long time since I heard her voice. Just a simple word "hello" made Lai Yang feel like spring breeze.

Her quiet voice is neither sweet nor shrill. Instead, it has a sweet and clear tone, a slightly deep goddess voice.

"Hey, Jing

Hello Jing." Lai Yang said seriously, causing a silver bell-like laugh from Jing's side.

"Do you have to be so formal?"

"Ahem, I'm all ears for your advice, so I have to be polite."

Lai Yang imitated the male anchors on the radio, replying in a pinched voice, and after a quiet chuckle for a while, he began to speak.

"The click-through rate of the ticket purchase link has increased, which shows that your method of acquiring traffic is correct, but the ticket purchase conversion rate is not good, so the problem lies in the appeal to the audience, right?"

"... Uh, keep talking." Lai Yang's brows gradually furrowed, and he became less frivolous.

"You have united many labels. If their fans buy your 1,000-person show, a large part of them actually go to support their favorite actors, because the rest of the people are also of the same status, and are all amateurs. In this case, they can spend less than 100 yuan to see their favorite actors in a small theater, so why should they spend more than 200 yuan to go to your 1,000-person show to see him?"

"In other words, your ticket price is more than twice as expensive as that of the small theater. Why?"

"What is the highlight? How can we make the audience feel that the ticket is worth it?"

Lai Yang was speechless after hearing what Tian Jing said.

But he also had a feeling of enlightenment!

This is really where the problem lies. Now that they have a high click-through rate, as long as they highlight it and increase the ticket purchase conversion rate, the problem will be solved.

"Jingjing, what do you think is our highlight? Is it a highlight that all the talk show brands in Shanghai have joined together to perform?"

"It's a highlight, but this kind of highlight is like the soup you make. You have to drink it to know whether it tastes good or not."

"So what you're saying is..."

Lai Yang's eyes once again focused on the broken earthenware jar in the corner.

"Your clay pot is very attractive and beautiful. It makes people want to drink soup at first sight. Do you understand what I mean?"

Lai Yang let out a long sigh, and he understood what Tian Jing meant.

If you want to increase the ticket purchase rate, you still have to invite some celebrities so that the audience will feel that the ticket price is worth it.

But the key question is, where are the big names in this industry

After struggling for a while, Lai Yang held the phone and asked, "Jingjing, I think what you said makes sense."

"Oh, by the way, you have such a wide network of contacts, can you help me get in touch with Mr. Guo Degang?"