The Sick and Gloomy Bamboo Horse Was Stunned by My Kiss

Chapter 26: Clean up agreement


Jiang Ningxin Lake seemed to be blown by the wind, gently rippling with ripples.

She stood there, looking at the dim yellow street lamps along the road and the tiny flies surrounding them, the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily.

For the first time since her rebirth, she felt so relaxed.

The big rock in her heart that made her breathless was finally unloaded a little bit.

Jiang Ning took out her mobile phone from her schoolbag and sent a text message to Yan Yixie: "Thank you."

The boy on the phone was still indifferent, so cold that he didn't answer a single period.

The corner of Jiang Ning's mouth was still smiling, and while continuing to walk towards home, his fingertips were jumping briskly on the phone: "Yan Yixie, when will you go to school with me? I want to transfer to the same class as you."

After a long while, when she finally came back to the gate of the courtyard, a cold reply finally appeared on her mobile phone: "Don't push yourself too hard."

Jiang Ning couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Ning returned home in a good mood, and looked for Jiang Fan everywhere as soon as he entered the house.

Not seeing Jiang Fan in Jiang Fan's room, Jiang Ning immediately frowned.

This little bastard promised to study hard before, so it won't be another empty promise, and after separating from himself, he turned around and went to the Internet cafe, right

There is really no cure.

Zheng Ruonan came over with a glass of milk, lowered his voice to "shh", and said with relief: "He is doing homework in your room, he finally calmed down and sat at the desk for a while, don't disturb him, you go take a shower first .”

Jiang Ning was stunned: "Are you sure he is doing his homework, didn't he sneak out of the window again?"

Through a door, Jiang Fan quietly said: "Jiang Ning, I can hear you talking ill of me behind my back."

Are you really in your room

Last year, Jiang Fan used a saw to cut off the desk in his room in order not to do his homework. The whole family was very angry. Zheng Ruonan angrily said that he would never buy him a desk again and let him do his homework again. I went to the toilet and wrote on the toilet.

When this kid is angry, he can really make people angry.

"Let me come." Jiang Ning took the milk from Zheng Ruonan's hand, pushed the door open and entered.

In the room, Jiang Fan really had two textbooks and exercise books spread out in front of him, and he sat there with his body twisted, biting the end of his pen in agony.

Jiang Ning walked over quickly, put down the milk cup, flipped open the books on his desk, and tried to find the game console underneath.

But... not really.

The exercise set has been flipped through several pages. Although none of the questions is correct at first glance, the handwriting is indeed that of Jiang Fan himself.

Jiang Ning was shocked and delighted, but still tensed up, and asked redundantly: "You wrote it all yourself?"

Looking at Jiang Ning's expression, Jiang Fan inexplicably felt a little refreshed. It turns out that it is not so difficult to make progress, and his family has paid more attention to him. He showed an arrogant expression: "Otherwise? Is there a ghost in the room who can write for me?"

Jiang Ning said slowly: "It should indeed be written by you."

Jiang Fan was even more proud, and continued to wait for Jiang Ning's compliment with his ears pricked up. If he had a tail stuck in his ass, he would probably have been stuck in the sky.

Then I heard Jiang Ning say again: "Because if you write it as a ghost, it is impossible for ten questions to be wrong ten questions neatly."

Jiang Fan: "..."

Ruthless, look down on him.

He wants to let her know what it means to turn a prodigal son back.

Jiang Fan continued to grit his teeth and fight with the exercise set.

Jiang Ning's eyes were finally stained with a smile, and he went downstairs and said to Zheng Ruonan, "Just buy Jiang Fan a new desk."

"It's up to you to say." Zheng Ruonan has already started to talk about it, but recently, I don't know what's wrong, the two children seem to have changed their minds, Zheng Ruonan is refreshed when there are happy events, and his complexion looks much better.

The old lady was shaking her cattail fan in the yard, and couldn't help turning her head to look at Jiang Ning with a strange look.

Can't figure it out.

The little girl really has two brushes.

There are also neighbors who want to transfer their children to another school, but they can't find a way. Because their family's school transfer procedures have been completed, the old ladies who danced together in the square these two days almost surrounded Wang Sufen and asked her.

The old lady happily said to her old friends what was the problem, and asked her daughter-in-law to ask for help, but she didn't mention a word when she got home...

The relationship between her and the girl Jiang Ning has never been harmonious, so she asked Jiang Ning, didn't she put her face up and let this girl beat her

Seeing the joyful mother and daughter over there, the old lady couldn't hold back the thought of stepping forward again.

She got up and entered the door, and said to Zheng Ruonan: "It's a good thing that Jiang Fan is willing to study, but his grades are still not improving. How about asking Rourou to make up for him? Thirty, and you can save a tuition fee."

Jiang Ning was so annoyed that the old lady's thoughts were always on Jiang Rourou's side, and she was always thinking about fighting for some benefits for Jiang Rourou.

She said coldly, "I'll just help Jiang Fan, don't bother others."

The old lady's face immediately turned pale: "Look at how you talk, Rourou is someone else? You have lived with her under the same roof for so many years, why can't you become a real sister? Your heart is really smaller than a needle. "

Jiang Ning retorted without hesitation: "I am small-minded? Grandma, you know whose house this is, this is mine! I can tolerate her living here for almost ten years, and I am still small-minded? If you say something more, I will immediately kill her." Throw things out."

The old lady's face turned blue.

The last time I saw Jiang Ning crying in front of Zheng Ruonan, I thought her temper had softened, but who knew that even though her hair was cut and her face was clean, she still had that thorn in her bones.

The old lady endured it, and turned to Zheng Ruonan and said with a dark face: "This is the good daughter you have taught? You have no courtesy to the elders."

Zheng Ruonan has noticed Jiang Ning's recent transformation. She has gradually realized that her daughter has become arrogant and her family always favors Jiang Rourou. Maybe the latter is the cause and the former is the effect.

Jiang Ning didn't have to show his teeth and claws at all, he was covered in thorns.

She has gradually given up her reputation outside, even if others say that she bullies orphans, she can't keep wronging Jiang Ning forever.

Zheng Ruonan glanced at the old lady, and said nonchalantly: "You didn't come to find trouble first, how could she be rude to you?"

As the daughter does, so does the mother.

The old lady glanced at Jiang Rourou whose eye circles were red from a distance, and was almost so angry that she said angrily: "Last time, because of Jiang Ning, Rourou's dance class was changed from private teaching to small group class, and she cried several times when she came back. God, the teacher in the dance class treats her badly, how can you bear it?"

Jiang Ning smiled: "Grandma, you can't bear it, you paid her to go back to private lessons. What right does Michong have to pick and choose?"

At this moment, Jiang Ning really felt like a vicious female partner who bullied Xiao Baihua, but thinking of what happened in her previous life, her anger only became more intense.

On the first day after rebirth, this war should have erupted, but I had a lot of worries and kept enduring it.

She turned her head and swept the teacups used by the old lady, Jiang Rourou and Jiang Shan on the coffee table into the trash can, and no one could stop her. Zheng Ruonan was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Fan in the room heard the movement, ran out to see, saw that his sister had the upper hand, he whistled suavely.

"..." The old lady's blood surged up desperately, and finally couldn't hold back, she raised her hand, and was about to slap Jiang Ning on the face.

Zheng Ruonan's expression changed, and he said sharply, "You're going too far!"

Without raising her eyelids, Jiang Ning grabbed her hand: "Don't touch me, otherwise you will be kicked out in the middle of the month, and now you will be kicked out earlier."

No one knew what she was talking about.

The old lady didn't expect Jiang Ning, a little girl, to be so strong and courageous, and it hurt her wrist in turn. She said viciously: "It's reversed, I have to ask your father to judge!"

The old lady shook off Jiang Ning's hand, slammed the door and went out to find Father Jiang.

As soon as Jiang's father came home from get off work, he heard the old lady tell him a lot like throwing beans, and when he entered the yard, he saw Jiang Rourou standing in the corner and weeping.

In the past, Jiang's father would have to reprimand Jiang Ning for disrespecting the elderly.

But today's Jiang's father was uncharacteristically, he hurriedly put down his briefcase as if he hadn't heard it, and called Jiang Ning to the study, his tone even flattering: "Ning Ning, come in, Dad has something to talk to you discuss."

Now, the old lady and Jiang Rourou were dumbfounded.

Without waiting for Father Jiang to say it, Jiang Ning knew what he wanted to discuss.

Jiang Ning told Zheng Ruonan that since they asked Ouyang Bo for help, they shouldn't tell others about Ouyang Bo's contact information, otherwise, wouldn't it bother them again and again.

Zheng Ruonan is a very principled woman, and she had two quarrels with Jiang Shan in the past two days, probably because of this.

Father Jiang was a little afraid of his strict wife, so he could only focus on his half-old daughter.

"Help Dad." In the study, Jiang's father squatted down kindly, and said, "If the project next to the University Park can be approved, Dad will take you and Fanfan to the amusement park."

Jiang Ning looked at him lightly, with no warmth in his eyes: "Without Jiang Rourou, are you sure? Are you willing?"

Jiang's father was inexplicably guilty by Jiang Ning's eyes. He stretched out his hand and tried to hold Jiang Ning's shoulder, but Jiang Ning turned his head away.

"..." Father Jiang's heart suddenly flared up.

Although he had no status in front of Zheng Ruonan before, these children gave him a great sense of superiority. The children all longed for their father's love and would compete for favor.

But in recent days, Jiang Ning appeared less and less in his field of vision. Occasionally, he met his eyes with cold eyes, as if he was looking at a stranger or a pile of garbage.

"Why are you looking at me like that, I'm your father!" Father Jiang couldn't help but angrily said.

Jiang Ning ignored him, and changed to a more innocent expression, saying: "I can help Dad, but Dad will sign for me first, I didn't do well in the test last time, so I dare not ask Mom to help me Sign it, lest she criticize me."

Jiang's father has been busy with the new project these days. He has been pointed out by his neighbors for so many years, saying that he is a soft worker. If he is fired now, his reputation will be ruined. Moreover, in middle age, there is no father-in-law who can arrange a job for him, so where can he find a job

So he didn't even think about it, and said anxiously: "Go and get the test paper, Dad will sign it now."

Jiang Ning brought a large stack of test papers in a short while, put the best one on the top, and sandwiched the one that needed his signature in the middle, with only one corner exposed.

"How much is the test?" Father Jiang asked in disbelief.

Is it zero

Otherwise, why don't you dare to show him the score

Jiang Ning blushed all of a sudden, and held the test paper tightly and refused to open it for him: "Don't read it, I dare not let you see it."

Jiang's father was in a hurry to ask about Ouyang Bo. He didn't think that a fourteen-year-old girl could have any kind of heart, let alone that his own daughter would deceive him. He was so anxious that he didn't care whether Jiang Ning got a zero or a negative score in the exam, so he just initialed it word.

"Sign it, and Dad promises not to tell your mother." After Jiang's father finished speaking, he went straight to the point: "Then, do you have to help Dad? Tell Dad Ouyang Bo's contact information?"

Jiang Ning quickly put away the test paper and said: "How about this, Dad, I will ask Professor Ouyang first, and I will tell you after he agrees. This will also leave a good impression on him, won't it?"

Although Father Jiang was impatient, he had to admit that Jiang Ning was thoughtful.

"Don't worry, Dad," Jiang Ning winked at him again: "Ouyang Bo likes me, I'm sure I can help you."

Father Jiang's mood suddenly brightened, he laughed, and squatted down to hug Jiang Ning.

But I don't know if it was his illusion, Jiang Ning just turned around, avoided his hug, and ran out: "Then I will do my homework first."