The Sick and Gloomy Bamboo Horse Was Stunned by My Kiss

Chapter 45: The next day, Jiang Ning really didn't come back. …


Jiang Ning was just planning to play a joke on Yan Yixie, never thinking that he would jump off.

She hurriedly stuck her wet head out of the water: "Hey, I'm here!"

And hurriedly parted the river, and swam to Yan Yixie.

It can be seen that the teenager had undergone professional training before his legs were disabled, and his water skills were excellent. Now he has no sensation below the knees and cannot exert force in the water. He quickly found Jiang Ning's position.

After a while, the housekeeper in the distance realized something was wrong, and when he rushed over with a blanket in his arms, the two of them were already sitting on the shore.

Both of them had their hair soaked and their bodies were dripping with water, like two drowned rats.

Jiang Ning felt that he was playing off, and he didn't dare to look up at Yan Yixie.

Water drops hung on Yan Yixie's forehead, dripping continuously, like a water ghost climbing up.

The boy's already fair complexion was even paler at this time, and his dark eyes were as black as ink and as cold as frost.

He gave Jiang Ning a hard look: "Can this kind of joke be made?"

"I didn't expect you to jump down." Jiang Ning argued: "This is called caring, you care about me."

The boy was furious: "I care about you ass, your hands are broken? Why don't you wring out your clothes quickly?"

The housekeeper hurriedly shook off the blanket, put it on Yan Yixie's body, and smoothed things over: "Okay, okay, stop arguing, young master, we have to go back and change quickly."

Yan Yixie pulled off the blanket from his body, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it onto Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning picked up the blanket and stuffed it back into his arms, because he was afraid that he would scold him, so he didn't dare to look at him: "I think you need it more."

Take two steps back immediately.

Yan Yi thanked without hitting anywhere: "Come here, I promise I won't beat you to death."

Jiang Ning felt that he looked like he was about to copy an umbrella, and said cowardly, "No."

As soon as the words were finished, her eyes went dark, and the blanket was thrown on her body.


Jiang Ning hurriedly pulled down the blanket that was about to be dragged to the ground: "You—"

The old housekeeper became anxious and said, "Both of you need to dry the water quickly!"

Jiang Ning was also afraid that Yan Yixie would catch a cold. She remembered that the old butler said that after the boy's legs were injured, his body became weaker than before.

So she was wrapped in a blanket, and walked a few steps forward. Under Yan Yixie's stare, she sat down on the river bank next to him unreasonably, and wrapped both of them in with a large blanket.

Then he picked up the blanket on his side and began to wipe the water from his hair and neck.

When the girl's warm and wet body leaned over, Yan Yixie froze.

He gave her a startled look.

However, she didn't notice it, she approached like a small animal without any vigilance.

The wind of the wilderness passed through the reeds and the river bank, but was kept out by the blanket.

Under the blanket, there seemed to be a small world.

Time became very slow in that instant, very slow.

Yan Yixie's whole body was stiff, and he could only feel that the thick blanket seemed to have carried Jiang Ning's body temperature, wrapping him warmly.

The setting sun in the distance fell on her face, and he could see the lovely fluff on her fair face, with the warmth of the halo.

There is also the smell of clean cherry washing powder in the air.

The surrounding area is very quiet.

The throbbing in Yan Yixie's chest seemed to become extra abrupt and violent.

Seeing Yan Yixie still staring at her, Jiang Ning opened his eyes wide: "? Want me to wipe it for you?"

The boy came back to his senses in an instant, and looked away hastily.

With a cold face, without saying a word, he grabbed the blanket and roughly brushed his short black hair: "Do you know why Xiao Ming's grandpa lived to be a hundred years old. Take care of yourself."

After a few minutes, the blanket finally absorbed almost all the water on their bodies and became heavy.

The housekeeper quickly took the blanket.

Yan Yi thanked: "Go back."

The housekeeper pushed the wheelchair over, and suddenly paused, his expression changed, and he looked at Yan Yixie's ankle: "Master, are you injured?"

Just now when they got out of the water, the two of them were covered in water, Jiang Ning didn't notice it, only now did he realize that there were faint bloodshots in the river on the bank, and the source was Yan Yixie's ankle.

He lifted his legs out of the river, and as soon as he moved, blood oozes from the legs of his white trousers.

"Did you cut it in the river just now?" Jiang Ning's guilt suddenly became heavier.

Yan Yixie glanced at her and didn't take it seriously, but his tone was not as cold as before: "It's not a big problem, we can deal with it when we go back."

"Okay, go home quickly." Jiang Ning stood up hastily.

Yan Yixie remained motionless, staring at her: "Turn around."

Jiang Ning: "?"

Jiang Ning didn't know what he was going to do, but seeing that he was injured, he shouldn't waste time by making jokes about him, so he obediently turned around and turned his back to him.

Yan Yixie supported himself with both hands, and climbed onto the wheelchair with great effort. He is a man, and he is determined not to be hugged by the butler princess, so for many years, whether it is getting out of bed or entering the bathroom, he has come by himself.

Jiang Ning, who had his back turned to him, heard the movement and already guessed it.

"..." What time is this! Should self-esteem be so strong

That night, Jiang Ning took a bath in Yan Yixie's villa, put on his clothes after drying, and drank a bowl of ginger soup made by the housekeeper to relieve the chill.

Yan Yixie started a fever.

I don't know if it was because I was soaked and the cold wind was blowing on the way back, or because the wound cut by the stones in the river was infected.

After dinner, the housekeeper hurriedly called a private doctor and infused the boy with fluid. The boy began to lie on the bed and fell asleep.

Jiang Ning blamed herself terribly. When she was by the river, she just saw Yan Yi thanking her for her duplicity, and wanted to make a joke with him, but she didn't expect such a result.

The private doctor was still infusion in the room, and Jiang Ning wandered outside Yan Yixie's room.

The housekeeper came over with the alcohol to reduce the fever, and comforted her: "Don't blame yourself too much. Since the accident, the young master has been weaker than ordinary people. He was lying in a foreign hospital for the first few years, and he had several surgeries. Once again, he still failed to repair the nerves in his legs, and he was prone to infection and fever after that. He has been taking medicine all year round, but recently he has often stopped taking medicine willfully, resulting in a decline in resistance, which is also part of the reason. In short, it is not all your problem. "

The housekeeper was kind enough to comfort him, but Jiang Ning felt even more guilty, and asked in a low voice, "Did he often have a fever like this before?"

"Before?" The housekeeper smiled wryly: "In the few years when he was injured, he refused to accept his fate and tossed non-stop. In the past two years..."

The butler didn't continue talking.

After the private doctor left, the housekeeper sent him out.

Because there was no taxi here at night, the housekeeper drove him off and asked Jiang Ning to watch the young master for a while.

Jiang Ning took the alcohol iron plate and lightly pushed the door with his shoulder to enter.

The boy on the bed closed his eyes tightly, gauze could be vaguely seen on the side of his trouser legs, it should have been wrapped with white gauze.

His face was pale, and his jet black hair was messily covering his forehead.

When the boy fell asleep, he lost his coldness, but his lips were still tightly pressed, and there was a sense of fragility between his frowning brows.

Jiang Ning gently placed the iron plate by the bedside, looked up along the needle tube in his right hand, and saw that there were two bottles of medicine after finishing this bottle.

"I'm sorry." Jiang Ning couldn't help saying.

She reached out and touched the boy's forehead, it was so hot.

Jiang Ning felt a little guilty, and decided to take responsibility, and leave after Yan Yixie's fever subsides.

She left the room, called Lan Zhenzhen and Zheng Ruonan respectively, and told Zheng Ruonan that she was reviewing her homework at Lan Zhenzhen's house tonight and would go back a little later.

Before Jiang Ning often played at a good friend's house, Zheng Ruonan didn't say anything, but just told her a few words.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Ning went back to the room.

She sat on the carpet next to her, lying on the edge of the bed, waiting for the boy's fever to subside as soon as possible.

Yan Yixie, who had a high fever, once again fell into his nightmare.

He became distraught, not sure if it was from the bouts of burning heat or from feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness from the past.

He seemed to have fallen into the extreme darkness, and that frightening nightmare was repeated again and again, and he seemed to have stepped into an infinite loop, never finding a way out.

Because of the legs that can never stand up, all his dreams are deprived, he can never run, skydive, ski, surf like a normal person...

His world becomes black and white and he loses his right to the future.

Everyone can imagine what the future will be like, but he can only face the pale walls of the hospital day after day, trying to accept that he will become a disabled person with crippled legs.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, the relatives he was most familiar with told him guiltily that it was a pity that such an accident happened because they did not protect him. .

They can only train a new heir, send him here, and give him a lot of money.

Did he not hate it

Did he not despair

But so what, once it becomes weak, it can only be abandoned.

What's more, he became a cripple.

crippled. crippled. crippled.

The nightmare was like a chain, tightly strangling Yan Yixie's throat, he couldn't breathe in the nightmare, and kept running.

But at the end, opening that door, is never going to be any way out.

It was the expressions of his parents covering their mouths in astonishment after they followed the doctor to lift up his trouser legs and saw his ugly scarred legs.

After that day, he was waived.

The boy's face became paler and paler on the bed, and he was covered in sweat.

Suddenly, his eyelids twitched and he opened his eyes suddenly.

Like a cub that has stepped on the trap many times and no longer trusts anyone, he viciously clamped the hand that fell on his forehead.

Jiang Ning was startled, her wrist hurt.

The alcohol tablet in her hand that wiped his forehead fell onto Yan Yixie's pillow: "What's wrong?"

As if realizing that it was her, the hatred in Yan Yixie's eyes slowly dissipated.

He woke up a little and let go of her hand.

The light fell into his eyes, and he looked at her quietly, trying his best to break free from the hostility of the nightmare.

His dark forehead hair hung between his eyebrows, and he didn't say a word.

"Is it better? Are you having a nightmare?" Jiang Ning picked up the alcohol pad and asked.

Yan Yixie stared at her, his voice hoarse after fever: "Why are you still here?"

Jiang Ning said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have joked with you."

Yan Yixie looked at her: "It's okay."

If only his legs were good, it wasn't supposed to be like that.

He will save her from the river.

And not lying in bed like a piece of crap.

The powerlessness and pain in the dream seemed to come to reality.

Yan Yixie suddenly turned away, looked to the other side, and said to Jiang Ning indifferently: "If you have nothing to do, go back early."

Jiang Ning was still worried, and said in a low voice: "The doctor asked me to help change the medicine before leaving, but the housekeeper has gone out, can I help change it?"

Yan Yixie was drowsy, didn't hear clearly, just frowned and said: "I'm fine, you go back."

Jiang Ning only thought that he was not sober, picked up the gauze to be changed, and gently moved over to lift his injured ankle.

However, the moment the trouser legs were raised, Jiang Ning involuntarily opened his eyes wide.

What a pair of scarred leg bones that people can't imagine at all!

Wrapped in skin that was so pale that it didn't look like a normal person, there were scars everywhere. Although he had already healed, he could still imagine the blood dripping at that time.

At first glance, it is shocking, powerless and fragile.

Jiang Ning's heart was twisted hard, and his voice was trembling involuntarily: "This is..." What happened in that accident

Yan Yixie didn't feel anything below his calves, and he didn't feel Jiang Ning pulling up his trouser legs.

When he heard Jiang Ning's startled voice, he suddenly realized something and turned his head abruptly.

His head buzzed.

Did she see it

Yan Yixie's blood rushed to his head, he said angrily: "What are you doing?"

At this moment, he hardly dared to look at the expression on Jiang Ning's face.

It seemed that the ugliest and hideous part of his body was seen by the person he least wanted to see. He couldn't imagine whether her face was as surprised, sympathetic, or...disgusted as others.

Yan Yixie struggled violently.

Jiang Ning had never seen him resist himself so much, so he took a step back and said, "The doctor said you need to change your medicine every hour. I just wanted to help..."

She saw it.

"You go out." Yan Yixie interrupted her in a deep voice.

Jiang Ning tried his best to get the picture just now out of his mind.

She collected herself and said, "I'm just helping to change the medicine. If you get used to the housekeeper, I'll call him over."

Yan Yixie felt that his self-esteem was shattered in an instant.

He took a deep breath, clenched his fists tightly, did not look at Jiang Ning's expression, and tried to calm down: "Don't come again."

Jiang Ning asked in amazement: "Why?"

The boy said coldly, "I don't want to see you."

Jiang Ning only thought he had a fever and was talking nonsense, but Jiang Ning was still a little hurt... It seemed that the relationship suddenly fell to the original point.

She said: "But these days, we have become friends, aren't we very happy?"

"Happy? Only you are happy." Yan Yixie said.

Jiang Ning was taken aback.

Yan Yixie sarcastically said: "What do you think you've been doing recently? Seeing that I'm pitiful, so you came to save me? I don't need sympathy, let alone you running to rescue me! Do you think this is some kind of housekeeping game, and you Are you helping a disabled person?"

At this moment, the boy hated him deeply, but he became more and more shattered.

He said: "Seeing my legs, they can't walk, they can't even stand, you must have a deep understanding of what disability is."

Yes, she lifted up his trouser legs, showing the astonished expressions that those people had shown. Even if he didn't drive her away, she would abandon him like those people.

Might as well leave yourself a little bit of poor self-esteem.

Jiang Ning opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But the boy's tone was so cold that he couldn't be more cold. He said, "Don't you know how much trouble you have caused me? You helped me, and I helped you too."

"It's settled, I hope you don't show up again."

After an unknown amount of time, the room finally returned to dead silence.

It was as quiet as if no one had been here, Yan Yixie was the only one from the beginning to the end.

The silence was... scary.

Yan Yixie was lying on the bed alone, his forehead hair was soaked with sweat, he looked at the ceiling, the sharpness and thorns in his eyes receded, and gradually became dazed.

He couldn't help clenching his hands into fists, and beat his unconscious leg hard. Why would you be disabled

The boy thought, after this night, Jiang Ning probably won't come again.

That's fine, cut the mess quickly, he wanted to drive her away a long time ago.

This is much better than waiting for her to disappear after he starts to breed hope.

And the next day, Jiang Ning did not show up again.