The Sick and Gloomy Bamboo Horse Was Stunned by My Kiss

Chapter 5: Did I tell you to throw it away?


Yan Yixie frowned and stared at the girl at his feet for a while, his expression was a little strange, but he was still as cold as ice, and ignored her.

He pushed the wheelchair directly, bypassed Jiang Ning, and went down the courtyard like a bunch of irrelevant garbage.

Jiang Ning quickly got up from the carpet by the door: "Have you had breakfast?"

"I brought sandwiches." Jiang Ning opened the schoolbag on his back as if showing off some treasure, carefully took out two ham sandwiches wrapped in plastic wrap and handed them over, with a smile on his face: "I made it myself Yes, I got up in the morning and fiddled with it for a long time, and the taste is very good!"

Yan Yixie sat on the wheelchair, looked up at her, and said nothing.

The courtyard, deep in the weeds, was dead silent.

Jiang Ning glanced at the pale and gloomy young man, and then at the unsmiling butler standing under the eaves. For a moment, he suspected that he was facing two sculptures.

She paused, took out two more eggs, and continued to explain in a passionate tone: "Wow! Congratulations to this contestant for guessing correctly, there are two boiled eggs in the schoolbag! There are actually two boiled eggs! I originally wanted to keep it for myself! But seeing how smart you are, I will give it to you as a mystery egg!"

Yan Yixie's expression began to change a bit.

Jiang Ning was overjoyed, and was about to continue talking to himself, when he saw him looking at him like a fool.

Jiang Ning: "..."

Yan Yixie glanced at the egg and sandwich in her hand, and said in a cold tone, "Tell her what I had for breakfast."

The butler under the eaves said apologetically to Jiang Ning: "The young master doesn't eat such food from roadside stalls for breakfast. His breakfast usually consists of foie gras stewed glutinous rice balls, cheese truffles, secret Atlantic rose salmon, French milk sweet rice porridge, Subiriya rice stewed pine mushrooms…”

Jiang Ning: "..." Oh! Then you are amazing! Don't be afraid to die!

Seeing that the atmosphere was stagnant for a moment, the butler took the initiative to take the homemade sandwich from Jiang Ning's hand, and said, "Student Jiang, would you like to come in and have some? There are still a few dishes that the young master hasn't touched, and they are still hot."

He was much more kind than when we first met yesterday, and when Jiang Ning looked over, he even gave a friendly smile.

The boy in the wheelchair's face darkened, and he said sullenly, "Don't make any claims."

Jiang Ning has memories of his previous life, so he is not afraid of Yan Yixie, knowing that he looks cold, like a devil overlooking all living beings from above, but he also has a soft and fragile side.

So she looked at the butler expectantly: "Okay! Can I go in? I especially like eating pine mushrooms, and I like other things too. Suck it."

This year, the Jiang family was barely able to live in a well-to-do life. They ate ordinary meals at home. Even during the Chinese New Year, they would not be able to eat this kind of big meal. Of course, Jiang Ning didn't mind if he could have a meal.

What's more, Yan Yixie lived in such a big old castle, he must be very rich, and the chef was also hired first-class, hearing the name of the dishes made him hungry.

However, without the young master's permission, the housekeeper didn't dare to bring Jiang Ning in.

He glanced at the young master's indifferent back, sighed, and looked at Jiang Ning in embarrassment: "How about another day?"

Listening to the conversation between the two behind him, Yan Yixie laughed angrily, this little girl dared to cheat to eat and drink.

"There is no other day." Yan Yixie turned the wheelchair, turned and stared at Jiang Ning coldly: "What are you doing here?"

Jiang Ning didn't hesitate at all: "Didn't you say that, we are a school, we are on the way, I want to go to school with you."

Yan Yixie examined her, his eyes were as sharp as a knife on a snow mountain: "Are you short of money?"


Jiang Ning froze for a moment.

Only then did he realize what he was saying.

Suddenly, she felt a little uncomfortable. In the past ten years of her life, the people who approached him were all for money.

She whispered, "I didn't come to you for money."

"That's good." The boy's tone was cold and firm: "I don't have the habit of giving charity to beggars anytime and anywhere."

His pale face was full of sarcasm: "If you lack pocket money, go to your adult, if you need a teasing playmate, go to your school friends, don't put any thought on me, you will get nothing."

Jiang Ning: "..."

Under the eaves, the housekeeper looked at the girl standing there dumbfounded, and felt a lot of sweat for the young master in his heart.

The young master gritted his teeth and lived alone since he was a child, driving away everyone who approached like a lone wolf. This is his way of life. A thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl is still a little girl, and she will definitely be scared to cry by him.

The butler couldn't help but take a step forward, a little worried that Jiang Ning turned away angrily.

However, the girl did not leave.

She regained her composure, and the morning sun shone through the gaps in the leaves and sprinkled on her side face, casting a light layer of light on her fair skin.

She looked at Yan Yixie, sincere and... gentle, and said: "I just want to be your friend... Is this considered tempting?"

The housekeeper froze for a moment.

He subconsciously looked at the young master, but the young master didn't even lift his eyelids, his side face was as indifferent as a stone statue, but his finger bones clasped on the armrest slightly exerted force.

"Friends can also do it unilaterally. It doesn't matter if you don't treat me as a friend, I just treat you as a friend." Jiang Ning smiled again: "Since we are friends, we have to start by visiting."

Yan Yixie raised his eyes and looked at her fixedly.

Jiang Ning looked back at him without blinking, trying to make her smile brighter and more friendly.

Then Yan Yixie turned to the housekeeper without hesitation and said, "Next time I find someone trespassing on a private house, break her leg."

Jiang Ning: "..." This weird and gloomy little Denny is really difficult to deal with!

Fearing that Yan Yixie would really break her leg, and that if she continued to dawdle, she would be late, Jiang Ning could only give up and continue to persuade Yan Yixie to be friends with her.

She quickly ran towards the carved fence, waving her hands without looking back while running: "I'll come back tomorrow! Think about it, do you want to be friends with me tomorrow!"

Running too fast and acting aggressively, he accidentally tripped over the overgrown weeds, Jiang Ning's face turned pale, and he almost cried in pain.

But soon she got up again, patted the ashes on the schoolbag, and disappeared into the bushes like a flying bright yellow rabbit.

After she left, the villa seemed to be robbed of its vitality in an instant, and fell silent.

There are no unnecessary sounds, only the occasional lifeless bird call.

In fact, it is usually like this, but when there is a sound in the villa, it returns to dead silence, which makes people feel particularly uncomfortable.

The butler walked behind Yan Yixie and handed him the black long-handled umbrella.

Yan Yixie took it without saying a word.

The butler hesitated for a while before saying: "This little girl... There are too many weeds here, she must have fallen more than once when walking through, I saw her ankles were scratched a few times."

Yan Yixie thought of the moment when she got up in front of her just now, a small piece of ankle exposed under the trousers, slender and lonely, with a few thin bloodstains, like scratches on snow lotus roots.

His face suddenly became a little ugly.

The butler saw that he lowered his eyes, and the thick eyelashes covered his eyes, making it difficult to see his expression clearly. The butler couldn't figure out his thoughts, so he glanced at the sandwich and boiled eggs in his hand, so he had no choice but to go to the trash can at the entrance throw away.

"What?" Yan Yixie asked.

The housekeeper said: "If the young master doesn't want it, I'll throw it away."

Yan Yixie didn't speak, and the butler continued to walk towards the trash can, but before he had taken two steps, the sound of a wheelchair came, Yan Yixie passed by him, and easily snatched the sandwich from his hand.

"Did I tell you to throw it away?"