The Sick and Gloomy Bamboo Horse Was Stunned by My Kiss

Chapter 62: This is whether there are zippers on the clothes and there are


Jiang Ning didn't know how to persuade Zheng Ruonan, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious. It would be better to buy nothing like in his previous life if he bought an unfinished building.

At that time, one or two million yuan will be in vain, but it will be over.

Over one million yuan this year is not a small amount. The most expensive real estate in Haishi is only six to seven thousand yuan per unit price, but it will rise to more than one hundred thousand and one square meters in ten years.

Although Zheng Ruonan has a keen sense of business, she is a bit of a herd mentality. The neighbors in the hutong, including Aunt Xu, who have some spare money, plan to invest in the real estate by the sea. Wang, the future will only make money but not lose money.

Seeing that Jiang Ning could not convince her for the time being, she had to finish the meal in a muffled voice.

Fortunately, Zheng Ruonan is more cautious in his work, and has no brains to pay the deposit. Zheng Ruonan also plans to go to a few real estate inspections, so there is still room for maneuver.

Jiang Ning began to rack her brains to recall what happened in her previous life in early December 2006. For her, it was eight years ago, and her memory was naturally completely blurred.

But it's okay if you can't figure it out, if Zheng Ruonan really doesn't listen to the persuasion, and buys an unfinished building, it will be over.

Therefore, after school these days, she wore a thick down jacket, pulled Yan Yixie and asked the housekeeper to drive them around the whole Haishi, trying to think of something through the familiar street scene.

Yan Yixie didn't know what Jiang Ning wanted to do again, Jiang Ning always thought of what happened once, and his brain circuit was unusual, but he didn't mind staying with her for a while after school, so he let her Send the butler to drive around the city.

A black luxury car drove slowly on the street. The fair-skinned, expensive-as-gold young man rested his head with his hands on his head, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

The girl with a ball head and white wrists and snow skin was pulling on the car window, seizing the opportunity to look out.

At last she remembered something of what had happened in early December.

On a Friday in early December, a girl clothing store suddenly opened in the city center. She vaguely remembered that an embarrassing incident happened in that store. Father Jiang took her and Jiang Rourou to the store to buy clothes after school. Clothes, the two quarreled in the store, and then she poured Coke on Jiang Rourou in a hurry, and was reprimanded by Jiang's father for a long time after returning home.

She cried secretly and wrote a diary for several days, all about that incident.

This incident really impressed Jiang Ning, because after being scolded by Jiang's father, she fell seriously ill and was hospitalized for several days.

Jiang Ning remembered this incident, and when he got home, he quickly told Zheng Ruonan that there would be a girls' clothing store opening on Qingzhu Street next Friday.

Zheng Ruonan naturally didn't believe it, but Jiang Ning told her several times, at breakfast and at dinner, and would climb into her bed at night before going to bed, and repeat it to her.

Her ears could only be cocooned by this girl's reading, so she had to find time to ask her assistant to go to Qingzhu Street to see if there was really such a store about to open.

"Not at all. The assistant asked the surrounding shops, and they all said that they didn't get any news about changing shops, Ning Ning." Zheng Ruonan called at noon and said helplessly to Jiang Ning: "It's just a dream. It’s all the opposite, have you been under a lot of pressure from studying recently and didn’t sleep well?”

Jiang Ning still vowed to Zheng Ruonan: "Mom, you trust me, and I'll see you next Friday."

"..." Zheng Ruonan hung up the phone, and began to think about whether to take Jiang Ning to the hospital and prescribe some sleep-helping drugs such as Anshen Bunao Liquid.

She was worried about the great changes in her family, and she hadn't paid attention to Jiang Ning for a while, which caused Jiang Ning to be dreamy and easy to wake up, and became obsessed.

All in all, Zheng Ruonan didn't believe what Jiang Ning said.

As a result, on Friday, the assistant went to Qingzhu Street, and when he came back, he said that a store there was bought overnight and replaced it with a clothing store, and the ribbon-cutting for the opening is now in progress.

Zheng Ruonan didn't believe it, and even drove there in person, only to find that what the assistant said was true. And there is no discrepancy with what Jiang Ning said, the newly opened store sells girls' clothing, and there is a relatively new style of denim dress hanging on the shelf on the right after entering the door.

... Jiang Ning even mentioned the details of the denim dress.

Zheng Ruonan then felt it was strange, and called Jiang Ning into the room at night.

Jiang Ning was really afraid that her mother would be scared to death when the details were right. Foretelling the future only happened in movies, and if it happened in real life, it wouldn't scare people stupid.

But fortunately, Zheng Ruonan didn't think that she had a foreknowledge, but only superstitiously thought that her grandfather had a dream or something.

This kind of thing happens to everyone occasionally, and one day I suddenly feel that a certain scene seems similar, as if it happened before.

People in this era are somewhat superstitious. Jiang Ning followed Zheng Ruonan's words and said: "I don't remember too much. I just dreamed that the real estate by the sea will be unfinished in the future, and the neighbors around will lose a lot. In the dream, our family did not If you buy it, there is no loss, but in the future, the house price will skyrocket, and our family will not take this car."

"It's just a dream. It must be because you have been thinking about changing houses at home. You have been thinking about it day and night, so you dreamed it. And dreams and reality are usually opposite. Maybe mom sees The building by the seaside in China will be a high-priced real estate in the future.”

Zheng Ruonan said so, but he felt a little conflicted about the seaside building in his heart.

It is unlucky to be dreamed of being ruined before buying it.

Jiang Ning simply didn't know how to persuade her. In fact, if it was her own, if her teenage daughter came to her and told her that the real estate was going to be ruined before she planned to buy a house, she would not believe it, she would just think that her daughter didn't like the real estate and was making trouble.

Jiang Ning suddenly said: "Mom, do you still remember that I asked you to go for a physical examination three months ago?"

Zheng Ruonan stroked Jiang Ning's head: "Remember, what's wrong?"

Suddenly, Jiang Ning's eyes turned red, and he said, "That's because I dreamed that you had been working hard and didn't go to the hospital for an examination. By the time the malignant tumor was detected, it was already too late."

Zheng Ruonan saw that Jiang Ning's eyes were red, and her heart was broken, so she pulled her over, wrapped her in her arms, patted her on the back, and comforted her: "No, mom will grow white hair again, look at her How can you get sick when you are married?"

"Then just trust me once." Jiang Ning held Zheng Ruonan's hand and said, "It's fine if you don't buy the real estate at Jingxiu, maybe you are destined not to be so lucky, but you must not buy the so-called building king by the seaside." .”

"Okay, I won't buy it." Zheng Ruonan looked at Jiang Ning hesitantly, and finally agreed after a long time.

In this kind of matter, listening to a child is indeed a bit hasty, but Jiang Ning repeatedly nagged in Zheng Ruonan's ear that Lou Wang would be unfinished, which caused her to have some resistance to Lou Wang.

At worst, I will still live here, and I will not buy a set.

Putting excess money in the bank is the least risky way.

Zheng Ruonan thought so, and in the end he didn't buy the Seaside Mansion King whose neighbors had paid the down payment, nor did he buy the Jingxiu real estate that Jiang Ning said would become the center of the new CBD in the future.

To be on the safe side, as guardians, they bought Jiang Ning and Jiang Fan each a set of school district houses next to the old Henggao campus in the city center.

Buying a house in this school district is not worth it now, because the house price is almost the highest in the city, as high as 8,000. Zheng Ruonan bought two sets of 200 square meters of large flats, and the down payment for the two sets is only 1 million.

After paying the deposit, the neighbors in the Hutong all told Zheng Ruonan that she was really at a loss. The price here has reached the peak, and it is almost a dream to increase the price in the future.

She managed to save some money in her hand, and she lost half of it all at once.

There were also people who laughed at why Zheng Ruonan was so confused about this kind of thing, now that he's healed, he can't catch up with the bus from Haihai Louwang.

Zheng Ruonan didn't reason. She felt that even if the housing in the school district wouldn't go up too much, it wouldn't be a loss. It was a moderate choice.

Jiang Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine if Zheng Ruonan didn't buy Jingxiu, their family might just be destined to be rich, so they can't force it.

The room in the school district next to Henggao is indeed not as good as Jingxiu in the future, but it will rise to 90,000 square meters in the future. Two houses of 200 square meters will cost 30 to 40 million yuan in seven or eight years, which is worse anyway. The poop is much better.

During this period, neighbors in two alleys followed suit and bought the so-called Louwang.

Jiang Ning wanted to stop her, but just persuading Zheng Ruonan was already so difficult, even if she thought about it, the neighbors might think that she was talking nonsense like a little girl.

At Xu Mingyi's house, Zheng Ruonan didn't know what he had said to Xu's mother. Anyway, Xu's mother also gave up the seaside real estate.

The two are among a group of old Hutong residents who plan to buy a house, the only ones who have not followed suit.

That's how things ended.

Jiang Fan has no right to express opinions in this family. When he found out, Zheng Ruonan had already completed all the formalities and only notified him.

Jiang Fan: "..."

When Jiang Ning talked about this with Yan Yixie at school, the boy asked thoughtfully, "Are you short of money?"

Jiang Ning choked for a moment, waved his hand and said, "There is no shortage of money, but you see, my mother's company has a turnover of about one million a year, and the net profit is about two million." More than 100,000 yuan. In the past, the six members of my family relied on this expenditure. Although food and clothing can be worry-free, it is not easy to save some money. Moreover, my mother’s company is not stable, and there is nothing to do these days. A particularly stable industry, what if it goes bankrupt in the future? If you take advantage of the low housing prices and buy a few more houses, you can realize tens of millions in the future. At least it will allow my mother to retire early and give her a pension so that she will no longer be tired …”

Speaking of which, Jiang Ning looked at the boy with righteous indignation: "Of course rich people like you can't understand."

There is a wall between "rich" and "rich".

Jiang Ning's family and Xu Mingyi's family are rich, and they are well-off families who can buy hundreds of dollars of clothes without blinking an eye. But the rich family of the eccentric young master in front of him is a blood-thick monster family who can buy an old castle without blinking an eye.

Yan Yixie changed the subject and asked, "What real estate did you want to buy?"

"Jingxiu." Jiang Ning lay on the table, scribing fingers on the tabletop, and said to him: "Jingxiu's apartment is very good, but there are risks. If the house price does not rise by then, the money will be lost." It’s not much better than buying an unfinished building. My mother chose a more conservative real estate, which is understandable.”

The boy seemed to ask casually: "Isn't it good to live by the clean seaside?"

Jiang Ning saw that he was wearing a dark green sweater under his down jacket today, and the silver zipper on the collar was flickering, so he couldn't help tugging at his zipper cheaply.

The zipper was rattling by her.

Yan Yixie was used to Jiang Ning's restless attempts to grab something, so he glanced at her, ignored her, and continued with his homework.

"The seaside is too humid. Actually, I don't like it very much. If you have a villa on the mountainside where you can see the sea, that would be great, but my family can't afford it. Besides, I still like places that are more lively."

Jiang Ning crookedly leaned against him like a boneless person, picked at his zipper, lay on the table to watch him do his homework, and said, "But your house is gloomy, and I don't like it too much. I want a fireplace, Huge tens of square meters of cloakroom, dance practice room, and a place full of life, where you can buy all kinds of delicious roadside stalls. Then get up together—”

Jiang Ning almost said that he would go downstairs to have breakfast with you after waking up.

But before the words were spoken, the rationality came back, and it was swallowed in an instant.

She was so scared to death that she almost said it accidentally, how strange it would be if Yan Yixie found out that he was in her future plans right now.

"What do you do when you get up together?" The boy asked seemingly casually, but the tip of his pen paused imperceptibly.

"When I get out of bed, I lick the cat." Jiang Ning stuck out his tongue and successfully brought the topic back.

Yan Yixie asked without expression: "Is this the only ambition you have?"

Jiang Ning looked at him with his head propped up, and said, "Otherwise, this kind of life is already very happy."

In her previous life, Jiang Ning had gone a long way in her career. In this life, she just wants to stay with her family and live every day well.

"Of course there will be future lovers, eat breakfast with me, and pet cats with me."

Yan Yixie lowered her pitch black eyelashes.

She didn't have him in her plans.

Teenagers don't want to think about the future, and they don't want time to pass too fast. Once they grow up, there will be many variables.

She is so good, I will like her in the future, and she will never be disabled.

Yan Yixie suddenly pursed his lips, and took Jiang Ning's hand away from the zipper of his collar: "Be quiet, I haven't finished my homework yet."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Ning rubbed her hands, wondering if it was an illusion, feeling that Yan Yixie seemed a little unhappy.

She muttered: "I will also wear a dress with straps tomorrow, so it's fine if you drag it back."

Is this a question of whether there are zippers or straps on the clothes? Yan Yixie thought in her heart.