The Sick and Gloomy Bamboo Horse Was Stunned by My Kiss

Chapter 74: What are you doing ambiguously


The two slept in one room and one outside, and there were bathrooms inside and outside, so Jiang Ning changed into a bathrobe and wiped her hair after taking a shower, and found that the sliding door of the inside and outside room had been tightly closed by Yan Yixie, leaving no room A little gap.

It's like guarding against wolves.

And she is the wolf that needs to be guarded against.

Facing the thick door panel, Jiang Ning was full of resentment.

… What is the design of a hot chicken hotel, what is the difference between this and sleeping in two rooms? !

The sound insulation of the sliding door is still very good, Jiang Ning sat on the bed for a while, and couldn't hear any movement outside. A door separates the two into two worlds. Jiang Ning suspects that Yan Yixie will leave in the middle of the night or tomorrow morning, and he will not find it.

She was speechless for a while, and couldn't help but walk to the door lightly, held her breath and opened the door a small crack, carefully poking out a peeping head.

Yan Yixie hadn't rested yet, and was sitting behind the desk dealing with things. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows were the distant lights of Wanjia, making his snow-white face extremely cold, and his dark eyes were sharper than Jiang Ning had seen three years ago.

Hearing the movement, he suddenly raised his eyes, glanced at Jiang Ning, and frowned: "What are you doing?"

Jiang Ning pointed to the wall clock on the wall and said, "It's only past eleven o'clock."

It means that it's not her bedtime yet, can she stay outside for a while, it would be even better if she could chat with him.

What fell on Yan Yixie's ears was a bit harsh.

When she was still in high school, Jiang Ning always went to bed very early. If the two of them turned on the audio, she would usually go to bed after ten o'clock.

But three years have passed, and familiar people will become strange.

Yan Yixie turned away his eyes and continued to stare at the computer without looking at her, and sneered: "It's been three years, how do I know your current schedule?"

"..." Jiang Ning was at a loss for words for a while, and then asked without words: "What are you doing, is there anything I can do to help?"

Yan Yi thanked without raising his head, and said: "Thanks to you, I went back and became the heir. Apart from a little bit of work, everything else is pretty good."

Jiang Ning: "..."

Maybe this is just too much nonsense! He couldn't even get a few words into an awkward chat!

Perhaps seeing Jiang Ning standing there stiffly, but making no sound, Yan Yixie looked up at Jiang Ning once again very rarely.

Jiang Ning met his gaze, hurriedly stood up, looked at him expectantly, and waited for him to say something.

Unexpectedly, he said meaningfully: "Didn't you have a fever? It will be fine in ten minutes?"

Jiang Ning: "..."

This flirting with Jiang Ning couldn't go on anymore, she said with an embarrassed smile, "Maybe it's because I sweated a little after taking a shower, and I feel much better now..."

After he finished speaking, he felt that it was inappropriate. If he said that he was ready, would Yan Yixie's next sentence be 'It's finished? well, you can go'

She hastily touched her forehead again, and added, "But it's not much better! I'm still very weak, once I go out, I'm sure I'll faint by the side of the road!"

Would fainting on the side of the road be too much of a stretch? Jiang Ning hurriedly said: "The main reason is that you don't think it's very hot in summer, but the weather forecast says that it will rain heavily tomorrow, and the temperature will definitely drop tonight. After finally stopping sweating, it will definitely get worse when you go out and be blown by the cold wind."

... No, why does speaking like this sound like a green tea speech on Weibo? Jiang Ning hastily added: "Of course, I'm not as weak as I am, I just..."

Yan Yixie stopped what he was doing and looked at her expressionlessly.

Jiang Ning: "..."

"... Then you have a good rest, it's not too late." Jiang Ning tactfully closed the door again.

But this time when he closed the door, Jiang Ning deliberately left a small gap. The gap is not big, but if Jiang Ning sleeps on the other side of the bed, he can see the people outside with a little reach and nod.

After Jiang Ning did this sneakily, thinking that Yan Yixie hadn't noticed, she happily walked inside.

Unexpectedly, within two steps, Yan Yixie's icy voice came: "Close the door."

The smile on Jiang Ning's lips froze: "..."

"In a strange place, I'm a little scared to sleep alone at night..." Jiang Ning said to the outside, but Yan Yixie didn't hear a word after she finished speaking. Reunion, I miss you very much... want to see you more."

This is true.

But Yan Yixie said without any emotion in his tone: "Jiang Ning, do you think I still believe anything you say?"

Jiang Ning was silent.

After a while, she walked over with her head down and closed the small gap.

This time, Yan Yixie's side finally became clean, and he could no longer hear any movement from Jiang Ning's side.

But the disturbed water of the lake has already had ripples, no matter how much you restrain yourself, the ripples still spread out in circles in your heart, making people feel a little dry between the brows.

It's been a long night.

Jiang Ning curled up under the thin quilt. The days of internship in the design institute made her feel very tired, and she couldn't support her eyelids. But she was afraid that once she closed her eyes and fell asleep, when she woke up again, the people in the outer room would have left.

She propped her eyelids with her fingers, trying not to fall asleep.

An idea suddenly popped up in Jiang Ning's mind, Yan Yixie didn't want to tell him his contact information, could he secretly call him with his cell phone, wouldn't he be able to know his phone number

Although doing this was out of character, Jiang Ning thought about it and there was no other better way. It's better than being lost in a sea of people from then on.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help getting off the bed lightly, barefoot, and moved in small steps towards the sliding door.

After walking to the sliding door, he lay down on the ground and looked outside through the crack of the door. At three o'clock in the morning, there was no light outside, so Yan Yixie should have fallen asleep.

Then slowly open the sliding door.

When the sliding door is pushed, the buckle makes a crisp sound. The sound is not loud, but it can be heard very clearly in the silent night.

Jiang Ning was startled and quickly closed his eyes.

But no ironic words came from outside. She opened her eyes and saw that the person on the big bed didn't seem to be woken up.

Jiang Ning breathed a sigh of relief, and once again moved slowly in the darkness with the faint moonlight coming in through the curtains.

Finally, she cautiously groped to the side of Yan Yixie's bed.

She stared at Yan Yixie for a while. Under the moonlight, even when he was asleep, his handsome face looked as inhuman as it was during the day. His brows were slightly wrinkled, and the corners of his lips formed a straight line of displeasure, as if he was not very happy in his sleep.

Jiang Ning had the urge to stretch out his hand to smooth the gap between his brows, but luckily he still had his senses and didn't do that.

Jiang Ning looked around, looking for his mobile phone.

Not by the bedside table, not on the desk... Jiang Ning saw that his mobile phone was next to his pillow.

Jiang Ning was overjoyed, and moved lightly but quickly to the other side of Yan Yixie's bed, leaning over to get his cell phone.

But at this moment, the handsome man in his sleep suddenly turned over.

His left hand just rested on the side of the pillow and landed on the phone.

Jiang Ning: "..."

Jiang Ning stretched out her hand and shook it above his tightly closed eyes, and the shadow of slender fingers fell on his face.

And he didn't move, his crow-feather eyelashes didn't even tremble slightly, and he didn't seem to be awake.

Jiang Ning calmed down a little, and lightly flicked his cell phone.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Yan Yixie suddenly moved again, and his slender fingers seemed to unconsciously grasp the phone.

"...!" Jiang Ning was startled, blood rushed to his brain, and immediately squatted down on the spot.

are you awake? wake up!

It's time to wake up!

… another moment passed.

There was still silence in the air.

Jiang Ning could only hear his heart beating extremely fast because of his guilty conscience.

She took a deep breath and didn't hear any sound, so she dared to poke her head out slowly to see if Yan Yixie was awake.

Look at it this way.

Then he met a pair of handsome eyes.

Yan Yixie half sat up propped on the pillow, lowered his eyes, and looked at her with no expression on his face.

"..." Jiang Ning lost his mind and fell backwards on the carpet.

I didn't bother to explain, and even ran and fled back to the room.

"Bang!" The sliding door was slammed shut by her.

Yan Yixie stared at the door, slowly frowned, not knowing what Jiang Ning was up to.

In fact, he didn't fall asleep for a second all night. She was in the room, so it was no wonder he could sleep. He just lay quietly on the bed thinking about something.

When she opened the sliding door and walked out lightly, he heard him, but he just wanted to see what she was doing quietly.

Unexpectedly, she went to get his mobile phone.

Jiang Ning is not short of money, so he will not want to use his mobile phone to empty the shopping cart. Yan Yixie could only think that she wanted to see if there were other women's contact information or records in his phone.

What the hell.

Yan Yixie couldn't figure out what she wanted to do.

It was she who didn't want him back then, and now it's her who approached him again and pretended to care about him.

It will soon be daylight.

Neither of them slept well, and Yan Yixie was even worse. When he left, his eyes were black and his face was gloomy. The hotel manager downstairs who was trying to greet him shut his mouth tactfully.

Jiang Ning barely fell asleep for a few hours.

When she woke up, she couldn't tell where she was for a moment, got up from the bed with messy long hair, and then suddenly remembered what happened last night, put on her clothes, opened the door and rushed out.

As a result, as expected, the outside was empty and people had already left. The hotel even came for cleaning. The big white bed and marble desk had been tidied up, and there was no temperature left.

Jiang Ningji stood in place pulling his slippers, feeling a moment of loss in his heart.

She changed her clothes, packed her things, and was about to leave, when she suddenly saw two things placed above the shoe cabinet in the outer hallway.

Her heart skipped a beat, she thought Yan Yixie had left her contact information.

Unexpectedly, it was a mobile phone charger and some cash.


Jiang Ning looked under the cash and found a note with three cold words written in strong and forceful words piercing through the paper: taxi fare.

Jiang Ning: "..."

Worse than prostitution. That's a little closer.

Jiang Ning thought for a while, took the charger and cash, and went downstairs. Although she still didn't know Yan Yixie's contact information, she remembered the license plate number of the car last night. And this hotel, he should be a permanent resident. Come and see for yourself tomorrow, he might still be there.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning felt that there was no progress at all, and he felt much more relieved.

She passed the front desk with her bag on her back, and couldn't help leaning over, asking the front desk to convey to Yan Yixie, "Thank you for taking me in".

Then I left my mobile phone number to the front desk and told the front desk that if Mr. Yan has anything to say, please convey it to me in time.

The front desk should have Yan Yixie's driver's contact information, which can be passed to Yan Yixie's ears.

Jiang Ning still has class, so he can't stay long.

At noon, she received a reply message from the front desk.

"Mr. Yan said: You're welcome, as you said, it's just a small favor for a friend from the past, so don't think too much about it."

Even though the front desk thoughtfully changed "you" to "you", it still couldn't hide Yan Yixie's coldness.

Although Jiang Ning felt a little disappointed, she knew that this would be a long battle, so she didn't give up. Make persistent efforts to ask the front desk to help convey: "Help me ask Mr. Yan if he is free tomorrow. In order to be grateful, I would like to invite him to dinner."

Front desk: "OK."

After a while, the front desk said: "Mr. Yan said that he is not free tomorrow."

Jiang Ning asked again: "What about the day after tomorrow?"

Front desk: "I'm not free the day after tomorrow."

Jiang Ning persevered: "What about the day after tomorrow?"

Front desk: "Daddy and the day after tomorrow are not free."

Jiang Ning: "... what about next month?"

Front desk: "I won't be free next month either."

In class, Jiang Ning frowned while staring at the phone screen full of rejection words.

The professor who was lecturing seemed to glance at her, and she quickly put away her phone.

Although playing with mobile phones is not very important in college classes, everyone who sleeps is sleeping, and those who play games are playing games, but Jiang Ning chose this professor's topic for her graduation thesis. She has always been attentive, and the professor has a good impression of her . She didn't want to lose her impression points, so she didn't get distracted in the next two classes.

And over there, in the meeting room.

When everyone saw Yan Shao's driver calling, Yan Shao frowned in annoyance.

But after a full two hours, he didn't see the driver call him again, but he was not only upset, but his face was directly clouded.


What is this for

Those who didn't know thought he was having an affair with the driver.

During the last class, Jiang Ning's phone in the pocket of her denim skirt vibrated suddenly.

She took it out and looked down.

For the first time, the front desk asked her: "I don't know why you ask so many questions?"

Was this asked by the front desk or by Yan Yixie

Jiang Ning couldn't tell for a while.

She felt that Yan Yixie would not take the initiative to ask herself questions. This should be asked by the guy at the front desk.

So Jiang Ning quickly typed: "Chasing him."

"Thank you brother, I will treat you to dinner after the matter is completed."

In the conference room, the temperature didn't seem to be that low again.