The Six Immortals

Chapter 1: Ten Thousand Snakes Cave 1


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The first volume emerges

Chapter 1 Ten Thousand Snake Cave

Tianyu World, Qingyang Mountain, shrouded in rain and fog, the fairy mountain is like a dream, and the green shade is like a painting.

A weak figure was busy in the medicine garden, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his hands from time to time. He is Bi Fan. [

Looking at his thin body makes people feel very pitiful. Unfortunately, no one here will sympathize with him.

Bi Fan was an orphan since he was a child. He was adopted by a bad old man from Qingyang Gate in Qingyang Mountain who was looking after the medicine garden. He had no idea what kind of people his parents were.

The bad old man’s surname was Bi, so he also adopted the surname Bi.

Today, Bi Fan has wasted fourteen years. Due to malnutrition, he looks only eleven or twelve years old.

The bad old man who adopted Bi Fan the year before last passed away, and Bi Fan's life became even more difficult.

The status of the medicine boy in the medicine garden is very low, no better than the aunt who sweeps the floor and the aunt who cooks.

In contrast, medicine boys in medicine gardens need to have certain professional knowledge, have heavy tasks and are under great pressure.

If you fail to complete the task, you will be punished, and all the benefits you deserve may be cancelled, and your work will be in vain.

When the old man was still there, he could occasionally complete tasks and get some rewards, including pills such as the Strengthening Pill.

Bi Fan had seen the body-building pill, but he didn't have the blessing to use it.

Every time the bad old man gets a body-building pill, he has to give it to Zhu San, who manages the medicine garden, just in the hope that he will be less troubled in the coming year.

The old man didn't treat Bi Fan well, he just treated him like a servant and called him around.

But as soon as the bad old man left, Bi Fan's troubles ensued. Not only did Zhu San make things difficult for him, but other drug boys also bullied him wantonly.

"Bi Fan, help me take care of this Eupatorium plant. If there are any problems, you can take care of them." This was relatively gentle.

"Silly man, Bai Zhihua is left to you. If something goes wrong, you will know!"

Bi Fan was skinny and silent, and was called "idiot" by other medicine boys. This was his first nickname.

In fact, Bi Fan is not stupid at all, nor can he speak. It's just that pretending to be stupid can save him from suffering.

One day, Bi Fan helped a medicine boy named Daniu take care of a red fruit plant and accidentally broke a leaf.

After Daniu learned about this, he ran to Bi Fan's medicine garden in a hurry. [

"Idiot, what did I tell you? If you cause any damage to Zhu Guo, I will destroy your arm."

With that said, Daniel pounced on Bi Fan so fast that Bi Fan had no time to dodge. One of his arms was grabbed by Daniel's thick and powerful hand.

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