The Six Immortals

Chapter 100: Dead Companion and Immortal Master 2


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"It's so comfortable!" Bi Fan groaned.

The dragon marten was always guarding him not far away, but he didn't dare to sleep in Bi Fan's arms like before.

Bi Fan waved his hand: "Glutty Mink, come to me, that Heisi won't appear. If Heisi wanted to kill you, you would have ceased to exist."

Long Diao understood Bi Fan's words, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to believe Bi Fan and jumped on his shoulder. [

The dragon and the mink looked east and west, fearing that the black silk would appear, and were ready to escape at any time. They looked very cautious, which was very funny.

After a long time, the black silk stockings did not reappear, so Long Diao relaxed his tense nerves and rested on Bi Fan's shoulder.

Bi Fan calmed down the dragon and the marten and prepared to find the evil fire snake and lion to continue training alone.

After Bi Fan left, the Evil Fire Snake Lion went back and vented his anger on food, eating the whole rhinoceros.

As soon as it returned to the cave, it found that the evil fire poisonous lotus that had been guarding it for hundreds of years was missing.

Suddenly, the Evil Fire Snake Lion thought of Bi Fan and hated Bi Fan to his core.

When Bi Fan arrived, the Evil Fire Snake Lion was sleeping soundly and was awakened.

The Evil Fire Snake Lion immediately became furious and roared out. When he found out it was Bi Fan, he became even more furious.

Without any explanation, the Evil Fire Snake Lion pounced directly on Bi Fan and launched a fierce attack.

Long Diao had long been hiding in the woods, and Bi Fan used the improved Qingyang Fufeng Sword Technique, which became even more powerful.

Although, his attacks still can't do anything to the Evil Fire Snake Lion. The frequency of hitting the Evil Fire Snake Lion is much higher, and the pain caused to the Evil Fire Snake Lion is naturally greater.

"Boom!" The Evil Fire Snake Lion was really angry and actually crashed into Bi Fan.

Bi Fan dodged and the Evil Fire Snake Lion hit the big tree, causing the tree to break.

"What a powerful force!" Bi Fan exclaimed.

No matter in terms of strength or physical toughness, Bi Fan is inferior to the Evil Fire Snake and Lion. His victory was due to his flexible movement and the use of favorable circumstances to tangle with evil fire snakes and lions.

Bi Fan was always entangled with the Evil Fire Snake Lion at close quarters, so that the Evil Fire Snake Lion's snake tail could not play any role, but was in the way.

Relatively speaking, the evil fire snake lion's most powerful thing is its snake tail. The poisonous tail has no effect, and the evil fire snake lion's combat effectiveness is only half.

The evil fire snake and lion got more and more angry as they fought, but Bi Fan was always unable to do anything.

Bi Fan became stronger and stronger, his various moves became smoother and smoother, and his whole body was filled with joy. [

"The second form of the Dragon Soaring Tiger Roaring Fist, the tiger roars across the rivers!" Bi Fan roared, transforming into a tiger, condensing all the strength in his body into a fist, and punched the evil fire snake and lion.