The Six Immortals

Chapter 14: The alluring beauty 2


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"Which part of Qingyang Clan are you from? Why do you want to come to Back Mountain?"

Bi Fan hesitated, not knowing how to explain.

"My lady asked you something, why don't you answer it quickly?" The girl with the sword in her hand had a fierce look on her face.

Bi Fan told the story truthfully: "The villain is a medicine boy who manages the medicine garden. Because he failed to complete his task, he was seriously injured and comatose by Zhu San, who managed the medicine garden. When he woke up, he found himself in the back mountain." [

He did not mention Ten Thousand Snakes Cave, nor could he.

The tall woman stared at Bi Fan and asked, "You didn't lie?"

"No, please be careful, Miss!"

"Looking at your clear eyes, you shouldn't be lying. Besides, if I go back and inquire a little about this matter, I'll know the whole story." The tall woman said, "What's your name?"

"The villain Bi Fan."

"Come back to Qingyang Gate with us. If you don't lie, you will stay at Jade Girl Peak and help me take care of the medicine garden."

When Bi Fan heard about Jade Girl Peak, he was immediately shocked.

Jade Girl Peak is the place of training for Yu Siyan, the daughter of Yu Qingyang, the leader of Qingyang Sect. No one is allowed to enter Jade Girl Peak without Yu Siyan's permission.

The young lady in front of me is Yu Siyan, the daughter of the master of Qingyang Clan. Bi Fan had already guessed it.

Yu Siyan is not only the most beautiful person in the country, but also the top genius of the younger generation of Qingyang Sect. She has also become a disciple of Xuannv Gong, one of the nine righteous sects today.

Yu Siyan practices in Xuannv Palace all year round and returns to Qingyang Mountain once a year.

It was his supreme honor that Bi Fan could meet Yu Siyan here.

"Miss, do you really want to take him to Jade Girl Peak?" The girl named Xiaofeng was a little anxious. She was worried about Bi Fan.

Yu Siyan said: "Xiaofeng, after you go back, check Bi Fan's situation and don't make it public."

"Yes! Miss."

Bi Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief, having passed Yu Siyan's test. As long as you can go up to Jade Girl Peak, you won’t have to worry about anyone checking your identity in the future.

As for Zhu San and the other drug boys, Bi Fan had no intention of letting them go. Sooner or later, all the suffering he had suffered would have to be paid back to them.

"Let's go back to Jade Girl Peak."

Yu Siyan and Yu Siyan were moving very fast, seemingly swaying on their lotus steps, but Bi Fan could barely keep up by running with all his strength. [

Bi Fan knew that there was a huge gap in strength between him and the two girls.

Yu Siyan slowly quickened her pace. Seeing that Bi Fan could barely keep up, she nodded with satisfaction.

She asked Bi Fan to go to Jade Girl Peak with her not just on a whim, but because she felt that Bi Fan had something extraordinary about him, but she couldn't put it into words.

Yu Siyan left Bi Fan at Jade Girl Peak so that she could keep track of his every move in the future.

Qingyang Mountain is not a big mountain, but includes hundreds of peaks. The main peak, Qingyang Mountain, is the headquarters of the Qingyang Sect and the place where the masters of the Qingyang Sect practice.

Jade Girl Peak is 1,500 meters high, with emerald green shade, chirping birds, fragrant flowers, flocks of cranes, and rich aura. It is an excellent place for meditation.

Following the winding path, we soon reached the top of Yunv Peak.

There are only a few bamboo houses on the top of Jade Girl Peak, where a few girls are chatting and laughing.

Seeing Yu Siyan come back, these girls stood up and saluted: "Miss, you are well."

"Everyone, go down." The woman named Xiaofeng waved.

The girls dispersed in a hurry, and before leaving, they all looked at Bi Fan with curious eyes.

Jade Girl Peak never allows men to enter, and Bi Fan was the first.

Yu Siyan returned to Jade Girl Peak, entered the room, and stayed behind closed doors.

"Bi Fan, find a place by yourself and build a bamboo house to live in. Remember, you are not from Jade Girl Peak yet. If I find out that you are lying, I will drive you down the mountain immediately."

"Yes!" Bi Fan didn't say much and went to find a suitable place to build a bamboo house.

If we don't build the bamboo house quickly, we will sleep on the mountain tonight. The night dew in Qingyang Mountain is heavy and the wind is blowing and the night is cool. Sleeping in the open is no joke.

Bi Fan quickly found a piece of flat land suitable for building a bamboo house. It was far away from the bamboo house where Yu Siyan lived, so as not to feel uncomfortable.

Jade Girl Peak is full of women, and Bi Fan avoids them whenever he can.

Bi Fan knew his status very well, and Yu Siyan was beyond his reach. Even a maid like Xiaofeng had a much higher status and strength than him.

Bi Fan has no other merits but self-knowledge.

Moreover, Bi Fan is now able to practice. In order to facilitate his future practice, he also needs to stay away from Yu Siyan and her maids.

Jade Girl Peak was covered with purple bamboos, so Bi Fan used local materials and finally built a simple bamboo house before nightfall. Finally, he had a place to shelter from the wind and rain. [

Bi Fan was very satisfied. This was much better than when he was in the medicine garden. At least he didn't have to worry about being teased at night.

That night, Bi Fan slept soundly and had a wonderful dream. He dreamed that he had become a peerless master and married Yu Siyan.