The Six Immortals

Chapter 154: Advanced 1


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Chapter 5 Advanced

The evil fire snake lion's momentum suddenly changed and became extremely violent.

Bi Fan kept backing away, not daring to come closer.

The evil fire snake lion's aura is getting stronger and stronger, and its body is also getting bigger. [


After a long time, the evil fire snake lion finally stopped rolling and let out a thundering roar.

Bi Fan finally felt at ease when he saw the Evil Fire Snake and Lion roaring heartily.

"Fire Lion, congratulations on your successful advancement." Bi Fan smiled.

Looking at the momentum of the evil fire snake lion, it actually reached the peak of the giant power realm, and its strength improved a lot.

Moreover, there seemed to be many changes in the Evil Fire Snake and Lion, but Bi Fan couldn't see through them.

The increased strength of the Evil Fire Snake Lion meant that the subsequent training would be much safer, so Bi Fan was naturally very happy.

The evil fire snake and lion held their heads high, looked up to the sky and roared, very excited.

The roar of the evil fire snake and lion attracted many abyss demons. Facing the swarming abyss demons, Bi Fan did not take action. He was ready to see the strength of the evil fire snake and lion.

The evil fire snake and lion did their part and pounced on him.

Bumping with the body, striking with claws, biting, and sweeping with the tail... it became more powerful, and there was almost no enemy in one attack.

At the same time, the evil fire snake lion can actually spit out black fire. If the abyss demons are exposed to the black fire, they will soon be reduced to ashes.

Obviously, after the evil fire snake lion advanced, it gained some special abilities, such as spitting fire, and the fire it spewed was also corrosive.

The Evil Fire Snake Lion was very excited and howled while killing the abyss demons.

Bi Fan observed carefully for a while and found that the black fire spewed out by the Evil Fire Snake Lion was so fierce that if it fell to the ground, it would corrode even the earth and rocks, and smoke would rise.

The intense corrosiveness was so terrifying that Bi Fan did not dare to resist the black fire's attack.

In a short while, the evil fire snake lions swept away the abyss demons, but they still had some unfulfilled intentions.

Bi Fan let the Evil Fire Snake Lion rest for a while to recover his inner breath, and then continued to set off.

The Abyss Demon Realm is boundless, and the first level is basically filled with Abyss Demons below the Rebirth Realm, but there are a lot of them. [

There is not much time, Bi Fan must seize the time, kill more abyss demons, and hone himself.

Bi Fan is currently on the outskirts of the first level of the Abyss Demon Realm, and there are no powerful Abyss Demons.

Bi Fan took the Evil Fire Snake Lion and continued deeper. He met the Abyss Demons along the way and killed them.

There is no way not to kill them. The abyss demons are endless and they are not afraid of death. If they are not killed, they will not escape.

It's very difficult to rush out from the abyss demons. It's better to kill them while walking. The price of every part of the abyss demons' bodies is high, so it's not a waste of time anyway.

After a few days, Bi Fan didn't know how many abyss demons he had killed.

There are various types of abyssal demons, most of them look like monsters, and some look like humans. The most outrageous one is a ball of intelligent black energy...

After meeting so many abyss demons, Bi Fan became a little numb.