The Six Immortals

Chapter 157: Rivalry between brothers 2


You can find us by searching for ""!

Dongfang Canglong didn't show any pretense and collected half of the corpses of the abyss demons at will.

Bi Fan was not polite and collected the other half of the corpses.

As for who is lucky enough to get the crystal core, it counts as lucky.

"Brother Canglong, why did you come to the Abyss Demon Realm?" Bi Fan asked. [

"Aren't you here too?" Dongfang Canglong smiled.

"Haha... We all want to improve our strength as quickly as possible, so let's continue to delve deeper." Bi Fan laughed.

Unexpectedly, he could meet friends in the Abyss Demon Realm, and Bi Fan was happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, but let's practice for a while first and recover all the inner energy." Dongfang Canglong said.

They have all started practicing, and the journey ahead will definitely become more and more difficult and dangerous, so they have to be careful.

Soon, the training was over, and Bi Fan and Dongfang Canglong set off.

There are still many secrets and countless abyss demons in the abyss demon world, waiting for them to adventure.

"Brother Canglong, how long have you been in the Abyss Demon Realm?" Bi Fan asked.

"I've only been here a few days, I guess I'm about the same as you." Dongfang Canglong said.

Bi Fan smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that we are all just wandering around. I don't know where the level of the abyss demons is higher, which is suitable for us to experience."

"With the two of us here, plus the Evil Fire Snake and Lion, even if we encounter the strongest of the Abyss Demon Clan, we can escape calmly." Dongfang Canglong burst out with strong confidence.

The first level of the Abyss Demon Realm is supposed to have only one most powerful Abyss Demon Clan, and its strength is roughly that of the first level of the Reborn Realm, the Soul Cultivation Realm.

Each level of the Abyss Demon Realm has a powerful demon king, whose strength far exceeds that of Tongji.

If Bi Fan and Dongfang Canglong encountered each other, they would have no choice but to escape quickly.

Even Bi Fan's power couldn't compete with the power of the abyss demons in the Soul-nurturing Realm, let alone the difference in realm.

Taking into account the gap in realms, Bi Fan's strength must far exceed his opponent's in order to be able to compete with the Abyss Demons in the Soul-nurturing Realm.

Dongfang Canglong's strength is even worse than Bi Fan's, and he cannot compete with the demon kings on every level of the Abyss Demon Realm.

Dongfang Canglong's statement was just an optimistic statement. If he really encountered the Demon King, it would be difficult to escape.

Bi Fan smiled and said, "That means our brothers are invincible."[

The evil fire snake lion howled with excitement.

It is indeed powerful for two people to walk together with a monster. They can take a break at any time and maintain sufficient inner energy to fight. Wherever they go, the abyss demons have beheaded them one after another.

Dongfang Canglong was obviously prepared. There were many Qiankun bags, so he didn't need to spend time dissecting corpses.

When he saw that Bi Fan was also packing corpses in Qiankun bags, he was a little surprised, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Bi Fan always used the Qiankun bag to collect the corpses first, and then secretly transferred them to Tianyuan Ring, otherwise his Qiankun bag would not be enough.

With the Tianyuan Ring, Bi Fan avoided a lot of trouble.

Unfortunately, Bi Fan was too weak to activate some other functions of the Tianyuan Ring.

If the strength is too weak, even if there are good treasures, it will not be able to exert its power, but it will easily arouse the covetousness of others.

Therefore, even Jingfeng and Dongfang Canglong, Bi Fan did not reveal any information about the items obtained from Ten Thousand Snakes Cave.

Partition walls have ears, and there is no wall that is airtight...

Bi Fan knew all this, he was very careful and his mouth was tight.

"Brother Bi Fan, I didn't expect that your strength has improved so much, and I was pulled away. No, I have to work harder to practice, and I can't fall behind you." Dongfang Canglong said loudly.

"It's only by chance that I have reached the level of cultivation I have today. It won't be that easy to improve in the future." Bi Fan shook his head.

Indeed, much of Bi Fan's cultivation was due to chance and he also took a lot of risks, which is difficult for ordinary people to copy.

"No matter what, I'm going to practice like crazy..." Before he could finish his words, Dongfang Canglong rushed into the abyss demon group again, slashing left and right with his watermelon knife, making him invincible.

Bi Fan also became excited and did not want to fall behind.

He and Dongfang Canglong are friends, but they are also competitive with each other. If they meet in the Jiuyou Qianlong Ranking, neither of them will show mercy.

Because of this, they were able to chat together and become friends.

The same goes for Jingfeng. The competition between brothers is a healthy competition and there will be no dirty tricks.