The Six Immortals

Chapter 18: Announcement of return 2


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Just as Bi Fan was about to go down the mountain to see his 'old acquaintances', he couldn't help but think of people like Zhu San, the manager of the medicine garden, and the medicine boys, Daniel and Ergou.

They left a profound impression on Bi Fan, and Bi Fan will never forget it.

Yu Xiaofeng looked at Bi Fan and said, "Bi Fan, please get yourself a few more sets of clothes. You are growing taller and need bigger clothes."

Yu Xiaofeng may have just mentioned it casually, but it made Bi Fan feel warm in his heart. This was the first time that he enjoyed being cared for. [

"Sister Xiaofeng, thank you."

Bi Fan went down the mountain. He had been at Jade Girl Peak for a month and a half, and this was his first time going down the mountain.

When I went up the mountain, I felt depressed, but when I came down, I felt high-spirited.

"Da Niu, Er Gou, Zhu San Lao Gou, just wait, I will pay you back ten times the humiliation I suffered before."

Bi Fan was walking on the road, shouting in his heart.

Baiping is the outermost part of Qingyang Mountain. All kinds of materials from outside are transported into Qingyang Mountain and stored in Baiping.

It is very lively here every day, and there is a constant flow of people collecting supplies from various peaks.

After Bi Fan arrived at Baiping, he was not in a hurry to collect supplies.

He took a leisurely stroll and soon reached the area of the medicine garden.

After returning to the place where he had lived for more than ten years, Bi Fan was in a bad mood.

This is his sad place, he doesn't want to come back, and he doesn't want to think about it.

But there was someone he cared about here, so he had to come.

What people like Daniu and Ergou did to Bi Fan were too much, and Bi Fan couldn't let go.

Bi Fan decided to visit his 'old friends' and announce his return.

Da Niu, whose body is as strong as an ox, is in a strong state without training.

In the past, Daniel often beat and scolded Bi Fan, asking Bi Fan to help him take care of the elixir.

Bi Fan soon arrived at the medicine garden that Daniel was taking care of, and saw Daniel. Daniel was eating and drinking there, enjoying himself very much.

"Daniu, I'm back!" Bi Fan shouted.

Daniel raised his head, his eyes widened, and looked at Bi Fan. He couldn't remember that he knew such a person. [

"Boy, who are you? I didn't see your uncle Niu eating. If you piss me off, I'll kick you to death."

Daniel didn't like to be disturbed when he was eating, and he became angry all of a sudden.

"Bi Fan, don't you recognize me?" Bi Fan said with a smile.

Daniel muttered: "Bi Fan, there is no one named Bi Fan that I know. You must be deliberately looking for trouble."

In the past, people like Daniel called Bi Fan a fool, and even his real name was forgotten.

"Well, you don't even recognize me anymore. I am the 'idiot' who is often bullied by you. You shouldn't forget it, right?"

"Impossible, how could you be him? You two look nothing alike, and... the idiot is dead." Danius shook his head.

Bi Fan said: "Daniu, do you still remember that one day two years ago, in order to test your strength, you broke my arm. And..."

He randomly selected a few things that the big guys had bullied him to say, and he would never forget these things for the rest of his life.

"You are such an idiot!" Daniel opened his mouth in shock, looking like he had seen a ghost.