The Six Immortals

Chapter 180: Back twice (2)


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The dark dragon recovers very quickly, but it cannot match the speed of consumption.

Gradually, the movements of the dark dragon began to slow down, and even its power was no longer that strong.

"Let's work together to kill it, and then everyone will share the benefits based on their abilities." A strong human being was very excited and said loudly.

His idea was supported by many people, but when he made the move, everyone had some room to spare, and everyone kept their cards to use later when they competed for benefits. [

Human beings have bad natures, and they all hold this idea, so the time to kill the dark dragon has been postponed.

The dark young dragon was not stupid. When he saw more and more humans surrounding him, he actually started to run away.

The dark young dragon wanted to run away, and many strong human beings hiding in the dark couldn't bear it anymore, and they all took action to stop the dark young dragon.

The dark young dragon ran rampant, but it cut a bloody path and fled.

Coincidentally, the direction in which the dark dragon fled was exactly where Bi Fan and the others were hiding.

The dark dragon is extremely fast, and now it is running with all its strength to escape. The ground is shaking with every step it takes.

Behind the dark young dragon, hundreds of strong human beings were chasing madly.

"Boom..." Dozens of magic weapons fell on the dark dragon, but they were all blocked by the dark dragon's scales.

However, the huge force still made the dark dragon very uncomfortable, and it let out a loud roar.

"Kill! We must not let the dark dragon escape and benefit others." A strong human yelled.

"Kill! Chase!..." Many humans yelled and rushed very fast.

At this time, everyone has used the magic talisman. As long as there is one, those who don't have the magic talisman can only stare. The speed of the dark dragon is too fast.

Wang Zhong felt the vibration on the ground and said with a smile: "It seems we are lucky, the dark dragon has already arrived at our door."

"What does it mean to be lucky? Bearing the brunt of the attack is not a good thing." Bi Fan said: "The Dark Drake is not particularly consumed at this time. Now that we launch an attack, I am afraid that we will not be able to kill the Dark Drake for a while. Even if we kill the Dark Drake If you kill them, we will consume a lot of money. How can we deal with those strong humans behind us?"

"Then what should we do?" Ye Guxuan asked.

"Flash people, it's best to set up some obstacles for the dark young dragon to let the people behind catch up with it." Bi Fan said.

Bi Fan and the other two retreated again, and the Evil Fire Snake and Lion also retreated.

As for setting up obstacles, there is no good way yet, the only option is to forget it.

Wang Zhong secretly admired Bi Fan almost every time he saw how good he was at everything. [

If it were Wang Zhong and Dongfang Canglong, they would have fought fiercely with the dark young dragon.

The Dark Dragonite is fast, but those who chase it use magical talismans, and their speed is not slow. These people also continue to attack, making the Dark Dragonite furious.

The Dragon Clan was originally a proud and violent race and would not allow them to be trampled upon like this.

What's more, the dark dragon is still young and cannot control his emotions at all.

The dark young dragon stopped running away and turned around to continue fighting fiercely with the humans.

Bi Fan watched from a distance and let out a sigh of relief. This was the result he expected, and he hoped that the rest would follow his ideas.

No matter what, if you want to reap the benefits, you may have to take a lot of risks, and even offend many disciples of the sect.

The dark dragon is surrounded again, and it may be difficult to escape this time.

After all, its wisdom is limited. If it keeps running away, it may be able to escape.

"Everyone, get ready." Bi Fan suddenly said.

Dongfang Canglong asked: "What are you preparing for? Are you going to join the war?" His tone was full of excitement.

"That's right. Everyone should change their appearance so that no one can recognize them. It's best not to use commonly used weapons." Bi Fan said, "If this vote is made, it will definitely offend many people. If we go out like this, we will be in trouble in the future."

Ye Guxuan and the others once again admired Bi Fan's carefulness and his ability to consider everything that followed.