The Six Immortals

Chapter 182: Interception on the way (2)


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"We definitely can't let the dark young dragon escape, but the battle must be resolved instantly, otherwise it will be easier for others. There are many strong human beings behind the dark young dragon." Bi Fan said with a smile.

Ye Guxuan said: "Brother Bi Fan, you can take command, we will all obey you."

Bi Fan thought for a while and said: "Wang Zhong, you lead brothers Ye Guxuan and Canglong to intercept those people behind. I will be responsible for dealing with the dark young dragon. As soon as I succeed, you will retreat immediately. The evil fire snake and lion will be responsible for opening the way. In order to We find a way out. Remember, don’t let anyone recognize you, especially Brother Ye Guxuan and Brother Wang Zhong.”

"Don't worry, it won't be difficult to stop those people for a while." Wang Zhong said with a smile. [

"Okay! Let's get ready," Bi Fan said.

Wang Zhong set off with Ye Guxuan and Dongfang Canglong. They had to detour behind the dark young dragon in order to intercept the strong human beings behind them.

Bi Fan was also ready to take action. Although the dark dragon was very weak, it was not that easy to kill.

Bi Fan first cast the Divine Movement Talisman and the Divine Power Talisman on himself, and at the same time mobilized all the inner energy in his body.

The dark dragon is getting closer and closer. It is still very fast, but its steps are getting more and more frivolous.

Bi Fan saw it clearly and was constantly making calculations in his mind.

It must be killed with one strike, otherwise if it takes too long, it will definitely attract the attention of those behind. When they understand it, they will definitely rush forward as soon as possible and rush to kill the dark dragon.

"Dong...dong..." The dark young dragon was getting closer and closer to Bi Fan, and soon it was only a hundred meters away.

Bi Fan pointed out that the maximum power of the sword energy was one to two meters, but at this distance, the dark dragon could only take one step.

After Bi Fan attacks, he has to think about getting out of the way quickly, otherwise even if the dark dragon dies, the inertial impact and collision with Bi Fan will break his bones.

"Huhu..." Bi Fan took a deep breath and got ready.

The dark dragon was ten meters away from Bi Fan, and Bi Fan could even see the dirt in the gaps between the dark dragon's scales.

The dark young dragon took one step forward and was three to four meters away.

The dark dragon's legs had already stepped out, and in mid-air, its body began to lean forward.

"It's time!" Bi Fan knew that this was the best time to take action.

Happy Immortal Finger! The rising sun rises in the east!

Use the Xiaoyao Immortal Finger to perform the Rising Sun, and the two sword energies are as dazzling as the rising sun, shooting directly into the eyes of the dark young dragon.

The dark dragon was charging forward, never expecting to be ambushed suddenly. When it discovered that someone was attacking it, it was too late to react.

"Ouch..." Two balls of sword energy accurately hit the eyes of the dark dragon. The dark dragon was severely injured and let out a terrifying scream. [

The dark dragon continued to rush forward, causing flying dust to fill the sky.

Bi Fan did not dodge immediately, but fired several sword energy in succession, aiming at the dark dragon's open mouth.

Then Bi Fan used the iron bridge technique, and the dark dragon rushed over him.

The dark young dragon rushed over and fell to the ground.

Blood spurted out far away, and the dark dragon's blood vessels and throat were directly pierced by Bi Fan's sword energy.

"Done!" Bi Fan took a mouthful of dust, but his face was filled with a smile.

The Dark Dragon was too big to fit in the ordinary Qiankun Bag. Bi Fan was in a bit of a dilemma unless he used the Tianyuan Ring.

If you use the Tianyuan Ring, you have to explain it to Dongfang Canglong and the others.

However, Bi Fan had no time to hesitate. Those behind him had already seen the dark dragon being killed.

"Quick! The dark young dragon has been killed. It seems that the dragon's breath just now made the dark young dragon pay a heavy price."

"We can't let that person take advantage. We all paid a heavy price."

These crowds were excited, roaring and rushing forward.

At this moment, Wang Zhong and three others appeared and intercepted them.

They never thought that Bi Fan would directly carry the dark dragon away with space objects, and they also wanted to buy time for Bi Fan to dissect the dark dragon's body and take away the most valuable parts.