The Six Immortals

Chapter 191: Devil (1)


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Chapter 23 The Devil

Bi Fan had already killed the disciples of Sword God Sect, Yuanshi Sect, and Sanyuan Sect one after another, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

Sword God Sect, Yuanshi Sect, and Sanyuan Sect are all the top sects in Tianyu World, and even Sanyuan Sect is much more powerful than Qingyang Sect.

So what, as long as no one sees it, nothing happens. [

Bi Fan is also a little regretful that these disciples who entered the abyss of the demonic world do not carry the secrets of their sect with them.

Otherwise, if he could obtain the martial arts from the nine major sects such as Yuanshi Sect and Sword God Sect, Bi Fan's cultivation level would improve at a faster rate.

The four of them, Bi Fan, were talking and laughing. While hunting down the Abyss Demons, they continued to go deep into the first level of the Abyss Demon Realm, hoping to meet the king of the first level of the Abyss Demon Realm.

There are many people who have the same idea as them. These people all believe that they are powerful and want to hunt down the king of the first level of the Abyss Demon Realm.

The king who can become the first level of the Abyss Demon Realm must at least have the strength to nourish the soul. These people don't even think about whether they can escape from its mouth.

Human beings often enter the abyss demon world to hunt and kill the abyss demons. They are incompatible with the abyss demons. This is a fight between races that will never end.

If the king of the first level of the Abyss Demon Realm meets a strong human being, he will definitely not let him go.

Along the way, they encountered many top disciples from major sects. They were only wary of each other and could not cooperate.

Whenever Ye Guxuan saw the disciples of the Yuanshi Sect and the Sword God Sect, he would feel a little guilty, and his state of mind was not as good as that of Dongfang Canglong, Bi Fan and others.

As for Wang Zhong, needless to say, he is a person who is not afraid of anything.

As they go deeper, the abyssal demons become more and more powerful, and they can often encounter the abyssal demons in the spiritual wisdom realm and the giant power realm. These abyssal demons also come in groups, but the number is much smaller.

Even so, it was not easy to deal with. Many people were defeated and retreated.

Many strong men were unlucky and were besieged by the abyss demons, and in the end they only ended up dead.

If you are killed by the Abyss Demon Clan, you will be eaten by the Abyss Demon Clan, and you will end up dead without a whole body.

The four Bi Fans, plus the Evil Fire Snake and Lion, had a strong camp, but their progress was also much slower and they encountered many difficulties.

"There is a large group of demons ahead, shall we deal with them?" Wang Zhong said.

Demons are unique to the abyss demon world, and many powerful abyss demons will raise demons. If the number of demons is huge, they can drown humans in an instant, and they can even directly control the corpses of dead human beings.

Of course, the powerful big devil is even more powerful. He can directly control living humans and turn them into puppets.

When fighting against the abyss demons, the most taboo thing is the demons they raise. [

However, the Abyss Demon Clan can only raise demons after their strength reaches the Soul-Nursing Realm, and they cannot raise demons below the Rebirth Realm.

These demons in front are not controlled by the abyss demons, they are obviously masterless demons.

Masterless demons are not scary because they have little intelligence.

The devil is just a mass of black energy, without a body.

Killing the demon and fighting against it won't bring any trophies, it's just good for sharpening your spirit and soul.

The devil's main attack method is to target the spirit and soul, causing people to have hallucinations and inner demons, thereby killing strong human beings.

Most people will stay away from demons when they encounter them.