The Six Immortals

Chapter 29: Pick up leaks 1


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Chapter 13 Picking up leaks

Jingfeng said: "Follow me, I heard there is a maze outside the Valley of the Wind, don't get lost."

Bi Fan did not dare to be careless and followed Jingfeng closely. It seemed that he had been overly worried just now.

However, Bi Fan was still very careful. He had suffered a lot of humiliation since he was a child and it was not easy to trust people. [

I saw that Jingfeng was very careful, turning left and right. After walking several times, the front finally became clear.

There are high mountains and dangerous peaks on three sides, and there is only one passage to enter.

After entering, there is a large basin with many buildings on it. It is very lively with people coming and going.

"This is Tingfeng Valley. If you see anything you need, you can tell me. I still have some savings." Jingfeng said.

When cultivators trade, the hard currency is crystal stones, and most precious items are bartered.

The two Qiankun bags Bi Fan got contained a lot of crystals, most of which were middle to lower grade. He roughly counted and found that there were 113 medium-grade crystals and more than 3,000 low-grade crystals.

One medium-grade crystal can be exchanged for a hundred low-grade crystals, and the exchange ratio for high-grade crystals is also one hundred to one. These are the most basic common sense, and Bi Fan still knows some of them.

You can come and go freely in Tingfeng Valley, and no one checks your identity.

Entering Tingfeng Valley, you can hear various voices negotiating prices, or asking how to trade.

"A jade fan, a high-grade magical artifact, can be exchanged for a sword of the same grade."

"A hundred-year-old Poria cocos plant. If you are interested, please come and take a look!"

Jingfeng heard that there was a jade fan that could be traded and walked up.

"How can I exchange this jade fan? How many crystal stones will it cost?"

"Only replace it with the long sword, a high-grade magic weapon, not the crystal." The stall owner was a middle-aged man and gave Jingfeng a cold look.

Jingfeng looked at the jade fan, his eyes shining, but it was a pity that he didn't have a high-grade magic weapon, a long sword, otherwise he would have really wanted to get the jade fan instead.

Thinking of holding a jade fan and looking graceful, Jingfeng felt itchy.

Bi Fan saw that Jingfeng really wanted the jade fan. Although he had a high-grade sword, he had no intention of using it to help Jingfeng trade.

Don't reveal your wealth in vain, and be on guard against others.

Bi Fan knows these truths after hearing them many times, especially since he is more cautious than ordinary people. [

Jingfeng glanced at Yushan reluctantly and walked away.

Tingfeng Valley is very wide, with many streets lined with stalls.

There are all kinds of strange and weird items on these stalls, including secret books, elixirs, talismans, magic weapons, magic weapons, elixirs, and weapon refining materials.

With the idea of broadening his horizons, Bi Fan looked at the stalls one by one, occasionally asking about the prices, but did not buy.

Some time ago, Bi Fan got a lot of treasures, which broadened his horizons. He really didn't like ordinary items.

Jingfeng said: "Little brother Bi Fan, if there is anything you like, I will buy it for you."

Jingfeng was very smart and wanted to give Bi Fan some benefits. If he asked Bi Fan for a dragon marten in the future, he would be too embarrassed to refuse.

"No need. If necessary, I can buy it myself. I have crystal stones." Bi Fan shook his head.

Jingfeng was very depressed. He couldn't understand why Bi Fan had crystal stones and why he wasn't interested in magic weapons since he was not strong enough in the Inner Breath Realm.

Bi Fan was always in high spirits, but more out of curiosity. He had no intention of buying anything from the beginning to the end.