The Six Immortals

Chapter 36: Get cheered 2


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Bi Fan took a look and found that Tieniu had not cultivated his inner breath. He could lift three marbles purely by relying on his physical strength. It was truly a natural divine power.

Ling Xinya kept watching the performance of the disciples on the stage, sometimes shaking his head, sometimes nodding.

Soon, it was Bi Fan's turn. He walked up slowly and easily lifted a piece of marble. Just passing the test and not being in the limelight.

"Jade Girl Peak Bi Fan, pass the test!" the person in charge of recording said loudly. [

Many old people have heard of Jade Girl Peak and know that it is the training place of Yu Siyan, the first genius of Qingyang Sect.

At the same time, these people also knew that Jade Girl Peak had never had a male disciple, and they couldn't help but look at Bi Fan in surprise.

Although Bi Fan didn't show any strength, he couldn't hide it from Ling Xinya's eyes.

Ling Xinya saw that Bi Fan's cultivation had reached the peak of the Inner Breath Realm and that he was still very young, so he couldn't help but nodded and kept Bi Fan in mind.

Soon, the first level was over. There were 632 people participating in the selection. After the first level, there were still 415 people left.

The second level is to catch and perform martial arts.

This level requires drawing lots to determine the order, number one versus number two, number two versus number three, and so on.

Bi Fan drew the number 135 and had to wait for a while.

There are only ten arenas in Mingfeng Valley. Even if they are done at the same time, it will take a lot of time.

The disciples of the Qingyang Sect began to perform martial arts on stage in an orderly manner. Before becoming registered disciples, most of them had not cultivated their inner breath, and naturally they did not learn martial arts. At most, they knew some physical moves.

This kind of martial arts performance looked so boring that Bi Fan almost dozed off.

Finally it was Bi Fan's turn to play, and his opponent turned out to be Tieniu.

"Hello, I'm Tieniu, please." Tieniu looks tall and handsome, and his etiquette is quite good. It seems that he has learned a lot.

Bi Fan said calmly: "My name is Bi Fan, please."

Bi Fan put his posture into perspective and did not dare to be careless. Iron Niu is born with supernatural power and must be guarded against.

"Little brother Bi Fan, be careful." Tieniu shouted and pounced on Bi Fan.

"Is this man calling him "little brother" when he sees someone smaller than him? Bi Fan couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Tieniu opened his arms and wanted to hug Bi Fan. With Tieniu's height of nearly two meters and his body weighing two hundred kilograms, it would be difficult to break free if he was hugged. Bi Fan dodged and unknowingly used the basic footwork of Piao Miao Wu. He was at Tieniu's side in an instant.

Bi Fan took advantage of the situation and pushed his palm, but the force was not very strong. Coupled with Tieniu's own momentum, Tieniu almost pushed Tieniu out of the ring. Tieniu stood firm and was a little puzzled. He didn't understand how Bi Fan did it. He didn't dare to be careless. [

"Okay!" Many people below cheered.

At first, everyone thought Tieniu would definitely win, and no one was optimistic about Bi Fan, not even Yu Xiaofeng.

But the situation changed so quickly, Tieniu almost lost with one move.

"Agility and strong sense of combat are worth cultivating." Ling Xinya nodded and looked at Bi Fan with a smile.

Tieniu shook his huge head, stood up again, and then rushed towards Bi Fan.


He ran and shouted to increase his momentum.

Tieniu's fist was as big as a bucket and went straight to Bi Fan's face.

Bi Fan didn't move. When Tieniu's fist came closer, he turned slightly to move away from Tieniu's attack. Then Lightning took action, grabbed Tieniu's arm, and pushed it outwards.

"Ah... ah..." Tieniu screamed, and was unexpectedly sent out of the ring by Bi Fan's skill and fell under the ring.

“Awesome!” “Wonderful!” “Good!”…

Bi Fan's mind went blank, and his soul flew to nowhere. It took him a long time to wake up.

He couldn't believe that he had received applause and cheers from so many people.

There is no winning or losing in martial arts, it is just a means for Qingyang Sect to inspect new disciples.

The performance of Bi Fan and Tieniu was noticed by Ling Xinya and the senior officials of Qingyang Sect, and they made their own judgments.

Bi Fan strode off the stage and received a round of applause.

To be honest, Bi Fan was really not used to being stared at by so many people, and his face turned slightly red.

Not to mention, he was extremely excited. In the past, he only wanted to be able to practice. He never thought that he would stand in the ring and win.

"I finally took the first step. In the future, I will definitely advance step by step, practice hard, improve my strength, and become a strong man." Bi Fan secretly swore in his heart that his blood was already boiling.

"ah!… "

Bi Fan roared out. He used a huge roar to vent the resentment in his heart.

As soon as he roared out, Bi Fan felt relaxed and energetic. [

At this time, Bi Fan seemed to be a different person, full of fighting spirit and confidence, leaving his humble identity behind.