The Six Immortals

Chapter 46: Memory Martial Arts 1


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Chapter 21 Memory Martial Arts

The Demon Realm is very large and boundless. There are many cities bordering the Demon Realm, and Jiuyou City is just one of them.

In the Demon Realm, there are all kinds of wild beasts, monsters, and monsters, and there are dangers everywhere.

The Demon Realm is suitable for practitioners of all walks of life to gain experience, and the outskirts of the Demon Realm have become a good place for disciples of all sects and sects to gain experience in the mortal realm. [

In Jiuyou City, most of the disciples of the sects must go to the outside of the Demon Realm to train before they can become inner disciples.

The Qingyang Sect also has the same rule. If you want to become an inner sect disciple, you must first experience a month in the Demon Realm. Even the descendants of those high-level officials are no exception.

This is done to improve the quality of the inner disciples and increase the competitiveness of the disciples.

This information was told by Yu Xiaofeng to Bi Fan. In order to prepare Bi Fan mentally, Yu Xiaofeng told a lot about the Demon Realm.

"Bi Fan, if you want to enter the Demon Realm, you must be careful. In the Demon Realm, monsters are not scary, but humans are. There are many humans practicing in the Demon Realm all year round, and these people may attack you at any time. , you have to be on guard." Yu Xiaofeng reminded.

Bi Fan deeply agreed. If practitioners disagree, they will fight. If there is any conflict of interest, blood will flow out.

"Thank you, Sister Xiaofeng, for reminding me. I will make full preparations before venturing into the Demon Realm." Bi Fan said.

That night, Bi Fan practiced even harder, and even started to practice the first form of the Qingyang Piaoxu Sword Technique, the Piaoyu Feihua Sword.

If you are going to venture into the Demonic Realm, you may encounter danger at any time. Learn more self-defense methods to be prepared.

The Piaoyu Feihua Sword, the sword is drawn like rain and flowers. It seems light and has no strength, but it is mysterious and all-pervasive.

However, the Piaoyu Feihua Sword is so profound that Bi Fan can barely practice it, but he won't be able to master it in a short while.

In order to save his life, Bi Fan didn't mind practicing some forbidden martial arts, as long as these martial arts could play a key role at critical moments.

Bi Fan spent the whole night practicing martial arts. In addition to Piaoyu Feihua Sword, he also practiced the martial arts in Blood Demon.

Early the next morning, all the female disciples of Jade Girl Peak went out to watch the inner disciples compete, and Bi Fan was invited to join them.

Of course, everyone knows that these female disciples are not going to watch the martial arts competition, they are basically going to watch Jingfeng.

Yu Xiaofeng obviously wore light makeup today and looked more delicate and beautiful.