The Six Immortals

Chapter 47: Memory Martial Arts 2


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Bi Fan couldn't help but look at Yu Xiaofeng a few more times, and couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable. Yu Xiaofeng usually didn't dress up, but he spent some effort today, obviously because he wanted to show Jingfeng.

"Am I in love with Sister Xiaofeng? No, I'm not worthy of Sister Xiaofeng." Bi Fan had many thoughts in his mind, which even shocked him.

"Sister Xiaofeng is very good to me. I must be delusional. I just have a good impression of Sister Xiaofeng." Bi Fan tried to convince himself in his mind.

Mingfeng Valley is much more lively today than yesterday. There are huge crowds of people. Even before the competition begins, you can hear the cheers one after another. [

"Jingfeng!! Jingfeng!! You are the most handsome, you are the strongest..." Most of the people cheering for Jingfeng were female disciples, and these cheering words were a bit shocking.

As for the male disciples, most of them were envious and jealous of Jingfeng and could not cheer him up.

"Monan! Monan! Defeat the world with one punch and defeat Jingfeng."

Monan was a genius second only to Jingfeng, but he looked a bit rough and unpopular with the female disciples, so he became the hope of those male disciples to defeat Jingfeng.

The voices cheering for Monan were louder, and they had already overwhelmed the female disciples. After all, there were many more male disciples than female disciples, and their voices were louder.

"It's really crazy!" Bi Fan sighed.

The disciples of Jade Girl Peak have a relatively high status in the Qingyang Sect. They arrived relatively late, but they still sat at the front.

Jingfeng quickly walked to Bi Fan and the others and sat down.

"Brother Bi Fan, you are very trustworthy."

Jingfeng seemed to be here to talk to Bi Fan, but his eyes did not leave the female disciples of Jade Girl Peak, especially Yu Xiaofeng.

Jingfeng lived up to his reputation as a romantic, he was almost ready to compete in martial arts, and he was still in the mood to admire the beauty.

Bi Fan smiled and said, "Brother Jingfeng, don't you need to prepare?"

He couldn't stand Jingfeng's gaze and wished Jingfeng would stay far away.

"What do you need to prepare for this kind of competition?" Jingfeng said very relaxedly.

"Senior Brother Jingfeng is really amazing. He is already confident." A female disciple said.

Jingfeng is indeed an extraordinary man. If Bi Fan were a girl, she would probably like a handsome young man like Jingfeng.

Unfortunately, Bi Fan was a man, so he was a little jealous of Jing Feng.

The competition between the inner disciples was also hosted by the deputy sect master Ling Xinya. When Ling Xinya announced the start of the competition.