The Six Immortals

Chapter 49: Embarrassing 1


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Chapter 22: Embarrassing

Finally, it was Jingfeng's turn to appear, and Mingfenggu let out loud cheers and screams.

"Jingfeng! Jingfeng! I love you! You are the best!..."

The female disciples all stood up and shouted loudly. [

The female disciples at Jade Girl Peak were no exception. Bi Fan's eardrums were almost shattered.

Although Yu Xiaofeng didn't scream, she was obviously nervous.

"It seems that I have overthought it. Who am I? How can I expect Sister Xiaofeng to like me?" Bi Fan couldn't help but think in his heart.

Jingfeng walked up to the stage and took out a high-grade magic weapon, a spear, about two meters long. Jingfeng danced with great force.

Jingfeng was completely deliberately trying to be cool, which caused waves of screams.

Jingfeng's opponent was a strong man, tall and strong. He knew Jingfeng's strength thoroughly and had no intention of fighting.

"Overlord's Divine Spear—Thunderbolt Jue!" Jingfeng's spear turned into countless spear shadows, and went straight towards his opponent as fast as thunder.

When the strong man saw those gun figures, he was so frightened that he lost his will to fight.

"I surrender!"

Seeing that Jingfeng's spear was about to reach his face, Jingfeng suddenly put away the gun, danced a beautiful gun dance, and stood proudly with the gun, his posture was indeed very handsome.

"Jingfeng! Jingfeng! You are so handsome!"

The female disciples of Mingfeng Valley once again started screaming like a tsunami.

Yu Xiaofeng's beautiful eyes were filled with brilliance, and her mind was completely attracted by Jingfeng.

Bi Fan drooped his head, feeling very unhappy.

There are two most important women in Bi Fan's heart, one is Yu Xiaofeng, and the other is Yu Siyan, who has been kind to him.

Yu Siyan is not only the daughter of the sect leader, but also the most outstanding genius of the Qingyang Sect. She has even become a disciple of Xuannv Palace, one of the nine sects in Tianyu World.

She was so unattainable that Bi Fan could only think about her in his dreams.

Relatively speaking, it was easier for Yu Xiaofeng to get closer to Bi Fan by asking him for his welfare and caring for him.

In the past, Bi Fan might not have had any ideas, but as his strength improved, Bi Fan had some charming and extravagant hopes in his heart. [

Unfortunately, Yu Xiaofeng seems to be more interested in Jingfeng. If it were anyone else, Bi Fan would still fight for it. But Jingfeng was very good to him and was far better than him, which made him unable to compete with him.

Bi Fan felt depressed and couldn't help but think of Yu Siyan's voice and smile. My mind gradually calmed down.

The martial arts competition went on very quickly. Bi Fan memorized more and more martial arts skills. Gradually, the ones he repeated began to appear, and he became more relaxed. He only needed to memorize the martial arts skills that had never appeared before.

The martial arts skills practiced by these inner disciples may not be particularly powerful, but they are more suitable for Bi Fan to learn from.

By referring to these martial arts, Bi Fan gained a lot, and gained a deeper understanding of the Blood Demon and Piaoyu Feihua Sword.

Bi Fan put aside his worries and concentrated on memorizing martial arts.

Yu Xiaofeng's heart skipped a beat when she saw Bi Fan's entranced look.

It is said that serious men are the most attractive, and this is absolutely true.

Even Yu Xiaofeng was attracted by Bi Fan's devoted look. If Bi Fan knew about it, his calm heart would be disturbed again.

I don’t know how long it took, but Jingfeng appeared for the second time, already in the middle of the second round.