The Six Immortals

Chapter 76: Take action righteously 1


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Chapter 3 Take action with righteousness

The pack of wolves advances and retreats in a well-controlled manner, especially the two alpha wolves, who always destroy the killing moves of five humans and save their wolves at critical moments.

The wolves have remained unharmed, but the five humans are getting weaker and weaker. If this continues, the five strong humans may be dead.

In the Demon Realm, surrounded by wolves, it is very difficult to escape. [

If a miracle hadn't happened, these five young men would have ended up here.

The five of them should cooperate frequently and have a tacit understanding. Occasionally, they can cooperate perfectly and kill one or two ordinary wild wolves.

But there are hundreds of wolves in the pack, and killing a few of them has no effect at all, especially the two alpha wolves and the ten demon wolves. No one is injured, and they are the greatest threat.

The two alpha wolves and the ten demon wolves will stop moving if they move. If they move, humans will save themselves or be injured.

"Poof!" A human's sleeves were torn off by the demon wolf, and a wound appeared on his arm, dripping with blood.

The five humans were very united, and the other four quickly protected him in the middle and let him bandage his wounds.

Unfortunately, the five humans were already a little tired and injured one after another, making it impossible to rest.

Seeing each and every human being lose his fortune, Bi Fan knew it was time to take action, otherwise it would be too late.

Seeing the opportunity, Bi Fan jumped down from the tree.

The right hand used the Qingyang Fufeng Sword Technique, and the left hand used the Xiaoyao Immortal Finger. The target was the two demonic wolves.

The attack has already arrived before the person reaches the ground.

"Ouch!..." Two screams came out. The demon wolf was concentrating on dealing with the five humans, without any precautions, and was immediately attacked.

As soon as Bi Fan landed, he turned around beautifully and continued to attack the other demon wolves.

He had already figured out that killing the demon wolf was the key to victory.

Bi Fan's basic footwork was already perfect, and he killed four demonic wolves with a few passes.

"Ouch!" The two wolves roared angrily and pounced on Bi Fan at the same time.

"We have the help of experts, brothers, take the opportunity to kill the demon wolf." The five people were not stupid, they launched a fierce attack and took the opportunity to kill the demon wolf.

There were too many ordinary wild wolves to kill, and ordinary wolves did not pose much of a threat to them. It is better to kill the demon wolf, mainly because the threat of the demon wolf is too great.

Bi Fan did not fight against the alpha wolf. Instead, he used his body skills and kept moving back and forth. Wherever he passed, the pack of wolves would kill him. [

With Bi Fan's current strength, it would be very easy to kill a demon wolf one level below him, let alone an ordinary wild wolf.

The two alpha wolves were furious and chased after him, but Bi Fan's footwork was too graceful and swift, so they couldn't catch up.