The Six Immortals

Chapter 79: Take action righteously 4


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When Li Ziyun and the others saw that Bi Fan had taken away all the corpses of nearly twenty demon wolves and wild wolves, they were once again shocked.

A Qiankun Bag, with a larger space, can hold up to a dozen demon wolf corpses. It seems that Bi Fan has more than one Qiankun Bag.

Bi Fan said that he was a registered disciple of the Qingyang Sect. I'm afraid it wasn't that simple.

Li Ziyun and the other five people did not dare to look down upon Bi Fan because he was a registered disciple. They even thought that Bi Fan had deliberately concealed his identity. [

However, they did not dare to delve deeper for fear of angering Bi Fan.

If Bi Fan was ruthless, he could kill all five of them directly. Not only would he get the treasures from the five of them, but he would also get the corpses of nearly a hundred wild wolves.

The fur and meat of wild wolves can be worth a lot of crystal stones. It is common for people to kill people and steal wealth for the sake of wealth.

Bi Fan collected the body of the demon wolf and quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

If he wanted to take action, he could kill the five Li Ziyuns, but he was not a robber after all, so he didn't do that.

Seeing Bi Fan disappear, Li Ziyun and the other five people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bi Fan is too strong, it is impossible for him to be just a registered disciple."

"Yes, I'm afraid he is an elite disciple trained by the Qingyang Sect, otherwise he wouldn't be carrying so many Qiankun bags with him." Li Ziyun said.

He paused and continued: "Everyone, please peel off the complete wolf skin and leave here as quickly as possible."

Li Ziyun and the others were not as luxurious as Bi Fan, who had a Qiankun bag to hold the body of the wild wolf.

They had no choice but to peel off the most valuable skins and take them away. The smell of blood here was too strong and they couldn't stay long.

Bi Fan moved some distance away and immediately found a place to practice.

The battle just now seemed easy to Bi Fan, but in fact it was very draining.

Moreover, he had a lot of experience in this battle and needed to digest it immediately.

"Huh..." After a long time, Bi Fan stood up, feeling that his strength had improved again, and his whole body felt very comfortable.

"It seems that actual combat is the best way to improve your strength." Bi Fan thought to himself.

Night soon fell, and the most dangerous time in the Demon Realm was late at night. Many monsters came out late at night to look for food.

Bi Fan had to give up the idea of going deeper and found a big tree to rest for a while.

At night, the Demon Realm becomes even more eerie, with gusty winds and rustling sounds on the leaves. [

Bi Fan tightened his clothes and started practicing.

Inner breath is the most important thing for a cultivator, and it is also the most difficult to accumulate. It needs to be cultivated step by step. Although the elixir is good, it is still not as pure as the inner breath obtained through my own cultivation.

Bi Fan did not take the Gufu Pill, but slowly ran the Qingyang Immortality Technique, over and over again.

Feeling the inner energy in his body slowly increasing, Bi Fan felt very happy.

After practicing the Qingyang Immortality Art, Bi Fan began to practice the magic spells on the Golden Silk Jade Book to temper his body.

Today's battle made him feel the benefits of strong physical strength.

If he hadn't been physically strong, he would probably have collapsed even after killing two wolves.

If Bi Fan collapsed on the spot, I'm afraid Li Ziyun and the other five would retaliate and kill people to seize the treasure.

This kind of thing happens in Tianyu World from time to time, which is not surprising.

Being physically stronger has many benefits. Needless to say, the combat power is increased. The key is that the internal energy is used up and the ability to protect oneself is still there.

A strong body will increase the ability to save life, which is also very important for future cultivation.

Bi Fan tempered his body over and over again and devoted himself wholeheartedly to it.

Not long after practicing the spells on the Golden Silk Jade Book, Bi Fan already clearly felt that his physical strength had reached two cloud stones. With the addition of inner breath, his strength had reached six cloud stones, which was equivalent to that of a strong man who had just entered the bravery realm.

Bi Fan was practicing in a trance when he was suddenly interrupted by a tiger roar.