The Six Immortals

Chapter 91: Fierce Fighting Demon Ape 4


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The Demonic Bear is also a type of magical beast with a particularly strong body. Its body is smaller than that of the Demonic Ape, and it is also much more flexible.

The two sides have been fighting for a short time, and there have been no casualties yet.

Bi Fan found a big tree in the best position, which happened to take the entire battlefield into his sight.

The martial arts skills performed by the six humans were very familiar, and they turned out to be people from Beixu Palace. [

"It's really a narrow road for enemies!" Bi Fan secretly said with joy.

He laughed sinisterly and began to make calculations in his mind.

There were six humans, five of whom were Gu Yu and his party, with just one more companion.

Gu Yu is the strongest, a strong man in the bravery realm, and his wisdom is superior to others. He is the leader among the six.

The demon bear suddenly appeared. If Gu Yu hadn't commanded it well, his companions might have been injured or killed.

When encountering a group of demon bears, escaping is a recipe for death. Forming a formation to resist is the best option. Of course, the premise is that you have the strength to compete with the demon bears.

The combined force of the six of Gu Yu was not much weaker than the group of demon bears. Gu Yu had already used a special communication method to ask for help from the disciples of Beixu Palace. As long as they could persist for a few hours, there would be hope of victory when the reinforcements arrived.

In order to kill Bi Fan, many disciples from Beixu Palace entered the outermost part of the Demon Realm this time, and they happened to be Gu Yu's help.

"Brothers, hold on, our reinforcements will arrive soon." Gu Yu shouted loudly to boost morale.

The Demon Bear was really not invincible, and actually knew how to cooperate, advance and retreat in a well-founded manner, and defend each other. It suppressed the six Gu Yus for a while and made them breathless.

Especially the Demonic Bear in the Brave Martial Realm, even Gu Yu didn't dare to confront him head-on, and his strength was at a disadvantage.

Bi Fan watched with great interest. The six Gu Yus were much stronger than Jiang Sheng, and each had their own unique skills.

Bi Fan is memorizing their martial arts so that he can come up with a way to crack it in the future.

With the method to crack it, it will be much easier to deal with people from Beixu Palace in the future.

"Ah!" A disciple of Beixu Palace stabbed a demon bear with his sword, but was slapped on the arm by the demon bear next to him.

The arm was dripping with blood and hanging down, making it impossible to use force for the time being.

Gu Yu quickly protected the man in the middle. With only five people left, the pressure of the battle became even greater.

"We don't seek merit but no fault. We must not get hurt. If anyone gets hurt again, we may not be able to withstand it." Gu Yu warned.

The demon bears are very smart, especially the leader of the demon bears. He didn't bother with Gu Yu and started to deal with the other four humans. [

With the strength of the demon bear leader, no one can compete with him except Gu Yu.

Gu Yu had to move with the demon bear leader, and the human formation was suddenly in chaos.

The Demon Bear seized the opportunity and launched a fierce attack, causing the disciples of Beixu Palace to panic.

Fortunately, they were not weak, so they were not seriously injured or killed. Only two of them were able to continue fighting with some relief.

"Everyone rush out with me, leaning against the big rock."

Gu Yu actually still had time to look at all directions and take emergency measures, which was indeed extraordinary.

Five humans, protecting the injured man, fought and retreated to a large rock by the river.

The Demon Bear saw the intentions of Gu Yu and others and launched a fierce attack.

Gu Yu repeatedly used his unique skills to break out a bloody path and finally led his companions to the big rock.

With their backs against the boulder, Gu Yu and others breathed a sigh of relief. Now they only had to deal with attacks from three sides, which was much easier.

They had just breathed a sigh of relief when the Demon Bear actually launched a shock attack, attacking in turn, relying on its strong body to ignore the six Gu Yus.

Every time the demon bear attacked, Gu Yu and others were in a hurry, and every time someone suffered a loss.

Because they had no way out, they had to take the Demon Bear's attack head on.

After all, the human body is not as good as the demon bear, and it is inevitable to suffer losses.