The Skill of Dragon Breaking the Nine Heavens

Chapter 129: Is someone in front?


As soon as he stepped into the canyon path, all the pressure suddenly increased sharply, and the sudden increase in the total amount on his body was not a big problem for Bai Yuzhe and the eighteen blood guards. But coupled with that sinister aura, it immediately made people's hair stand on end!

Bai Yuzhe was at the forefront, moving forward continuously. His speed is not fast. In fact, under this situation, he can't even think about it! Because once you speed up, anxiety will naturally appear in your heart, and you may be taken advantage of by that evil breath.

Perhaps Bai Yuzhe could hold on, but the eighteen blood guards would definitely be dangerous.

Ten minutes later, Bai Yuzhe, who was walking in the front, still didn't see the end of the canyon. He only felt that the front was blood red, and the color was much richer than before! However, he still kept the Lingtai clear and clear, eliminating all distracting thoughts in his heart, and only kept moving forward.

The current situation of the Eighteenth Blood Guards is not bad, at least no one seems to be unable to hold on! The two of them held each other's palms, and the source power in their bodies surged, resisting the weird evil aura together.

This method was taught by Bai Yuzhe when he taught them the joint attack formation. That is to say, even if they are just two people joining forces, the combat power is definitely not one plus one equals two, it is almost close to three.

With such two people working together, it will be a little easier to fight against that evil aura.

Bai Yuzhe walked while observing the surrounding situation. He didn't know that there were no other dangers besides these in the bloody road? Also, it is estimated that many people died here, but he did not see any bones of humans or beasts.

This is very strange, even with Bai Yuzhe's knowledge, he can't figure out what's going on.

The surrounding rock walls also exude a light red light, and even the stones and soil under their feet are of this color.

Bai Yuzhe's heart moved, he squatted down and picked up a dark red stone, and weighed it in his hand. It was surprisingly heavy, at least ten times heavier than a normal stone. However, the feeling conveyed by this stone to Bai Yuzhe is an extremely strong evil spirit...

This breath, after he got the stone, doubled in strength in an instant, making Bai Yuzhe's face pale for a while. It looks a little better.

"Don't pick up stones on the ground, and don't touch the mountain wall!" Bai Yuzhe immediately reminded the people behind him. At the same time, he secretly guessed that this stone might be a good thing, but based on his experience, he didn't feel it for a while. When it comes to specific things, I only know that if he carries this thing, even he will die here.

Everyone continued to move forward, and the pressure and evil spirit gradually increased. There doesn't seem to be anything special about this road of blood fiends, but just this pressure and evil spirit are enough to stop people in the wasteland!

After walking here for more than two hours, they finally saw a piece of blue ahead, and the white light made them feel so friendly. In fact, at this point, some of the Eighteen Blood Guards have found it difficult to persist. If they can no longer see the hope ahead, those who cannot persist will definitely become insane and even kill each other!

However, after seeing the light ahead, everyone forcibly lifted their spirits and rushed forward! After leaving the range of the blood-red light, all eighteen blood guards collapsed on the ground one by one, even Luo Ming was no exception.

Bai Yuzhe also sat down cross-legged, panting heavily. After being shrouded in that bloody light for a long time, even he felt it was difficult to breathe, and evil thoughts would flash through his mind from time to time, and even kept bringing back those memories that made him angry in his previous life.

For more than two hours, it was as long as staying in it for several years.

Looking back now, he still has lingering fears in his heart, but he is actually very curious about the stones and even some plants inside, and believes that they must not be mortal things. It's just that with his current strength, he can't bring it out.

After adjusting for more than an hour, everyone recovered a little bit.

"Boss, there are footprints, and there are many traces of chaos!" When Luo Ming stood up, he saw a lot of footprints not far ahead, and there were many traces of the sand being stirred up.

This is the beach by the sea. If there are still footprints, it means that someone appeared here not long ago! Those who can appear here must have passed the road of blood fiend, but they have not seen any figures before.

On a sandy beach not far from the seashore, it is about five meters long and three meters wide. It seems that thick logs have been crushed on it, and there are traces of dragging. Looks like someone built a giant raft here and went out to sea...

This surprised everyone. Very few people in the wasteland knew about the Michuan Continent, and even if they knew, there seemed to be no one who was able to pass through this bloody road.

Even if there is, it should be in Yuan Country. If a strong member of Yuan Country's royal family wants to go to Michuan Continent, Hong Qinglin will definitely let him go with Bai Yuzhe and others, right? After all, in Hong Qinglin's mind, Bai Yuzhe and the eighteen blood guards originally came from the Michuan Continent. It must be much safer to be with them.

Obviously, this person should not be from the royal family of Yuan Kingdom.

"Look at this footprint, it should be a woman!" After observing for a while, everyone made the next judgment. The footprints were very small, similar to Xiao He's, so it shouldn't have been left by a man.

A woman who crossed the Blood Fiend Road by herself, and then went to sea to the Michuan Continent

"Could it be the princess of the Yuan Kingdom?" Tieta thought for a while, then expressed his thoughts, and then looked proud, thinking that he must have guessed it right.

The monkey cast a glance at the iron tower, and said with a sneer, "That princess should be much stronger than you, right?"

"Fart! I can split her in half with one axe!" Tieta was furious and shook the giant ax in his hand. However, after saying this, he also realized how outrageous his judgment just now was. Yes, and then scratched his head embarrassingly.

"Okay, don't guess for now, it doesn't matter who we are! It's getting late today, everyone rest here for a night, adjust your condition, start building a raft tomorrow, and go to sea!" Bai Yuzhe also frowned and thought about it for a while before he could figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it, just like he said, it has nothing to do with them whoever he is.

He didn't know, but he really had something to do with him...

(end of this chapter)