The Skill of Dragon Breaking the Nine Heavens

Chapter 145: Here comes luck


They were not far from the Wuchuan Great Forest, and half an hour later, they could already see the endless forest in front of them! The Wuchuan Great Forest is an ancient forest that has existed for at least hundreds of thousands of years. It is famous in the mainland for its rich herb Wuchuan.

The Wuchuan medicine can be used in many special panaceas, and it is only available in this place! Of course, it's not that Wuchuan is everywhere in the forest, and it takes a long time to find it if you go in. Moreover, the inside is actually very dangerous, and there are many high-level beasts.

Since ancient times, there are not many people who entered this forest to look for Wuchuan and died in it.

The scope of this forest is roughly equivalent to that of Blue Sky City, which means it is larger than a country in the wasteland. Bai Yuzhe led the eighteen blood guards into the forest without hesitation.

Most of the trees inside are very tall, and some trees are tens of thousands of years old, requiring several people to hug them! Even some vines are thicker than an adult's arm, which looks scary.

Moreover, there are basically no roads in this forest. In some places, vines and thorns are densely covered, and walking is very difficult! Of course, there are also some places that are very flat.

On the outskirts of the forest, there were basically no ferocious beasts, and most of the ferocious beasts liked to be deep in the forest. Bai Yuzhe and the eighteen blood guards walked all the way, and after half a day, it was dark! They didn't plan to spend the night outside. Although it was very dangerous to spend the night in the woods, if they were outside, no one could guarantee when the people from the Blue Cloud Sect would rush over, and would they just stay outside and look for them

In half a day, they didn't gain anything, they just killed a few second-rank and third-rank ferocious beasts.

There was nothing to say all night, and there was no danger. The next day, as soon as it was dawn, everyone had already set off and continued to go deeper! Bai Yuzhe had never been to Wuchuan Great Forest in his previous life. After all, he was in other parts of the mainland, and the distance was too far away.

However, according to common sense, if they want to find the sixth-grade fierce beast, they have to go deeper.

Three days later, Bai Yuzhe and others stopped, because there was a place here, and they thought it should be more suitable for temporary residence! Moreover, they have been walking inside for three days, and they have seen fifth-rank beasts on the way. I believe that if they want to find sixth-rank beasts, they have almost reached this level.

The reason why I think this place is more suitable for living is because there is a small mountain here, and it is not surprising that there are some mountain peaks in the forest! The height of this hill is only two to three hundred meters. There is a relatively flat mountain on the top of the hillside. The terrain is not complicated, and it is not easy to be attacked by fierce beasts.

In these places, the more complex the terrain, the easier it is to encounter some unpredictable dangers. Because many ferocious beasts know how to hide better than humans.

Afterwards, they temporarily used this small mountain as a temporary residence, and searched deeper for the red blood python every day, but they would return here to rest at night! However, their luck didn't seem to be very good. After eight full days, they still haven't seen the red blood python, nor have they found Wuchuan.

However, he encountered another sixth-rank ferocious beast, the blood demon ape! The blood demon ape is considered a powerful existence among the sixth-rank ferocious beasts. It is famous for its terrifying power and defense against the sky. After a hard fight, Iron Tower, Fatty, and Black Eagle were all seriously injured, and the others were also seriously injured, so they managed to kill them!

After returning to the hill this time, it took three days of recuperation before he recovered under Bai Yuzhe's treatment. Then continue to go out to search, the time is getting tighter and tighter, if the time of traveling is excluded, they will only have two months at most.

After this rest, Bai Yuzhe decided to go deeper to search, although it would be very dangerous! But with danger comes opportunity.


The iron tower chopped off the head of a boa constrictor with an axe, and the blood gushed out wildly. The huge snake body was still twisting continuously, and it took a long time before it lost its strength and lay motionless on the ground.

"I'm going, I thought I found it, it turned out to be a subspecies!" The iron tower looked dissatisfied. When they first saw the red giant python, they thought they had finally found the red blood python, but they didn't expect it to be a red blood python. Its subspecies are nothing but fourth-rank ferocious beasts.

Bai Yuzhe also shook his head helplessly, and then led the crowd to move on.

"Huh?" When he walked past the big tree where the giant python was entrenched just now, his face became condensed, and he looked at the root of the big tree. There was a small black tree there. The height of the small tree was only 30 centimeters. The whole body is black, except for a trace of red blood on the main pole.

"Hehe, luck is not that bad at all, I finally saw a Wuchuan tree!" Bai Yuzhe smiled, walked up to the small tree, took out a dagger, and began to dig carefully.

Wuchuan is not only useful for the main stem and leaves on the top, but the rhizome is the most useful. After digging out the whole thing, Bai Yuzhe looked through it himself, and it was very complete.

Wu Chuan's rhizome is also black, like a ginseng as a whole, but the roots are dark red. In the process of digging, the less the rhizome is damaged, the higher the value. Although Bai Yuzhe has never dug Wuchuan himself, he knows the most suitable way to dig.

Therefore, after this Wuchuan plant was unearthed, it was very complete, and none of the thin roots were broken.

After carefully putting it away and storing it in the storage container, everyone continued on their way! In any case, with Wuchuan, this trip is not in vain. The value of Wuchuan here is slightly lower than that of Leixumu, but in other regions of the mainland, the value will be lower than that of Leixumu. over the wood.

This thing can also be used when he hits the third level of "Dragon Breaking Nine Heavens Art"!

After walking for a while, I don't know if today's luck really came. They finally found their target this time, the red blood python in a particularly lush forest!

This piece of forest is not only lush, but also the trunks are very thick, the smallest one can be hugged by three people, and the thickest one can be hugged by six or seven people!

At this time, the red blood python was wrapped around the largest tree trunk, four and a half times, and the length was estimated to be no less than fifty meters! The body is thicker than ordinary buckets.

Eighteen Blood Guards had never seen such a huge boa constrictor, and their expression changed a little! Such a huge body, how terrifying is its power? Generally, boa constrictors are not poisonous, and red blood pythons are no exception, but boa constrictors are no less difficult to deal with than poisonous snakes.

"Set up the formation, everyone be careful!" Bai Yuzhe also changed his face, and immediately ordered to start forming the formation!

(end of this chapter)