The Skill of Dragon Breaking the Nine Heavens

Chapter 184: Truth in cruelty


Bai Yuzhe didn't care about Liang Bin's threat at all! What about the third-year students in the monster class? He really didn't think the Eighteen Blood Guards forming the Tianyuan attack formation would be worse than these so-called monstrous students!

Moreover, he himself has already broken through to the third level of "Dragon Breaking Nine Heavens Art", and his strength has been greatly improved. If he has the opportunity, it would be good to meet the so-called evildoer class students and see how strong the so-called evildoer in Tongtian Tower is!

This time it was the gopher who made the move. Under the blessing of the Tianyuan attack formation, when he moved, he could hardly see his figure. He could only vaguely see a series of shadows flashing by, and he hadn't reacted at all. It is no longer in place, and the next moment has already appeared in front of my eyes!

The three of Liang Bin were taken aback immediately, and attacked one after another! The Raging Flame Demon Knife appeared, a ball of black flames attached to the battle knife, violently slashed out, and filled the sky with demonic flames! It was this knife that caused Luo Ming to be seriously injured at that time.

And the other two also used their unique moves one after another, a "kill" character composed of sword energy, and a sword energy vortex spinning rapidly!

The three of them had already tried the combination of these eighteen people last time, and they were naturally unwilling to be sent out with serious injuries, so they all used their strongest moves!

However, the tricks of the three of them all hit the empty space, and none of them could attack the gopher, they just blasted away the afterimage left by the gopher! And the next moment, the gopher had appeared in front of one of them, the dagger in his hand disappeared in a flash, and then a bloody arrow shot out, and then the man turned into a light and shadow, and disappeared into the secret realm...

The dagger of the gopher directly stabbed the opponent's chest, but he avoided the vital part of the heart, but injured other internal organs. The attack was extremely ruthless. Bai Yuzhe taught him this position!

It will neither be fatal, nor will it leave irreparable serious injuries! However, even if Bai Yuzhe takes action with this kind of injury, it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover his mobility within ten days! For Liang Bin and the others, it's good that they don't use killers, and others can do whatever they want, just let the other party remember, it's best not to mess with themselves!

After solving one problem, the gopher didn't stay for a moment. The flickering figures were like phantoms everywhere. Even with Liang Bin's cultivation base and strength, he couldn't capture where the gopher's real body was. on guard.

But how can we prevent it? In less than half a minute, the two of them suffered the same injuries as the previous one, and were forcibly teleported out of the secret realm, ending their mission trip this time!

The Tianyuan attack formation formed by the eighteen blood guards is much stronger than before. In the ten days since they entered the Tongtian Tower, their progress has been more obvious than before, and they often adjust their formations in order to display a stronger strength. strength.

"Okay, let's continue. It's probably the last time to treat these three people as coolies!" Bai Yuzhe waved his hands, as if he had done a trivial thing, and then continued to search for the beast.

Outside the secret place, Liang Bin and the other two were lying on the ground, with blood still gushing from their chests, they had passed out already, and even gave people a feeling of dying.

And the old man who was guarding outside the secret realm shook his head and came over at this time, he briefly helped them deal with it, sealed the wound, and then made some arrangements. Several men in black appeared and sent them directly to the hospital. Healed at Tongtian Tower.

From the beginning to the end, the old man didn't say a word, and he didn't see any expression on his face. He has seen this kind of thing a lot. It is very common for this kind of situation to happen during the trial in the secret realm of Tongtian Tower.

In fact, he knew something about the grievances between these people, Bai Yuzhe and the eighteen blood guards, after all, the entire secret realm was under his surveillance. Of course, no matter who is right or wrong, he will face it in the same way.

Practicing in the Tongtian Tower is actually very cruel. You not only need to be strong, but also be careful everywhere! Of course, popularity and your usual style are also very important. If the popularity is good enough, most people would not dare to act rashly.

Either you are strong enough, or you are popular enough, otherwise it is best not to be too arrogant, there are too many genius monsters here, and one will jump out at any time and clean you up.

Like the three of Liang Bin this time, it is estimated that they can recover their mobility in half a month. If they don't have good enough friends willing to take care of them during this half month, they can only stay in the treatment department. Contribution points are charged.

Including the cost of treatment, it is definitely not a small sum, and it will cause great obstacles to their future cultivation!

However, Tongtian Tower will not pity them, let alone give them any special treatment. The contribution point will be deducted as it should be, and it will be repaid after a certain period of time.

This method seems cruel. In fact, Tongtian Tower is telling the students with actions that although you are all geniuses, the winner will not always be you. If you want to bully others and grab more benefits from others, just Be prepared to pay more, too!

Of course, some students are innocent, passively bullied, robbed and beaten to serious injuries! Tongtian Tower will be handled in the same way, there will be nothing special. Also use this principle to tell them that if you want not to be bullied, you must practice hard and strive for self-improvement!

As for whether doing so will make some students become bloodthirsty, domineering, and psychologically distorted, there is no need to worry too much, Tongtian Tower will have similar courses every once in a while. As for whether you can listen to it or not, it depends on the students themselves. If you really can’t listen to it, it can only be a matter of essence!

Bai Yuzhe and the others spent three days in the secret realm. Everyone completed their missions and was sent back one by one. Moreover, because everyone had a few extra fifth-grade beasts in reserve, they could take on the missions after returning. In exchange for contribution points.

Bai Yuzhe also picked a lot of medicinal materials during the period, but these are not high-level medicinal materials, and at most they can only be refined into fourth-rank pills, and most of them can only be refined to third-rank pills.

But overall, it was a good harvest this time around.

After going back and handing in the task, Bai Yuzhe exchanged some high-level medicinal materials again. He is going to accept some alchemy tasks next. The contribution points earned in this aspect are more than those for hunting tasks. Alchemy The two professions of smith and caster are noble no matter where they are!

(end of this chapter)