The Skill of Dragon Breaking the Nine Heavens

Chapter 277: Misunderstood again


When Lin Xinyun heard Bai Yuzhe's invitation, she was stunned for a moment. She wanted to refuse, but she felt that she couldn't say it out loud, so she just went if she wanted to. It would be nice to let Bai Yuzhe heal her wounds.

So they nodded in agreement, and the two of them headed all the way to Bai Yuzhe's purple bamboo forest. They didn't say anything on the way, and the atmosphere seemed a little silent.

After more than half an hour, I finally saw purple bamboo in front of me. However, in front of the bamboo forest, there was actually a person standing, and it was obvious from the back that it was a tall and slender woman.

This woman is naturally Dugu Aoxue. Bai Yuzhe promised to help her make alchemy for free within half a year after she came back from the trial. Today is the first time for her to come here, and she feels a little nervous.

Bai Yuzhe also told the guards on the second floor that if Dugu Aoxue came to find him, he could just let her in, that's why Dugu Aoxue could appear here.

Naturally, Bai Yuzhe could tell at a glance that he and Dugu Aoxue were quite familiar, and he also knew the reason why she came to him, so he didn't care.

As for Lin Xinyun, although she only saw her back, she could tell who this girl was, because Dugu Aoxue left a deep impression on her heart, and she still thought that she was Bai Yuzhe's lover now, so she naturally remembered It's clear.

At this moment, seeing Dugu Aoxue standing here waiting for Bai Yuzhe, she frowned, feeling a sense of sourness in her heart.

"Could it be that Yu Zhe used this method to tell me about his relationship with Dugu Aoxue?" Lin Xinyun had this thought in her mind, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was not the case.

If so, Dugu Aoxue should be in the bamboo forest. Judging by her appearance, she seems to have just arrived here not long ago, waiting for Bai Yuzhe here, so it shouldn't be Bai Yuzhe's arrangement.

Maybe it's just a coincidence

Lin Xinyun thought so in her heart, but even if it was just a coincidence, she could tell that the relationship between Dugu Aoxue and Bai Yuzhe was absolutely extraordinary, otherwise she wouldn't have found this place! On the second floor of the Tongtian Tower, other students cannot enter without the consent of the members of the monster class.

Bai Yuzhe had been with him all the time before, which proved that Bai Yuzhe must have ordered Dugu Aoxue to come here at any time.

"Brother Bai, you're back." Dugu Aoxue naturally heard the footsteps behind her, turned her head quickly, and saw Bai Yuzhe and Lin Xinyun walking together, and quickly saluted Lin Xinyun again.

She already knew that Lin Xinyun was her ancestor's apprentice, but she only called her senior sister, and she couldn't use the seniority of the Dugu family in Tongtian Pagoda.

Dugu Aoxue was also surprised when she saw that both of them were injured, but with her character, she didn't know what to say to ask or comfort her, she just looked at the two of them with embarrassment, and her heart arose. Got a bad feeling.

The two women glanced at each other, and both saw the vigilance and even jealousy in each other's eyes.

"Junior Sister Dugu, are you here to ask me to make alchemy today? Just tell me what panacea you need." Bai Yuzhe didn't have any intuition. Anyway, Dugu Aoxue came, and he knew that he must be looking for him to make alchemy, so he said directly .

"I want three fifth-rank Chongling Pills and one fifth-rank Yujin Pill, is that okay?" Dugu Aoxue nodded, then said the panacea she needed, and looked at Bai Yuzhe expectantly!

During the recent period, she has practiced against the Eighteenth Blood Guards almost every day. To deal with Dugu Aoxue, the Eighteenth Blood Guards only need a formation of three people to deal with it.

However, most of the Eighteen Blood Guards won the most. After this period of time, Dugu Aoxue felt that she should soon break through to the Star Gathering Realm, so she came to Bai Yuzhe today. If she wanted to get the elixir, she immediately began to retreat and break through!

"Of course, you can come and get it after two days!" Bai Yuzhe nodded with a smile. He had already promised it, and of course he would not refuse it. For him, refining the fifth-grade panacea is very easy.

"You are all injured, why don't you go in first, let me help?" Seeing that Bai Yuzhe agreed, Dugu Aoxue originally wanted to leave, but when she saw that the wounds of the two had not been treated, she quickly thought of it Such an excuse.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury, don't forget my medical skills, it's just a minor problem!" Bai Yuzhe said indifferently.

But his attitude fell into Lin Xinyun's eyes, and she felt that the relationship between the two seemed very close, and Dugu Aoxue seemed to know everything about Bai Yuzhe. Moreover, Dugu Aoxue's tone just now, she said as if she was the hostess here...

"Let's talk, I'll go back first..." Thinking of this, Lin Xinyun felt a twinge of pain in her heart, jealous welling up, said this sentence without thinking, then turned and left!

"Xinyun, wait, didn't you tell me to help you heal?" Bai Yuzhe became anxious when he saw it, and quickly turned around to chase after him. He really felt baffled, how could Lin Xinyun be like this all of a sudden

"No need, it's just a minor injury. I'll be fine by myself going back to recuperate for two days!" Lin Xinyun didn't stop, and even accelerated her pace. She was afraid of seeing any intimate behavior between the two of them in the future. She was afraid that she would not be able to bear it. .

Seeing that Lin Xinyun had made up her mind to go, after chasing her for a while without catching up, Bai Yuzhe could only come back.

"What's wrong with Senior Sister Lin, she left all of a sudden?" Seeing Bai Yuzhe's return, Dugu Aoxue asked suspiciously, she really didn't know. Although Lin Xinyun left, she felt that she might have more chances, but she never intentionally caused any misunderstandings.

"I don't know, I feel like I don't know her very well..." Bai Yuzhe frowned, and suddenly remembered that Dugu Aoxue also seemed to have special feelings for him, and he shouldn't discuss Lin Xinyun too much in front of her. stopped.

"You guys, did you know each other before? Or did you know each other after you came to the monster class?" Dugu Aoxue asked cautiously. She wanted to know more about Lin Xinyun. She could tell that Bai Yuzhe seemed nervous about Lin Xinyun.

"We've known each other before, but we didn't know each other was in Tongtian Tower before, and we saw each other for the first time in the last hunting trial." Bai Yuzhe said, he couldn't say too much in detail, he could only give a vague response .

"Then are you two childhood sweethearts?" Dugu Aoxue continued to ask, she who usually doesn't talk much, seemed to have changed a lot when facing Bai Yuzhe.

In fact, the last time Lin Xinyun rescued them in the Lingfeng Mountain Range, she only heard Lin Xinyun say that Bai Yuzhe had mistaken someone, so she naturally had some guesses in her heart.

(end of this chapter)