The Skill of Dragon Breaking the Nine Heavens

Chapter 34: Enlist, make a splash


After the battle started, the Danxiang Pavilion was also very busy, because the pills played a very important role in the war, especially some simple healing pills, which were used to heal trauma. This kind of elixir is actually not even a first-grade panacea, but it is also very effective when used on trauma.

There are many people who can refine this kind of pill in Danxiang Pavilion, and because of the start of the war, Danxiang Pavilion has also made a lot of contributions. A thousand healing pills were provided for free, which is definitely a huge fortune.

Although the price of the Healing Pill is much lower than that of the Condensing Yuan Pill, and it can't even be exchanged for one out of ten, it will undoubtedly have a huge role in war. It is useless for ordinary people to hold the Condensation Pill, and the soldiers have the Healing Pill, which can be regarded as an extra life in many cases.

But after a thousand healing pills, the rest will have to be purchased with various medicinal materials or currency. Even so, Danxiang Pavilion still gave a big discount.

Early this morning, the siege of the Silver Wolf Kingdom has temporarily stopped, and it seems that they are also resting. And the City Lord's Mansion has already set up many temporary sites for recruiting soldiers in the floating city. Although there are many people who volunteer to participate, there will not be too many.

After all, if you go to the battlefield, your life will be in danger, and you may not be able to come back! There are also some poor people who are poor at the bottom, and there are some people who are full of blood and want to contribute to the country.

There will not be too many such people, but the number is still considerable. After all, Wang Zhenmin, the city lord, is very popular for doing things for others. In addition, some of the powerful families in the floating city have sent their own family members to join the army, which can be regarded as a kind of experience, and it can also be regarded as a contribution to the protection of the floating city!

Bai Yuzhe showed up at the recruitment point near Danxiang Pavilion with 18 people. They didn't come early, so there were still dozens of people in the front line.

"Name, age, and home address!" The person in charge of the recruitment is a middle-aged man, wearing a chain mail, who looks like he has the smell of blood and iron. He has obviously killed people on the battlefield, but he is also doing business. Meticulous!

"Wang Liu, 20 years old, lives at No. 135, 2nd Lane, Goulan Street!" A young man was at the front of the line, his clothes were covered with patches.

Most of the people who join the army here live in Goulan Street. Although the name of Goulan Street sounds just like a street, it is actually not a small area. It is an authentic poor kiln in Fucheng. People who live in this area are beggars, and a lot of others eat. There was no pause.

Therefore, there are quite a lot of volunteers at this recruitment site. Many people come, and their biggest wish is to be able to eat enough food, and there are three meals a day, and two meals have meat dishes, which is very attractive to them!

"Go over there, pick a stone lock and lift it up to pass!" The middle-aged man said to Wang Liu while registering, pointing with his left hand not far away. There was a row of stone locks in that place, ranging from small to large, with a total of a dozen of them. The smallest one was estimated to be only about 20 kilograms, and the largest one seemed to be one size bigger than a millstone, weighing several hundred kilograms.

Wang Liu walked to the front of the stone lock. After deliberating for a while, he picked a stone lock that was estimated to be about 50 kilograms. It was raised above the head, persisted for three seconds, and then suddenly lowered, stirring up some dust on the ground.

"It's not bad, junior soldier, go!" The middle-aged man gave Wang Liu a sign, and then continued with the next one. And Wang Liu was led into a temporary tent.

The next one, who only lifted a stone lock of more than 30 kilograms, became an auxiliary soldier. Basically, he would not face the enemy directly, but did some auxiliary work.

The next one, who didn't even lift the lightest stone lock, was naturally unqualified. More than 20 kilograms can't be lifted, and it's useless to go there, and there is no need to take care of the food. Obviously, the City Lord's Mansion will not do such a thing.

Soon, it was the turn of Bai Yuzhe and his group. The iron tower was at the front of the line. His strong body gave people a sense of oppression when he stood there.

"Name, age, and home address!" The middle-aged man took a look, showing a look of surprise, but still in that mechanical tone.

"Tieta, fourteen years old, Shili Temple, Goulan Street!" Tieta replied in a low voice, that's right, he didn't know his own name, he only knew that his surname was Xiong. After so many years, he was called Iron Tower anyway, so he almost forgot his surname!

"Real name!" The middle-aged man frowned, his voice raised a bit, Iron Tower? Does that count as a name? At most it's just a nickname, of course you have to report your real name to join the army!

"It's called Iron Tower, I don't have another name!" Iron Tower's voice raised a bit, and he said seriously.

After thinking about it for a while, the middle-aged man didn't say anything more. Given the situation on Goulan Street, this might be true. Then, while registering, he pointed at Shisuo.

The iron tower walked over there, directly facing the largest stone lock, without even looking at the other smaller stone locks. After walking to the front, he held the handle of the stone lock with one hand.


With a loud shout from the iron tower, the muscles all over his body tensed instantly. The thick arm lifted the huge stone lock steadily, then suddenly lifted it to the top of his head, and then turned it around three times before slowly placing it on the ground , this weight is obviously far from reaching the limit of his one hand.


Seeing the performance of the iron tower, everyone, except Bai Yuzhe and the others, whether they came to join the army or were originally from the army, were all in an uproar and stunned!

What kind of strength is this? You know, the stone lock is estimated to weigh 200 kilograms, a full 400 kilograms, and he lifted it with one hand, and it doesn't look like it's too much effort...

"No way...he's only fourteen years old?"

Suddenly, someone in the back team remembered the age reported by the iron tower just now, and was stunned, unable to believe it was true. After being disturbed by his weird name just now, everyone forgot to pay attention to his age, but now someone suddenly remembered...

"How is it possible? At the age of fourteen, he can grow to his head? And the strength is so terrifying?" Many people exclaimed one by one, with obvious disbelief in their tone.

Even the middle-aged man was the same, looking at the iron tower with a puzzled face, and even asked again cautiously: "Report again, how old are you?"

"Fourteen!" Tieta's attitude was still so sincere, and he even had a trace of doubt, what happened to fourteen? Who stipulated that a fourteen-year-old cannot grow so strong

Everyone stopped talking, and the middle-aged man also looked at the iron tower seriously. After a closer look, his face still had a trace of childishness, and his face was smooth, with only some fine fluff, not a beard at all.

"Private class!" The middle-aged man had no more doubts, and then gave the iron tower a metal sign, and asked people to take him to the camp to gather first!

Many people who lined up behind, even those who had passed the assessment before, stood outside to watch, and many people showed envious expressions on their faces. Although the upper class soldiers are only one level higher than the lower class soldiers, they are treated much better and have more opportunities to make military exploits.

To make military exploits is a matter of glory to all civilians.

Of course, the possibility of dying in the war is not small.

"Monkey, thirteen years old, Shili Temple, Goulan Street!" The next one who stepped forward was Monkey, who replied after the middle-aged man asked the same question over and over again. His situation is the same as that of the iron tower, and he doesn't even know his own surname.

The hundreds of people who could see the scene were dumbfounded again, but this time they didn't struggle with the name. The previous one named Tieta was fourteen years old, and his figure looked eighteen years old, which is definitely not an exaggeration.

But now this man named 'Monkey', no one doubts his age, and his figure is really similar to his name, the height is definitely less than the chest of the iron tower, and the appearance of the sharp-eared monkey cheeks, if you don't look carefully No one really thought he was a monkey!

How much strength does this person have

"Nonsense, the army is not you..."

The middle-aged man suddenly became a little angry. He felt that the kid in front of him was here to tease him. But before he finished speaking, the monkey had already arrived at the stone lock as soon as he dodged. The speed was so fast that ordinary people couldn't see clearly, and then the stone lock he chose scared people again.

He actually walked directly in front of the biggest stone lock, holding the handle with both hands, and suddenly lifted the stone lock that was a few sizes larger than his body over his head, holding on for three seconds.


The stone lock was smashed on the ground by him, and the ground trembled slightly.

This time, the sensation caused by the monkey was even more shocking than that of the iron tower, although everyone could see that this weight was already considered the limit for this sallow and emaciated boy who probably weighed no more than 30 kilograms.

But also look at his board, no one doubts that the smallest stone lock can crush him...

But who would have thought that such a big body could lift a stone lock of hundreds of kilograms? This is dazzled...

That's right, strength is definitely the monkey's weakness, but don't forget, he is already close to the middle stage of the heart gate, and under the conditioning of Bai Yuzhe's elixir, his strength is really a success compared to before. Geometric multiple growth! Not to mention, what he practiced was a mysterious technique, and it was actually reasonable to lift weights of hundreds of kilograms!

"Sergeant... Senior soldier!" The middle-aged man wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and he couldn't speak so neatly, and then gave the monkey a metal plate. When the monkey walked behind him, he couldn't help but turn his head again After looking at it, I adjusted my mentality and continued to recruit!

"Gopher, 14 years old, Shili Temple, Goulan Street!"

(end of this chapter)