The Skill of Dragon Breaking the Nine Heavens

Chapter 6: Be respectful


"It turns out... so it can be like this..."

"This... This is already close to the second-grade panacea..."

"Little...Little brother, although this elixir has been practiced, I don't know the key to it..."

In the alchemy room, Wu Cang exclaimed from time to time, and looked at Bai Yuzhe with incredulous eyes. There was admiration in his eyes, and the excitement in his heart could not be described in words.

Wu Wenxuan next to her was completely unable to speak, and she also knew something about alchemy. It has been more than two hours since I entered the alchemy room. Although Wu Cang has been refining alchemy, Bai Yuzhe has been guiding, because Bai Yuzhe has not reached the spirit orifice state, has no source power, and cannot control the alchemy fire.

And her father has completed some alchemy methods that were unimaginable in the past, and it can be said that he has created miracles time and time again.

If at the beginning, the father and daughter were still skeptical of Bai Yuzhe, now after more than two hours, they have already changed from skepticism to endless admiration. They couldn't imagine how this young man, who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, was still dressed in rags. How did he cultivate alchemy? No matter how talented he is, there must be a limit

But this does not hinder the ecstasy in their hearts, this is simply a good thing that the heavens have fallen.

"Okay, let's stop here today. This new Fuxin Pill, you father and daughter take one a day, and it will be guaranteed to eliminate all erysipelas after three days." Seeing that it was almost time, Bai Yuzhe stood up, and he But there is no time to teach Wu Cang here.

"Uh..." Wu Cang was taken aback. Just now he was immersed in the joy and sense of accomplishment, and for a moment he forgot the time, and also forgot that this achievement was not his own after all.

"Brother Bai, I don't know where you live?" Suppressing the sense of loss in his heart, Wu Cang quickly asked where Bai Yuzhe lived. It was time for him to be promoted to a second-rank alchemist.

No, it can't be said to be hope, but as long as this young man teaches himself for a while, he will definitely become a second-rank alchemist, so he must not let this opportunity pass by.

"Northeast District, Goulan Street." Bai Yuzhe told where he lived.

"Uh..." Wu Cang and his daughter were taken aback again. That street is the poorest place in the entire floating city, where most of the poor and beggars gather. They couldn't imagine that a person who was a master of alchemy actually lived in the legendary poor kiln

But looking at Bai Yuzhe's outfit, he should indeed live in that kind of place...

"Little brother, if you don't dislike it, why don't you just live in my Danxiang Pavilion?" Wu Cang directly initiated the invitation. If Bai Yuzhe can live in the house all the time, he will be elated just thinking about it!

"No need, if there are no accidents during this period, I will come here once a day!" Bai Yuzhe directly refused, because he didn't want to have too deep entanglements with the other party, and besides, there were a group of brothers and sisters who needed to be taken care of by himself, which was impossible for him Lead nearly twenty people to Danxiang Pavilion.

Then, Bai Yuzhe told the other party the resources he needed, and Wu Cang happily took them out. There are twenty primordial stones in total, and some medicinal materials specially used for washing tendons. Although the effect is not as good as the elixir, these medicinal materials are very pure and will not leave any hidden dangers. For now, I will use them first.

After getting the resources, Bai Yuzhe walked out of Danxiang Pavilion under Wu Cang's personal escort. During the whole process, the disciples of Danxiang Pavilion were stunned, and their eyeballs fell to the ground.

The Patriarch, the only alchemy master in the floating city, would be so respectful to a thirteen or fourteen-year-old beggar? Is this hallucination

Although they were all curious and felt itchy, no one dared to ask why...

After returning to his place, Bai Yuzhe called everyone together. Among these eighteen people, except for one Xiao He who is a girl, the others are all men.

"Boss, where did you go this morning?"

"Brother Bai, how is your injury?"

A group of people chattered and began to ask about Bai Yuzhe's situation.

"My injury is not a problem, it will be fine in two days! I went out to help everyone get resources! Brothers, we don't have to worry about the resources for cultivation in the future, and we have to change the exercises we practice! From now on, I Let all of you become masters, only we bully others, and we will never be bullied by anyone again!" When everyone arrived, Bai Yuzhe looked at everyone and said righteously.

"Boss, isn't it... You must have suffered a brain injury and haven't recovered yet, have you?"

"Brother Bai, do you have a fever?" Xiao He looked concerned, and directly pressed her palm on Bai Yuzhe's forehead to test his temperature.

Bai Yuzhe was left speechless by everyone's reaction, but he didn't blame them. After so many years of hard life, he suddenly told them one day that they could go to the palace to enjoy life and become a uncle. No one believed it.

Bai Yuzhe smiled helplessly, then directly opened the bag and took out the contents.

For a moment, crystal light shone out, the green primordial stones shone with a fascinating color, and there was a bundle of black silk that exuded a faint medicinal fragrance. A group of eighteen people were really frightened this time. Surrounded them together.

They have never seen such a primordial stone in their whole life. As for the medicinal material, they don't know it at all, but they can guess that it is something they can't afford.

"Hehe, are you dumbfounded? Don't worry, this is just the beginning. Each of you will have one primordial stone, and one share of Wu Ling. Come to my room one by one at night." After Bai Yuzhe gave an order, he turned and went back to my room! He now has two primordial stones in his hand, which are for his own cultivation temporarily.

Holding the two primordial stones directly in his hands, he began to absorb the power contained in the primordial stones according to the luck method of "Dragon Breaking Nine Heavens Art".

Originally, according to the previous cultivation methods of their group, each person could absorb a little bit of a primordial stone, which would last at least half a month! The first is because they are reluctant to part with it. Yuanshi was too extravagant for them in the past.

Second, it's also because their skills are really low-end to the limit...

Until nightfall, the two primeval stones were completely absorbed by Bai Yuzhe. At this time, eighteen people had already arranged their order and entered Bai Yuzhe's room one by one.

The first one is Xiao He, the only girl, everyone let her.

"Brother Bai, you... where did you get those primordial stones and medicinal materials today?" Xiao He asked cautiously as soon as she came in. She was really afraid that these resources were stolen from some big family. If found, a group of them will die without a place to bury them.

"Hehe, little girl, don't worry, these resources come from aboveboard, and this is just the beginning. In the future, our cultivation resources will continue to flow, so you have to open up and use them, don't waste them." Bai Yuzhe said with a smile .

Xiao He was overwhelmed with surprises, but she was also very surprised, why would there be a steady stream of resources all of a sudden? But she didn't ask too much. Over the years, they have already gotten used to trusting Bai Yuzhe completely.

In the following time, Bai Yuzhe once again had a detailed understanding of Xiaohe's talent characteristics. He wanted to tailor-made for the dozen or so brothers and sisters, giving them the most suitable cultivation conditions.

The next one to come in was Luo Ming. He had pretty features and was about the same age as Bai Yuzhe. He could almost be said to be the brains of the whole group, with a very flexible mind and a relatively quiet personality.

After he came in, he asked Bai Yuzhe a lot of questions. He always felt a little uneasy if he didn't ask clearly about some things! And Bai Yuzhe could only brush it off again, the real situation can't be said at present.

It's not that he doesn't trust his brother, but that he had many enemies in his previous life, so he can avoid unnecessary troubles.

The iron tower came in after him. This person was one year younger than Bai Yuzhe, but he was extremely muscular, nearly 1.8 meters tall. No one can understand how he, who lacked nutrition since he was a child, can grow so strong...

After Bai Yuzhe checked the 18 people in detail one by one, it was already late at night. Then, he began to arrange the exercises that these people practice according to what they are good at.

Of course, it is impossible for him to have so many high-end exercises in his mind, so many of them practice the same exercises because they are good at the same! However, what Bai Yuzhe brought out was at least a mysterious-level exercise, and there would never be martial-level or spiritual-level exercises.

If he is willing to write a copy of the mysterious technique, and then go to the Fucheng Imperial Capital, he will definitely fetch a sky-high price. Of course, Bai Yuzhe has no plans to do so at present, after all, his own strength is not enough, and some unexpected dangers are prone to occur.

For the next night, Bai Yuzhe was busy sorting out the exercises in his mind. He needed to make the whole group stronger! However, there are so many exercises, and only two books were written in one night, and they were all just for the early stage of practice.

In the early morning, Bai Yuzhe, who hadn't slept for two days, began to meditate and rest. At the same time, he silently recited the training formula of "Dragon Breaking the Nine Heavens", and he didn't want to waste even a little time.

Bai Yuzhe sat cross-legged on that broken bed, pinched the basic seal of Jackie Chan's Breaking Nine Heavens Jue with both hands and placed it on his thighs, with a faint dragon-like tendency. But it's very subtle, most people can't see it!

The first stage of Longpo Nine Heavens is called 'Longyou Shoal'. It is also the easiest state to succeed in cultivation, and it can be practiced by warriors in the heart door state. The whole set of exercises is the easiest to practice in this realm.

Gradually, a faint light lit up around Bai Yuzhe's body, exuding a faint coercion.

"Although getting started on the first floor is easy, there are still too few resources." In the afternoon, Bai Yuzhe sighed slightly, stood up, and planned to go to Danxiang Pavilion again.

(end of this chapter)