The Slag Gong wants to Kill me

Chapter 14


His destination seems to be to go to a bar, probably because he wants to relieve the irritation of the drug C, but I think the probability of him misfiring like this is relatively high.

I sent my husband's location to Bamboo Horse.

I don't know if he's going to have a mistress scene or if he's going to double fly, or if he's going to drag my husband back by himself, but it's all kind of fun, isn't it

I saw that when it was close to eleven o'clock, the little red dot indicating my husband on the locator started to move, and finally arrived at a hotel, but I didn't know who the other person was with him.

At this time, my husband's brother A called. He asked me if I had time to come out. Of course I replied no. He sounded a little lost, and I asked him what was the matter, and he hesitantly told me that he seemed to have seen a bamboo horse and my husband enter a hotel.

I smiled and told him what's the matter, two big men save money. He hummed and told me with a sigh, you'd better think about this matter.

I said "oh".


After that night, the relationship between my husband and his bamboo horse seemed to be back to before, his face was no longer tired, and he was indeed a man nourished by love.

Although that kind of love is just an illusion caused by drugs stimulating the cerebral cortex.

In several talk shows recently, Zhu Ma has publicly stated that the news on the Internet is false, and he and the actor are still on good terms. He is trying to make up with the actor. But this is too fake. When I saw the interview with the reporter on the TV screen, his smile was a little stiff.

Too fake. I thought while drinking my Sprite.

Is it true love that he is so anxious to get closer to the actor

When the movie was about to be released in a week, I received a call from the actor. It stands to reason that I don't know him now, I just gently asked who he is. The film king gave his name and intention of coming, and invited me to drink tea and chat in a certain coffee shop.

What does the actor want to do? I'm a little hard to understand, do defeated dogs lick each other

I'm going to be busy today, with 15 replies and one change, until 4:00 pm.