The Slag Gong wants to Kill me

Chapter 15


I still went to the appointment.

The coffee shop mentioned by the actor is a high-end place, and the per capita consumption price is hundreds of dollars. When I arrived, there were few people in the store, only a few men sitting here and there. Although they concealed it very well, I soon discovered that they seemed to be observing me. Is this the actor's bodyguard? I thought.

It seems that because I want to talk about important things, the actor invited me to a box on the second floor of the coffee shop. When I walked in, he was already there.

His black hair was gilded by the noon sun, and the actor's facial features were regular and profound. He's good looking, as good as my husband is, I thought. His neckline seemed to be ripped open on purpose, giving off an air of unruly teenage arrogance.

The first impression he gave me was postmodernism pretending to be a criminal.

I pulled out the chair and sat on it. He pushed over a menu and asked me, "What would you like to order?"

"Cappuccino." I glanced at it and replied.

He nodded, called the waiter over, and ordered her to order.

When the door was closed again, he coughed softly and said, "You should know about the bamboo horse?"

I shook my head and said, "Excuse me, why did you call me here? I don't know you. I think my work probably has nothing to do with you, sir." I showed a confused look, after all now , I should pretend to be a normal person who doesn't know a little about actor and entertainment news.

The actor pretended to be calm and said "Oh", then he handed me a business card and said, "I am C who recently won the Best Actor Award at the film festival."

I took the business card over to have a look, and the pattern printed on it was quite beautiful. "But I don't know the show business," I said. "I'm just a writer, sir."

"I know." The actor said, he took out a recording pen from his pocket and handed it to me, and said, "Listen."

He turned on the recorder.

Inside, there was a burst of intermittent electric sizzling, and then the sound of people chatting and walking. Then the recording was quiet for a few seconds, and there was a sticky sound of water coming from inside, like the "tsk tsk" sound of a human kissing.

Then there was the sound of flesh/body collision, the frequency was fast and the action was very loud. It can be seen that the two people had very intense sex/love.

Then came the voice of the bamboo horse from inside: "Hurry up... hurry up."