The Slag Gong wants to Kill me

Chapter 19


The film has already been released. As a purely family ethics film, its box office is good, breaking 100 million in four days after its release. Of course, the news that the actor and the bamboo horse broke up at the beginning, and the news that the fans of the actor and the bamboo horse were fighting, did a very good job of promoting this film. Secondly, my husband's entertainment company covered up those unfavorable remarks in order to promote the bamboo horse. His entertainment company cooperated with many theaters, which greatly increased the number of films scheduled. Moreover, it is now a holiday, and the attendance rate of the film is also very high. .

In it, Zhuma played a rural student who was assisted. He went to college because of the financial support of his sponsor. into the junior. In order to make this protagonist less like a clown, I set him up as an image of intelligence and hard work, although no matter how the bamboo horse plays, the image he gives me is also coquettish and cheap.

Many people have linked this movie with the previous news, and the strength of the opponents and supporters of Zhuma is considered to be comparable.

And the most explosive news came out at this time, which completely changed the power of the two factions. At one of the film's fourth promotional conferences, when one of the bamboo horses was not present, what should have been a clip of the film on the playback screen was instead a video of the bamboo horse and my husband having sex.

When the producers wanted to stop it, it was too late.

At that time, I was eating popcorn at home and watching the rebroadcast video. Just as several movie stars came out, when they finished bowing, a seductive and extremely erotic moan came from behind them. I saw that the faces of the group of people turned pale for an instant, as if they were frightened.

At this time, the reporters below had already started exclaiming and started taking pictures with their cameras. On the big screen, my husband and the bamboo horse suddenly appeared. They faced each other naked and kissed lingeringly. I think the reporters standing in front should be able to see my husband's lower body move and penetrate into the bamboo horse's body. Scenes.

The fucked bamboo horse rolled its eyes and kept yelling "brother, more... more..." while my husband gasped and began to pump/penetrate at a faster rate.

This is a very sensual video.

This video apparently confirms that Bamboo Horse and my husband had sex/relationship. I think the reporters below obviously think so too, as can be seen from the instant news after the press conference.

But this time, my husband and the bamboo horse didn't have to go to the trouble of deleting messages.

Because they have been missing for a week.

I called the police.