The Slag Gong wants to Kill me

Chapter 22


Zhuma seemed to be surprised by my honest words, he said like a threat: "I'm going out to call the police! It was killed him..."

"Yeah. You're great," I said, "but you gotta come out first."

The bamboo horse was taken aback for a moment, he seemed to have lost all his strength to walk, he could only support the floor and crawl over, I saw him tugging the doorknob a few times, but the door didn't open.

All the rooms in our house cannot be locked, but can be locked with a key from the outside. I know this, but the bamboo horse probably doesn't know it. I saw him fiddling with the door opening so desperately that at last he started kicking the door.

I think I have roughly confirmed one point, the bamboo horse is not only noisy, but also stupid.

I reminded him kindly, saying, "Perhaps my husband has the key in his pocket."

Only then did he seem to have come to his senses, and crawled over to take out my husband's pocket. It seemed that because he was afraid of the dead body, his hands were shaking when he went to get the key.

Of course, even if he got the key, he didn't open the door.

I heard him drop the keys on the floor. The bamboo horse propped itself up on the floor and climbed to the window. He glared at me fiercely and said, "Open the door! You murderer!"

He is so stupid. I chuckled lightly and said, "Why do you think I won't kill you?"

The bamboo horse's body trembled, and at this moment I caught a glimpse of a wet spot on the floor where he was lying on his stomach. He seemed to be incontinent with fright.

Then I opened the window and threw in a short knife.

The bamboo horse wanted to reach out and grab me the moment the window opened, but I avoided it.

"That's a very sharp knife," I said, "it's powerful enough to cut through a person's flesh, and it can also sever a person's main artery."

"You... what do you want to do?" Zhuma asked me tremblingly.

"I will call the police in seven days. But it will be about a month after the police find you." I said, "In this month, if you don't want to die, use this knife to cut off your food .But, aren’t you two true love? You can use it to commit suicide for my husband.”

"You madman! Murderer!" screamed Bamboo Horse, digging at the wall along the lower edge of the window. "Let me out!"

"I think first aid knowledge should be told to you. If you survive in the wild, you can drink blood or urine if you lack water." I said. Although I know that I don't need to talk nonsense with him at this time, but this is probably my bad taste.

I then waved to the bamboo horse and left. I caught my last glimpse of him slowly crawling to get the knife.

I probably know what he will choose.