The Slag Gong wants to Kill me

Chapter 28


The direction of their search can be said to be very wrong, perhaps because they only regarded this matter as a civil case from the beginning. Of course, according to my plan, in about a month or so, someone reported to the police that there was a faint smell in the suburban villas on the mountain, and asked the police to investigate.

The reported villa was under my husband's name, so I also asked to follow. I pretended to be very disturbed, grabbed the hem of my clothes with both hands, and asked the female trainee police officer sitting next to me in a trembling voice, "Is something wrong with my husband...?"

She pulled out a comforting smile and said, "No... No, it must be that some animal died in the room and rotted, right?"

The police officer D who was driving in front snorted coldly and said, "That's not necessarily true."

They didn't bring many people with them this time, and there were only five or six interns. When I think of it, they will probably all be taken aback.

The villa door is locked.

I took out the key and opened it and told the officer it was my husband and I's honeymoon place. D nodded, pushed open the door and went in, he frowned almost immediately.

A strong stench permeated from the door, like the smell of spoiled meat, it went straight into the nostrils, making people want to vomit. The faces of the police officers beside me suddenly changed. They could easily associate the smell with the smell of rotting corpses.

The deeper the room, the stronger the smell. The source of the smell is a room in the center of the second floor. The house is locked. D asked if I had the key. I told him there was no key and the rooms were designed not to be locked when my husband was renovating and I don't know why the door was locked.

His frown deepened, and several male police officers went to knock on the door with him.

The door opened, and a more intense corpse smell came from the room. The scene inside made the female intern next to me vomit immediately, covering her mouth.

(Contains bloody, violent and terrifying scenes, with severed limbs... wormy performance, if you can't accept it, don't pull it down, it's really curious, it's really heavy.)

The first thing that came into people's eyes was a completely inhuman corpse, he should be the source of the smell. He showed an obvious giant appearance, his whole body was swollen, and his true appearance could not be seen at all. He looked like a huge swollen lump of meat. Blood was evident on the head, abdomen and legs of the corpse.

A part of the scalp of the corpse seemed to have been artificially cut off, exposing the white skull inside. If you look closely, you will find dense maggots crawling on those bones. Insects were also crawling in the dark eye sockets of the corpse, and his eyeballs fell to the floor beside him as if they had been forcefully pulled out of the eye sockets.

His legs were incomplete, full of flesh and blood connected by roots, and small white maggots crawled out of them continuously, and they seemed to regard this corpse as a nutrient for growth.

And lying next to the corpse was a man exuding a foul smell. His chest was still rising and falling, and he looked like he was still alive. His hair was disheveled, and the black hair was mixed with the bloody flesh, making him look filthy. There was a piece of meat in his mouth, a piece of meat that looked rotten, and the man's mouth was still moving, as if he was chewing the piece of meat.

His lower body was naked, and when he looked in from the door, he could see white unidentified liquid sticking to the heels of his legs. The liquid seemed to flow from the back of his buttocks and had solidified. Between the liquid, the officer could clearly see something crawling on the man's body, the swarms of maggots crawling from his hips into the hole in the back of his body, and with this crawling, he seemed to be still alive. Moaned.

Trembling, I walked up to take a look, then I covered my mouth in disbelief and took a few steps back. I found a clean place and fell to the ground pretending to faint.