The Slag Gong wants to Kill me

Chapter 34


Officer D seemed to be startled by my faking excitement. He wiped the sweat off his face and said, "That's not the case. Please calm down... Calm down..."

The bamboo horse shivered and shouted: "I... I didn't lie, it was him! He killed me and set the blame on me!"

"I can't calm down!" I yelled, "I'm going to file a complaint with your police station, you go talk to my lawyer!"

While I was shouting, the actor kicked open the door and ran in, he hugged me and comforted me in a low voice. Then the actor yelled at police officer D intimidatingly, to the effect that he enforced the law unfairly and would ask the police to replace him because he had a close relationship with the bamboo horse.

When the movie king came in, Zhuma was visibly excited for a few minutes, and his voice was obviously excited, "It's not me! Help... save me!" He shouted at the movie king.

But the actor didn't even look at him.


Officer D was removed from the investigation of the case. Although he claimed that his personal relationship with Zhuma would not affect the handling of the case, he had to succumb to the overwhelming pressure of public opinion.

After waking up, the bamboo horse asked to confront me. I didn't want to go there once, so I asked my lawyer to talk to him.

The focus of the investigation was also on the locked door and the sudden cheating photos. They had suspected the movie, but the investigation of the movie ended in nothing. As for the reason for their disappearance, Zhuma admitted frankly that they were having an affair, but my lawyer pointed out that Zhuma deliberately found a place to murder.

Zhuma was speechless about this, and he really had no reason to refute. After all, it was indeed him who asked to go there in their communication records. It seemed that it was because he had a special feeling for having an affair at the place where my husband and I were honeymooning.

Well, it does feel good to be dead, I thought.

Of course, another straw that crushed the bamboo horse was a few days later, a decoration master appeared at my request. I negotiated with him, and used my husband's fund account to sponsor his son to study abroad in exchange for him I testify. He told the police that during the renovation, my husband assigned the keys in private. He also said that a bamboo horse asked him to get a spare key, saying that it was my husband's request.