The Slag Gong wants to Kill me

Chapter 6


A called me back, I heard his tone full of anger, I think I guessed what he saw, I heard him say: Although I know you have a good relationship, but I advise you to get along with me soon Divorce my brother.

Why, I asked.

He didn't know what to say for a while, he hesitated for a long time before replying that my brother is not a good person, in short, you are right to listen to me first.

I chuckled lightly and told A that he spoke so strangely that he would never let his sister-in-law and younger brother divorce. I asked him how my husband was doing and whether he had taken the pack of cold medicine.

A said he ate.

I knew his tone of uncertainty, and I knew that my husband didn't take it, but who cares whether he took it or not, as long as A knows that I left a pack of medicine there and that I am very worried about my husband. He saw the first scene of my husband cheating, and he would sympathize with me. This sympathy will be a powerful weapon for me to get rid of the evidence next time.

I found out that Zhuma will go out to shoot a movie tomorrow, and the cooperating partner is still the best actor. I printed screenshots of both photos. I found an unremarkable little boy, gave him some money and two photos, and asked him to leave the photos in the mailbox of my villa.

I specifically told him to go over the wall from the west, where there is no surveillance.

He agreed.

I found my former editor friend B, who sounded surprised that I reached out to him, with joy in his tone, B asked me why I hadn’t contacted him for so long.

I told him because I'm a happy dead nerd.

He smiled and said that you don't look dead at all. He asked me what was the matter, and if he could intervene, he would definitely help me.

I told him what I should do if I want to adapt my book into a movie, what steps should I go through, and can I actively find some actors.

He told me about the plan, and I said that I recently wrote a new book, because the subject matter is about the marriage problems of modern people, but there are some wrong views, that is, the mistress and her husband are together, I want him to package it for me Husband's company, but don't name the author, I have social phobia.

He said yes.

I hung up the phone and started searching for chronic medicine. First of all, I know that my husband has a hobby of fruit, and secondly, Zhuma seems to bring fruit to my husband irregularly every time I go, the frequency is twice a month, which can be seen through their chat.

Every time it is in season fruit, my husband will finish it.

Based on this, I think I can start from this point.