The Song of Spirits

Chapter 13: Moon Ying Bao Mirror (Part 2)


The master of Mingya Cave hurriedly took the opportunity to twist his body in the air. While avoiding the kick, he slapped Xin Yuesong with his palm.

A black energy emitted from his palm, turned into a sharp black thorn, and pierced Xin Yuesong's abdomen.

Xin Yuesong grunted, grabbed the wrist of the Dark Crow Cave Master with one hand, and slashed towards his neck with the other hand.

"Stop!" The woman yelled again and sneered: "Xin Xianjun, if you dare to move again, I will dig out this kid's heart and let you see!" Xin Yuesong glared at the woman fiercely, and After opening his hand, the master of Mingya Cave was so frightened that he sweated profusely and ran away in panic.

Xin Yuesong looked at the woman and said coldly: "If I'm not mistaken, you are one of the three wonders of Xue Li Cave, Qian Mianzi, right?" The woman laughed, but it was a man's voice, saying: "That's right.

Mr. Xin Xian, I respect you as the number one master in the path of cultivating immortals, but I really don’t want you to die like this? You’d better hand over your treasure obediently! "Ye Ye's little face turned red, struggling desperately, and shouted: "Xin Yuesong, please leave me alone, kill them all! "Xin Yuesong ignored him and said coldly: "As expected of a devil, he only uses these despicable methods! The blood bat cave master smiled and said: "I have encountered countless enemies, but this is the first time I have encountered a strong opponent like Xin Xianjun."

I was still a little dissatisfied before, but now I know that even if the four cave masters join forces, they are no match for you, so... I have no choice but to use some tactics.

Mr. Xinxian, today's situation is completely unfavorable to you. It is better to hand over the Yueying Mirror and let everyone laugh and forget their grudges. You see..." Before he could finish speaking, Xin Yuesong shook his head and said: "I told you, there is no such thing. What a waxing moon mirror! Qian Mianzi looked cold and said sternly: "Don't you want this child's life?" "Xin Yuesong smiled lightly and said: "You can't kill him. "

Before he finished speaking, he waved his hand and put a talisman on his body, and he disappeared immediately.

Everyone was startled. The master of the Blood Bat Cave immediately shouted: "No, Qianmianzi, be careful!" He shouted too late. Qianmianzi felt a sharp pain in the hand holding the knife. When he lowered his head, he saw that his right hand had already When his wrist was broken, he was shocked and frightened. He let go of Ye Ye with a scream. A strong wind came from the void, and Qianmenzi's head immediately left his body.

Then, four fire tigers jumped out of the void and roared in front of Ye Ye, but they protected Ye Ye.

In the horrified eyes of the three cave masters, Xin Yuesong suddenly appeared in front of the master of the cave. He laughed heartily and whirled his kick towards the master of the cave. At the same time, he threw a thunder snake to attack the other cave master.

The master of the Dark Crow Cave reacted quickly and let out a strange scream before suddenly collapsing into a pile like mud, and actually dodged Xin Yuesong's lightning-like attack.

The other cave master was not so lucky. His attention was completely focused on Qianmianzi. By the time he discovered the thunder snake, it was already too late. With a roar, the upper body of the cave master was completely blown away by the thunder snake. , the lower body fell to the ground with a trail of black smoke.

The Blood Bat Cave Master was shocked by Xin Yuesong's powerful power and stayed on the spot for a moment. The Bat Cave Master calmed down, and Xin Yuesong had already rushed to the front. His palms turned into knives and danced like wheels, moving towards the Blood Bat Cave Master to harm him.

The blood bat cave master did not dare to be careless and hurriedly used all his strength to fight against it.

However, after several moves, he felt that he was gradually losing ground, and he couldn't help but secretly feel frightened. He thought that if Xin Yuesong had not been stabbed by the master of Mingya Cave, he would have been killed by him at this time.

And Xin Yuesong also knows his own suffering.

He was seriously injured. At this time, he relied on a breath of true energy to support him and kept him from falling. Now he is fighting against the Blood Bat Cave Master, which is really consuming his mana and true energy. This move is like drinking poison to quench his thirst. However, he must do this, and he can only do it as soon as possible Only by destroying or forcing away his opponent can he take out the Moon Mirror and heal his fatal injury.

Xin Yuesong's martial arts power was much higher than that of the Blood Bat Cave Master. Now, with such a desperate attack, the Blood Bat Cave Master was even more unable to withstand it.

In desperation, the Blood Bat Cave Master shouted sternly: "Damn Crow, why don't you help me trap him!" The Dark Crow Cave Master was frightened by the former Xin Yuesong. At this time, he had not yet returned to his human form. He was just watching the battle in a daze. Only then did the sound calm down, rushing toward Xin Yuesong like a tide of mud, entangled in Xin Yuesong's feet.

The Blood Bat Cave Master took the opportunity to run away, folded his hands and wings, and whispered some mantra.

Xin Yuesong was actually at the end of his strength, so he was unable to dodge.

The Master of the Dark Crow Cave turned into mud and desperately entangled Xin Yuesong. Xin Yuesong knew that among the two, the Master of the Blood Bat Cave was the most powerful, and wanted to use his strength to deal with him, but at this time he was entangled, but he had to spend all his mana and throw A fire tiger emerges.

The flaming tiger jumped on the mud, drying and cracking several pieces of mud in an instant.

The master of the Dark Crow Cave screamed and ran away, returning to his naked form and lying on the ground. He had multiple burns on his body and one of his arms was missing.

Xin Yuesong originally wanted to chase down the enemy quickly, but he was unable to do so.

Seeing that there was only one person left behind the enemy's rear, he no longer had to worry about Ye Ye's safety, so he waved his hand, and one of the fire tigers protecting Ye Ye immediately rushed out and pounced on the master of the Ming Crow Cave. , burn it to ashes.

Ye Ye stood there in a daze, but was completely shocked by Xin Yuesong's peerless magic and incomparable power. At this moment, he forgot all his stubbornness and the words he once said, "I am not him." Disciple", and worshiped Xin Yuesong from the bottom of his heart.

He suddenly felt that being able to become Xin Yuesong's disciple was the most proud thing! At this time, Xin Yuesong's mana had been exhausted, and he couldn't help but become more eager to kill the enemy with one blow.

He turned to the master of the Blood Bat Cave and was about to attack with all his strength when he suddenly heard a long laugh. Looking back, he saw a tall man in black clothes and a mask slowly falling from the air next to Ye Ye. With a wave of his hand, he All the fire tigers were scattered.

Xin Yuesong couldn't help but be surprised. Judging from the other party's attire, he was the one under the gate of Xueli Cave.

He was worried about Ye Ye's safety and hurriedly turned around and rushed towards Ye Ye.

However, the man grabbed Ye Ye one step ahead of him, grabbed Ye Ye's head with one hand and Ye Ye's waist with the other, laughed evilly, and actually tore off Ye Ye's head alive! "No!" Xin Yuesong screamed fiercely, his eyes instantly turned blood red, sadness and anger instantly filled his heart, he screamed and rushed away, turning all his strength into a talisman.

The talisman turned into a silver light again, spreading from his fingertips to the whole body, turning Xin Yuesong into a light arrow, shooting straight at the man.

Amidst the loud noise, rocks flew into the air, and a huge mountain wall was turned into powder by Xin Yuesong's blow! When the smoke and dust cleared, Xin Yuesong stood in a daze among the rocks.

Looking around, is there any shadow of the man in black around? Ye Ye, however, was standing behind the four fire tigers unharmed, looking at him blankly with a look of confusion on his face.

"Illusion?" Xin Yuesong was stunned for a long time before slowly spitting out these two words.


The Blood Bat Cave Master slowly stood up straight, wiped the sweat from his face, and said: "This is called 'Big Dream Impermanence', and it is the master's skill.

Mr. Xin Xian, you are the only one in this world who can force me to use this skill. "

Xin Yuesong's whole body power was completely lost at this time, and he no longer had the power to fight against the powerful enemy.

He looked at the Blood Bat Cave Master, and after a while he suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled, saying: "Xin was defeated... but you can't expect anything.

There is no Moon Ying Mirror on Xin’s body at all! "After he finished speaking, there was another long burst of laughter. In the middle of the laughter, he couldn't keep up and passed out.

Seeing Xin Yuesong fall to the ground, Ye Ye hurriedly shouted to the four fire tigers: "What are you doing? Go over and kill the evil guy!" The four fire tigers didn't move, and the flames on their bodies jumped a few times, and all at the same time dissipate.

The blood bat cave master smiled and said: "Boy, this tiger only exists in the world because of Xin Xianjun's magic power. Now that Xin Xianjun's magic power is exhausted, can they still survive?" Ye Ye glared at the blood bat cave master, suddenly screamed, and flew towards him. After passing by, the Blood Bat Cave Master paid no attention to him and just allowed him to rush closer and closer.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ye rushed to a stop about ten feet away, took out a paper talisman from his waist, waved it and released a thunder snake as thick as his thumb.

At such a close distance, the Blood Bat Cave Master couldn't dodge and was hit in the chest. A big hole was immediately burned out of his clothes. He was frightened and angry. He flapped his wings and a strong wind rushed out, beating Ye Ye. Somersaulted and passed out.

The Blood Bat Cave Master looked at his chest, then at Ye Ye, and sighed: "How careless!" The desert is like the sea, stretching as far as the eye can see. Wherever the wind blows, yellow sand dances, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The sun was scorching in the sky, not a single cloud could be seen in the sky, and not a single shade could be seen on the ground.

Suddenly, a shadow passed over the sand dunes, and high in the sky, a pair of black wings fluttered, leading a person to fly over the vast desert sea.

The man dressed in black was none other than the Blood Bat Cave Master. There was one person under his left and right armpits, but they were Xin Yuesong and Ye Ye who were unconscious.

After he flew close to a huge sand dune, he retracted his black wings, slowly landed on the ground, and strode forward. As soon as he stepped onto the top of the sand dune, he disappeared from here and appeared on another sand dune in the distance. .

He walked further down the sand dune and disappeared again, only to reappear from another place.

After repeating this several times, a huge black castle suddenly appeared in front of him.

The master of the Blood Bat Cave strode towards the city gate. The black-clothed guards on the city gate immediately saluted him respectfully and opened the heavy city gate.

He strode into the city. Inside the city, a large group of guards greeted them respectfully. The leader gave a deep salute and said: "Welcome back to the cave master!" After raising his head, he asked doubtfully: "The other three cavemen Lord, how come..." The master of the Blood Bat Cave waved his hand: "They are all dead."

The man was stunned for a long time, and without saying another word, he led the Blood Bat Cave Master towards the city.

When they came to a large hall, the others stopped. The master of the Blood Bat Cave sandwiched the two of them and entered the hall alone.

In the hall, two men in black were talking. When they saw him coming in, they immediately came up to greet him. One of them had a gloomy face and cold eyes. A man in his thirties looked at Xin Yuesong and Ye Ye and asked, "Ming Crow and the others." Could it be..." The Blood Bat Cave Master nodded, bowed and said: "Cave Master, although I knew that Xin Yuesong was very capable, I never expected that he would reach this level."

Another tall and thin man in the hall, with a black cloth painted with strange symbols on his face, only showing a pair of narrow eyes, exclaimed: "People say that Xin Yuesong is the number one master of the Cangyun Sect, and his magic power is far superior to the sect leader Yan Huolan. , it seems to be true!" The cave master asked again: "Have you got the Moon Ying Mirror?" The blood bat cave master shook his head: "Xin Yuesong insisted that he did not get this treasure. I searched his whole body and the mirror. No one was found near the iceberg, but I don’t know if he was hiding it secretly or... he was telling the truth."

"His Majesty."

The masked man said: "My subordinates will never make mistakes. The injury of the bear demon must have been cured by the Yueying Mirror! Since Xin Yuesong can enter the glacier, he must have obtained the precious mirror!"