The Song of Spirits

Chapter 24: The Secret Realm of the Wasteland (Part 1)


In the past few days, in addition to being busy with farming, all the villagers were busy with their wedding. Third Sister Wang even went several times a day to let Lianhua try on new clothes, and then thought about how to change them to make Lianhua more beautiful.

Ye Yeze worked with the villagers in the fields every day, went up to the mountains to cut wood, and went down to the river to catch fish. They worked all day long, and felt that life in this mountain village was peaceful and warm, and indescribably comfortable.

Seeing that the auspicious day is getting closer, the villagers first decorated the small courtyard, dressed in red and green, making it lively.

That evening, Third Sister Wang came again with her wedding dress. Ye Ye quickly thanked her: "Thank you for your hard work, Third Sister. This wedding dress is already good, so there is no need to..." Before he could finish speaking, Third Sister Wang said displeasedly: "How can that happen? A girl's family is not like a man's. They have three wives and four concubines. As long as they can afford to support them, they can have as many as they want.

A woman chooses a husband just once in her life, and she will follow him for the rest of her life, and there is no way she can change it.

For women, this is the most important thing in life, how can they be careless? " Lian Hua stood aside quietly, her heart suddenly shook when she heard the words, and she said to herself: "This is only once in a lifetime, nothing can be changed, nothing can be changed..." Ye Ye said yes again and again when he heard the words, and couldn't help blaming himself. .

Third Sister Wang smiled and pushed him out of the house, saying: "Girl is trying on clothes, it's not convenient for you to watch. Go sit in the courtyard for a while!" Ye Ye turned red at her request and ran out while responding.

Third Sister Wang closed the door, walked up to Lian Hua, stared into her eyes, and never looked away.

Lianhua said: "Third sister, what are you looking at?" Third sister Wang chuckled and said: "Sister, I am someone who has been through this. You can't hide your concerns from me."

Lianhua's heart trembled and she forced a smile and said, "What's on my mind?" Third Sister Wang sighed softly, sat down on the bed, fiddled with her wedding clothes, and said, "Before I got married, I fell in love with someone in the village. A young man, I think about him when I'm awake and think about him when I'm asleep, but when I see him, my face turns red with shame and I don't know what to say.

At that time, I just thought that if I could marry him, it would be the happiest thing in the world.

But... my parents looked down upon him and found another family for me. I was so fussy at that time that I wouldn't listen to anything, which made my father sick.

I was so frightened now that I agreed to my father and married my current husband... Well, thinking about it now, I really regret it. I stay with my husband every day, but I always think about another man. It's really right. If you can't stop what I say, I'm sorry to myself! " Lian Hua was so confused by what she said that she fell down in her chair and stared blankly.

She felt as if Third Sister Wang was talking about herself, and an expression of pain appeared in front of her eyes unconsciously, and her heart trembled.

Third Sister Wang said: "Sister, I know that you must have someone else in your heart, but you also like Brother Ye.

But do you know that a woman can only truly love one person in her life? It would be best if you could forget him. Otherwise, you would harm three people! " Lianhua's body was shaken, and she couldn't help but shed tears, and said to herself: "Ye Ye... he really loves me, and I don't want to let him down. Besides... besides, it's impossible for him to come back to me, and it's impossible for him to come back to me. Love me! But how can I forget him? Third Sister Wang was so smart that she immediately recognized the two "hims" before and after Lianhua. They clearly had different intentions. She sighed softly and said, "Sister, are you really planning to marry Brother Ye?" Lian Hua nodded slightly, and Third Sister Wang immediately stood up and said, "If that's the case, then just eat it." "

As he spoke, he took out a yellow paper bag from his arms and handed it to Lianhua.

Lianhua took the paper bag and said in surprise: "This is..." Third Sister Wang said: "This is 'Wangqing San', which I asked for from a wandering doctor back then.

I wanted to take it and forget about the person I loved, but... But in the end I still refused to let it go. If you are determined, just eat it. "

Lianhua took the paper package tremblingly, but couldn't believe it was true. Third Sister Wang sighed softly, hugged her wedding dress and walked out. As she walked, she said: "You'd better think carefully, this medicine... doesn't have it." Antidote..." Third Sister Wang pushed the door open, but Lianhua was stunned in place. It wasn't until Ye Ye entered the house that she suddenly came back to reality and hurriedly hid the paper bag in her arms.

Ye Yexiao asked: "Why, the wedding dress is not suitable yet?" Lianhua responded casually and said: "I'm tired, I want to go to bed early..." After saying that, he walked back to the house. Ye Ye originally wanted to talk to her again. Childish talk, but seeing her face looking tired, he went to another room to rest.

That night, Lianhua lay in bed, suffering from inner torture all the time.

She was about to make the most important choice in her life, choose Ye Ye, forget about her differences, and just take this pack of medicine.

She held the paper bag and looked at it over and over again, but she still couldn't stop hating it.

She thought of the days and nights in Xueli Cave, of Can Yi's help and care for her, of his handsome face, his free and elegant demeanor... everything made her... She couldn't bear to forget, couldn't bear to abandon.

However, Can Yi has left, taking with him his hatred for her.

She knew that Can Yi could not give her the life she wanted, and the life Can Yi wanted was exactly what she was tired of. Two people could not walk on the same road! That night, Lianhua's clothes and pillows were wet with tears, but she still couldn't make up her mind.

The next day, Ye Ye came to the kitchen before dawn and got busy. When the red sun shone on the earth, he had already put a sumptuous meal on the table.

Lianhua stayed up all night, listening to everything but unwilling to get up and ask questions.

Only when Ye Ye laid out the food and came to call her from the door did she slowly walk out. When she saw the food, she asked, "Why did you cook so many dishes?" Ye Ye was about to answer excitedly, but Suddenly he saw Lianhua's face was haggard, his eyes were red, and there were tears on his face. He couldn't help but asked in shock: "Are you crying?" Lianhua quickly lowered his head and said: "No... No, I just didn't sleep well..." Ye Ye helped her sit down, knelt down and asked softly: "Do you miss your mother?" Lianhua trembled, then nodded.

Ye Ye sighed softly and said, "Sometimes I also think of my father and mother.

If they were still alive, how happy would they be to see me marry such a beautiful wife..." Lianhua suddenly remembered the blood feud on Ye Ye and asked, "You said that they were all killed by Cangyun. They were killed by traitors, so you...will you avenge them in the future? Ye Ye nodded and said, "Of course!" My father's hatred is irreconcilable. If I can't avenge my parents, how can I live in this world? Sooner or later, I will find this traitor and kill him with my own hands! "Looking at Lianhua, he said softly: "After that, we will come back here and stay with each other until we die of old age, do you agree? "Lianhua was speechless. She suddenly discovered that Ye Ye and Can Yi could not give her the kind of peaceful life she wanted. Her heart was shaken. She asked herself repeatedly in her heart: What should I really do? Marry him? Should I really forget him? At this time, Ye Ye smiled and said: "Let's not talk about this, do you know what day today is? Seeing Lianhua shaking his head, he said: "Maybe you don't remember, but today is the day when we meet for the first time in our lives."

When I first saw you that day in Huangshan, how could I have imagined that you would become the most important person in my life and my wife? Sometimes I think about it, life is really interesting! "For a moment, Lianhua's mind went blank. She looked at Ye Ye blankly, unable to believe that he still remembered that day, a day that was extremely important to her, but she had already forgotten it! In an instant, Lian Hua suddenly felt endlessly moved in her heart. She seemed to see the stubborn boy again, spreading his arms to block the blue finger.

It was at this moment that Lianhua made up his mind to forget Can Yi! She suddenly smiled, a relaxed smile after putting down her burdens.

Seeing her smile, Ye Ye felt extremely happy and was busy putting food into her bowl. Lianhua looked at Ye Ye and ate the sweet food in one mouthful, suddenly feeling extremely sweet in her heart.

Time goes by, and the wedding day comes in a blink of an eye.

On the first day of the wedding, the old patriarch picked up Lianhua and said: "How can the groom pick up the bride at his own house? Send her to my house. Tomorrow, Brother Ye will carry the sedan to my house to pick up Miss Lianhua. !" Wang De asked someone to build a new bed for Ye Ye's house. It was filled with peanuts, red dates, longan and lotus seeds. Ye Ye looked at it incomprehensibly. Wang De smiled and said: "Silly boy, you have to do it when you are newlyweds. Installing a new bed, there is something special about installing a new bed. It must be a man whose parents are still alive and have a son. These peanuts and red dates mean 'to have a son soon'. I wish you two to have a fat son soon!" Ye Ye's face turned red when he heard this, which made the villagers burst into laughter.

That night, Ye Ye and the villagers were busy decorating the new house, while Lianhua stayed at the patriarch's house.

Aunt Wang also stayed with her at the patriarch's house. She brought Lianhua to the back room, pointed at a big red box, and said, "Miss Lianhua, every woman who marries must have a decent dowry. You don't have any other relatives." "Auntie, I will make the decision for you myself and arrange a dowry for you, so don't dislike it!" Since Lianhua was a child, no elder has cared for her so much since her parents died. It's because of her weak personality. At this time His eyes turned red, and he almost shed tears.

Sister-in-law Wang helped Lianhua sit down, took out a comb, combed her hair carefully, and said: "When you get married, you are no longer a little girl, but you can't act like a child anymore."

Then, he talked endlessly about the rules of wives in the countryside.

Lianhua listened to it, but she didn't feel bored at all. She only felt warm in her heart.

After saying this, it was already dark. Aunt Wang left Lianhua's room and lived in another room with Girl Xi.

Sitting alone in the room, Lianhua suddenly had mixed feelings. She slowly took out the yellow paper bag from her arms and whispered to herself: "Ye Ye, I will leave my life to you!" Second One day, the villagers crowded into Ye Ye's house noisily, helped Ye Ye dress up, and drove the carriage to Wang De's house to pick up the bride.

According to the old rules, Xi Yatou, the granddaughter of the patriarch, hid the bride's red shoes and let Ye Ye search for them for a long time before finally digging them out and then he could take the bride out.

The happy girl held up a red umbrella, sprinkled the rice, and walked out with Ye Ye and Lianhua. She loudly said happy and auspicious words. The villagers were laughing and accompanying the carriage to go around the village. After walking around for a long time, we came to Ye Ye's small courtyard.

Xiaolong and several children hung up two firecrackers and kept them crackling for a long time, leaving red firecracker skins all over the yard. Several middle-aged women who followed the work laughed and said that this represented the future. A good sign that the days are prosperous.

Then the villagers played with the bride and groom for a long time according to village customs, and then sent the two people into the newly decorated auditorium in the house. The patriarch stood at the top and shouted: "The auspicious time has come, the bride and groom are here!" Xiaolong! A group of children led by Hexi girl immediately started cheering and shouting. The adults pretended to scold them, but they made them shout even more happily.

In the midst of laughter, the patriarch shouted loudly: "I worship the heaven and the earth!" Ye Ye felt his heart was agitated and his head was dizzy. He couldn't believe that Lianhua had become his wife, and he bowed down stiffly like a zombie, which made him angry. The children laughed again.

The old patriarch also laughed hard, and he couldn't hold it back easily.

When other people get married, they first worship heaven and earth and secondly worship high hall, but Ye Ye and Lianhua have no parents. The clan leader found out earlier and set up the tablets of Ye Ye and Lianhua's parents on the table. Under the command of the clan leader, the two worshiped again. Gao Tang.

The old patriarch smiled from ear to ear and said loudly: "Husband and wife bow to each other."

Amidst the laughter of the villagers, the two stood opposite each other. Ye Ye looked at Lian Hua, who was in full dress across from him, and suddenly heard the words of the last day of the blood leaving the cave. Tears flashed in his eyes, and he secretly said in his heart: Lian Hua. Hua is about to become my wife. I must love her for the rest of my life, never let her suffer at all, and never allow anyone to hurt her! So what if she is a demon? As long as I love her, that's enough! He thought like this, looked at the lotus, and bowed deeply.

However, at this moment, Lianhua's body suddenly trembled, and then collapsed to the ground!