The Song of Spirits

Chapter 31: Subduing the Demon Immortal Lord (Part 2)


Lei Ao sighed: "He has been controlled by evil laws for many years, and the magic power in his body has been exhausted. It is a pity that the top master of Cangyun Sect is now not as good as ordinary sect members."

Ye Ye couldn't help but remain speechless, feeling extremely sad in his heart and tears flashing in his eyes.

Lei Ao sighed and said, "He was tortured in the Xueli Cave. Do you know why?" Ye Ye said, "Of course it's the Moon Mirror.

The master said that Xue Li Cave wanted to use its power to resurrect the ancient demon god. "

Lei Ao nodded and said: "Not bad.

That demon god is Yunyao! "Ye Ye was shocked and said in astonishment: "Yunyao? Lianhua had been sitting silently on the side. When he heard the words, he couldn't help but said: "It is said that he is the most powerful demon god in history, and my ancestor seems to be one of his subordinates." "

Lei Ao nodded and said: "That's right! Almost all the turmoil in the world in the past and present are related to him? In ancient times, he instigated Chi You to cause chaos. In the Yin Dynasty, he bewitched King Zhou's tyranny and stirred up chaos in the world. In the Zhou Dynasty, he instigated the feudal princes to separatist regimes and divided the world. , and even provoked the three families to divide into Jin Dynasties, causing the world to enter the Warring States Period and chaos, and later caused a melee among the Seven Kingdoms.

Thanks to the King of Qin uniting all the factions in the world and fighting against him with the power of the whole country, the world was finally unified and the chaos ended. However, he was killed by Yun Yao shortly afterwards while he was inspecting the world. As a result, the world fell into chaos again.

Thanks to the immortal king in our sect at that time who was not afraid of death and risked the lives of dozens of masters before he killed Yun Yao.

However, this demon's magic power was so powerful that before it died, it turned its body into several magic weapons, which exploded and scattered in the void, waiting for the descendants of the demonic path to find the remaining Yunyao weapons and resurrect them.

If this monster were born, the world would become a sea of blood! Now that the world is in turmoil, Ye Ye, if you have a heart to love the people, you shouldn't settle for this. "

When Ye Ye first heard about the evil deeds of Yunyao Demon God, he couldn't help but be shocked. He was speechless for a long time. After a long time, he said: "Uncle, don't worry. Not only for the whole world, but just for these folks in Wangjia Village, Ye Ye will not I will let Yun Yao run rampant and not be able to retreat!" Lei Ao couldn't help but clapped his hands and said, "Okay! I really didn't misjudge you!" Lian Hua couldn't help but darken her expression, and said in her heart: He and Can Yi both have the same mind. In the world, is there no man in the world who is willing to live in seclusion in the mountains with his lover and not care about worldly affairs? Ye Ye suddenly said: "By the way, I got a sundial in the realm of nothingness. After I broke it, it turned into something like this."

As he said that, he took out the silk picture from his arms, handed it to Lei Ao, and said, "Is it possible that this is the Yunyao remnant weapon?" Lei Ao took the silk picture, looked at it for a long time, shook his head and said, "I don't know about this painting either. I can't understand where it is and which country it is written in.

But this is by no means a magic weapon, just an ordinary picture. "

After saying that, he returned the picture to Ye Ye. Ye Ye felt an inexplicable affinity with the picture and unconsciously cherished it, and hurriedly hid it in his arms.

Lei Ao said: "I must rush back to the door as soon as possible, so I won't stay any longer.

When you recover from your injuries, come back to Yuemang Mountain to find me. I will personally officiate your marriage then, and see who dares to criticize you! "Ye Ye was overjoyed when he heard this and said hurriedly: "Uncle Master, I will never forget it for the rest of my life! "Lei Ao laughed and waved his hands repeatedly, strode out, waved his sleeves to release the giant bird, jumped on its back, and flew away into the sky.

The villagers who saw him nearby exclaimed loudly and knelt down to worship him.

Ye Ye was seriously injured in this battle and had to rest for nearly a month before getting better.

The villagers in the village delivered vegetables and meals every day and took great care of Ye Ye and the two of them. The two couldn't help but be deeply moved again. Ye Ye thought of what Lei Ao said and thought to himself that if Yun Yao was resurrected and the world was in turmoil, these kind people would inevitably have to fight. After being devastated, he immediately made up his mind to stand up in this critical moment, even if it meant risking his life.

That day Xiaolong came over, looked at Ye Ye with a smile on his face, and said: "Brother Ye, the clan leader said that your marriage to Sister Lianhua was not successful last time. Now your injuries are almost healed. We are going to arrange a new wedding for you in a few days!" Hearing this, Lianhua couldn't help but feel confused, but Ye Ye and Xiaolong started laughing and joking, and neither of them noticed.

At this moment, a young man suddenly broke into the house and said with a pale face: "Ye...Brother Ye, it's not good, there is a group of bandits outside the village...outside the village!" Ye Ye and Lianhua were both shocked. He hurriedly followed the young man outside and ran all the way into the village.

Along the way, I saw that although the villagers were panicked, they were not at a loss. When the women took their children and hid in the house, the men picked up hoes and sickles and gathered at the entrance of the village. When they saw Ye Ye and Lianhua, the villagers' The courage immediately becomes stronger.

The two of them followed everyone to the entrance of the village, and saw that the clan leader had already led the villagers to guard there. The two stepped forward and looked out, and saw more than a hundred knights neatly lined up in a square formation a hundred feet away. Although the men are dressed in different styles, they all have strong physiques and hold sabers of the same size.

When the clan leader saw the arrival of Ye Ye and the others, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Ye Ye asked hurriedly: "What's going on?" The clan leader said: "Who knows what Tai Sui has committed in our village, and why we have attracted bandits again? But this Strangely enough, the mountain bandits only defended the entrance of the village and arranged their troops in formation, but did not fight their way in."

The leader of the bandits, a strong man, kept staring at the entrance of the village. When he saw Ye Ye and Lianhua, his eyes suddenly lit up. Here, Ye Ye was talking to the clan leader, but he had already raised his saber and did not speak. He only said to Pointing forward, the twenty knights in the first two rows of the square immediately bowed their horses and rushed towards the entrance of the village.

The villagers immediately exclaimed, and Lianhua was surprised: "The team is neat and uniform, and the equipment is uniform. Even the height, height, fat and thinness of the mounts are so consistent. Are these people really bandits?" Ye Yeyi frowned and said: "Whoever he is, If you dare to come here to cause trouble, don't even think about going back alive!" Chong Clan Chief said: "Tell the villagers to stay still and wait until I go out to fight!" After saying that, he rushed towards the group of bandits.

Seeing Ye Ye rushing out, the twenty knights immediately divided into two teams in the shape of wild goose wings and surrounded Ye Ye from the left and right.

A strong knight roared, and rode forward. Taking advantage of the momentum of the strong horse, he raised his sword and struck Ye Ye. The sword was fast and swift, and the sound of piercing the air was so deafening that it might even hit a stone. It can also split the rock into two parts.

Ye Ye was not stubborn. He dodged to the side, and the Cang Yue knife had already been shot, hitting the man's thigh. A rain of blood flew away, and a deep wound with bone visible appeared on the big man's leg.

But the man did not fall off his horse. He just grunted, then gritted his teeth and turned around, charging towards Ye Ye again.

Ye Ye couldn't help but was startled, and secretly praised: "What a brave guy!" At that moment, he felt a sense of cherishment, and dodged past, but did not fight back, and said loudly: "Everyone, there is nothing valuable in our village, even if you break in If you go in, you will come back empty-handed, why not..." He didn't want these people to ignore him. Although the injured man was sweating profusely in pain, he still raised his knife and roared, and rushed towards the horse.

Others also roared and ran towards Ye Ye from the left and right.

Ye Ye couldn't help but get angry. His men showed no mercy and slashed horizontally. The two fastest horses had their front legs broken and fell forward.

The two knights on horseback were obviously well-trained. They rolled close to the ground to relieve their strength. When they got up, other knights had already rushed up. They each jumped on the back of the other's horse.

All the knights slashed at Ye Ye with their swords, but they did not collide with each other, which made Ye Ye sigh.

Two rows of knights rushed forward, completely blocking Ye Ye's path. Ye Ye had no choice. He used his magic power to break open a seal. Lightning flashed all over his body, and electricity flowed. Several healthy horses were frightened by the lightning, and they stood on their feet. He stood up and immediately threw the knight off the horse, while the rest of the knights hit the electric light with the knight on them. After the body was shaken violently, foaming at the mouth, he fell to the ground twitching.

Seeing Ye Ye showing off his strange skills, the bandits did not panic. The leader swung his saber left and right, and several rows of knights behind him immediately jumped to the sides. Only then did Ye Ye realize that the four rows of knights behind the team were all archers. As soon as the knights retreated, they already nocked arrows from their bows, raised their heads to the sky, and shot out suddenly.

Ye Ye couldn't help but be startled when he saw that the other party didn't fire an arrow at him, but Lianhua screamed badly and hurriedly stood in front of everyone at the entrance of the village. He stretched out his wrists, and countless black threads shot out from his wrists, heading straight towards the sky.

But at this time, the arrow rain followed an arc, flying over Ye Ye's head and heading towards the crowd at the entrance of the village.

Only then did Ye Ye realize how powerful he was. He screamed badly and wanted to turn around to rescue but it was already too late. Although Lianhua blocked the arrow rain, more than ten arrows still fell into the crowd and immediately shot down several villagers, including several. The arrow hit the vital point and killed him instantly. The villagers couldn't help but exclaimed.

Seeing the murder of his fellow villagers, Ye Ye couldn't help but became furious, his eyes turned red, and he roared angrily, "Damn bandits, I want you to pay with your lives!" As he said that, he rushed towards the bandits team with lightning all over his body. .

Lianhua was familiar with Ye Ye's nature and knew that when he got angry, he would often act without considering the consequences. She was worried about Ye Ye's safety and hurriedly chased after him.

The group of bandits did not panic. The leader pointed his saber at Ye Ye, then hit his horse and ran away. The archers immediately aimed at Ye Ye and fired a hail of arrows. Then, under the protection of the saber-hands, they fled behind the leader. .

Ye Ye was so furious that he didn't even think about why these bandits were acting so strangely. He just activated the electricity on his body and threw a thunder snake with his hand.

The thunder snake spun and danced in the air, knocking down all the arrows and knocking down several knights running at the end.

Ye Ye chased him with all his strength, but the bandit's horse's legs were extremely powerful, but he fell further and further behind.

But he wanted to avenge the dead villagers, but he pursued him desperately. Lianhua kept calling him from behind, but he turned a deaf ear. He kept bombarding the bandits in front of him with thunder snakes, chasing him for several miles, but he Killed more than ten bandits.

After turning around a mountain col, the bandit suddenly increased his speed. In the blink of an eye, he left Ye Ye far away. Ye Ye pursued with all his strength, but he got further and further away from the bandit. Finally, he saw only a piece of yellow dust in the distance. But the trace of the other party has been lost.

Lian Hua chased after him again, and then he stopped and gritted his teeth and said, "You can escape quickly!" Lian Hua's skills were not as good as Ye Ye's. At this time, she caught up with him and was panting from exhaustion. After taking a few breaths, he said: "Don't you think these bandits are strange? The arrow skills just now are not like the abilities of mountain bandits!" Ye Ye put away the electrical appliance, thought about it for a while, and found it strange. This group of bandits came and went like the wind, but they didn't seem to be trying to rob anything. What their purpose was was really puzzling. I couldn't help but say to myself: "What do they want?" He looked up and suddenly saw Wangjia Village. There were bursts of black smoke rising in the direction, and she couldn't help but feel shocked, and shouted: "Oh no!" Lianhua also turned around and saw the black smoke, her face changed, and she said in horror: "Is this... a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain?"