The Song of Spirits

Chapter 34: Weeping blood and leaving sorrow (Part 1)


Ye Ye pulled Lian Hua to escape a round of arrows, but before he could stand still, another rain of arrows came. Ye Ye had no choice but to let go of Lian Hua, broke through a seal, and used Cang Yue Knife and Protective Electric to fight back. Rain of arrows.

After blocking it for a few times, the arrow rain suddenly disappeared. Ye Ye was stunned for a long time, almost suspecting that he was in a dream.

Suddenly, a red light appeared from the sky under the hood. Ye Ye couldn't help but lowered his head to hide. When he raised his head again, Lianhua was gone.

Ye Ye looked around blankly. Not only was the lotus missing, but also the giant tree with the word "Huan Tian" engraved on it was nowhere to be found! Looking at the vast grassland, even Ye Ye couldn't help but feel fear. He called Lianhua loudly, but he never got a response.

He searched all around, but couldn't find any trace of the lotus flower, and he couldn't help but worry and frown.

At this moment, a gust of wind hit, and grass blades flew in the air. Ye Ye suddenly looked back, only to see a tall humanoid monster suddenly appear from behind, reaching for him with his claws.

Ye Ye took action in shock and used the Cang Yue Knife to face the monster's sharp claws. The monster immediately withdrew its claws and retreated, screaming. After a while, it tentatively stepped forward again, but was forced back by Ye Ye's protective electricity.

Ye Ye felt that the monster was exuding a powerful demonic aura, and couldn't help but worry about Lianhua's safety. He immediately waved his hand and threw two thunder snakes, hitting the monster directly. Unexpectedly, the monster did not react slowly, and it flashed like a gust of wind. He opened it and screamed at Ye Ye. Hearing the scream, Ye Ye felt a huge pain in his head. He couldn't help but throw two more thunder snakes, but the monster easily dodged them.

Four thunder snakes blasted out four big holes in the ground. Ye Ye was given a splitting headache by the scream of the monster. Unconsciously, he staggered and stepped into one of the holes, which immediately spurted out water. A blood arrow dyed Ye Ye's whole body red. Before he could struggle to escape, the ground shook violently. Blood spurted out from the four large holes, submerging the entire grassland in an instant! Ye Ye struggled in fear and tried to swim up, but after losing all his strength for a long time, his body kept sinking. He had to hold his breath and tried his best to move upwards, but he still could not escape from the sea of blood. He only felt that his hands were trapped by Something caught him, and it was extremely laborious to move. As time went on, his breath was almost gone, his chest was painful and his brain began to feel dizzy. He struggled hard, and thought to himself in fear: Am I going to die here? When he was confused, a red light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. In an instant, the endless sea of blood suddenly disappeared. In front of him was still the endless grassland, and he was lying in the grass struggling, Lianhua holding on tightly. His hands kept calling anxiously. He turned over in shock and took a few deep breaths.

Lianhua still grabbed his hands and kept asking: "Ye Ye, what's wrong with you?" Ye Ye still couldn't believe his eyes, looked around and asked in surprise: "Why am I back? Lianhua said: "You don't know what happened. You suddenly attacked me as if you were possessed, and then you fell to the ground and struggled. It really scared me."

Ye Ye was stunned for a long time, and then suddenly realized that everything he had just experienced was an illusion, and the humanoid monster was actually Lianhua! Thinking of this, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He was secretly glad that he hadn't hurt Lian Hua just now, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

He hurriedly hugged Lianhua and said repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I... My mind was in chaos just now. My eyes were full of hallucinations. I almost thought you were a monster. I almost... I'm sorry!" Lianhua let him hold her like this, with a face on her face. But with a complicated expression on her face, she gently pushed Ye Ye away and said, "This realm is called Huantian. Is that why it came about?" Ye Ye nodded and said, "Maybe.

But why am I the only one deceived by the illusion, but you are always awake? "Just as he was talking, there was a sudden earthquake, and the entire Huantian earth trembled. A large round earth gradually bulged up, and a giant eye slowly drilled out from it, shooting violently. A ray of red light shot straight towards the two of them.

The red light came so fast that neither of them could escape and were immediately enveloped in it.

Ye Ye felt that the entire Huantian world was turning around. Countless monsters with sharp teeth and claws emerged from the grassland above, with their huge mouths open, and slowly crawled towards him, startling him to the point where they were about to He moved to fight, but suddenly thought that this was actually an illusion. He turned his head to look for Lianhua, and saw a monster stretching out its claws to grab him. He remained motionless, letting the monster put its claws on his shoulders.

In an instant, Ye Ye felt a cold and strange force suddenly rushing through his body, entering one of his eyes in the blink of an eye. A red light flashed in front of his eyes, and the inverted Huantian and the demons disappeared in an instant. The sharp claws on the shoulders turned into Lianhua's small hands in an instant.

He hurriedly took Lianhua's hand to indicate that he was fine. The two of them looked up at the giant eye, only to see it getting bigger and bigger, reaching Li Xu, and gradually rising into the sky, as if another eye was hanging in the sky. A huge full moon.

A red light rose from the giant eye, getting stronger and stronger, and suddenly shone from the sky like sunshine.

The two of them felt that the red light was like a raging fire, burning their whole bodies with severe pain, and they hurriedly mobilized all their magic power to resist.

After a long while, the red light gradually disappeared. Most of the two people's skills were consumed, and every part of their body was in severe pain. However, a red light faintly floated above the giant eye.

Ye Ye frowned and said, "If it emits that red light again, we're afraid we won't be able to resist it!" Lianhua remained silent and only stretched out her hand. Countless black threads condensed from her wrist, and shot towards it like a chain of arrows. The giant eye shot away.

However, the giant eye is high in the sky and too far away from the ground. Even though the black threads of the lotus shoot out hundreds of feet, they still can't touch it.

Ye Ye also waved his hand and threw the thunder snake, but the thunder snake was not a living creature after all. After flying more than a hundred feet, it finally dissipated like the black thread due to exhaustion of mana.

Ye Ye couldn't help but asked anxiously: "What should I do?" Lianhua suddenly spread her arms, and in an instant, a wave of evil aura rose into the sky. Her skin gradually turned blue, but her eyes turned red, with rune patterns. Spreading from her body, a pair of black wings suddenly unfolded from her back. She flapped her wings lightly and immediately rose into the sky, saying: "I'll deal with it!" Ye Ye saw her flying close to the giant eye and couldn't help shouting: "Be careful. !" Lianhua was seen hovering in the air, with her hands raised high, and countless black threads immediately surrounded her. The black threads were entangled together, turning into a black sharp sword, and stabbing straight at the giant eye.

However, before the black sword could get close to the giant eye, it was forced back by an evil force.

Seeing the red light on the giant eye getting stronger and stronger, Lianhua gritted her teeth and drank softly, all the black threads on her body condensed into a black sword, and she shot towards the giant eye continuously.

Black swords came like rain, but they were blocked several feet away from the giant eye by the invisible magic power. Looking at the rain of swords, Ye Ye suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his heart and hurriedly said: "Come back quickly and pull me up!" Lian Hua The black silk was exhausted, but there was no other way. He had to fly back to Ye Ye and said: "The power of my black sword is almost the same as your Thunder Snake. Even if you go up, I'm afraid..." Ye Ye waved his hand and said: "I have my own way, take me up quickly!" Lianhua sighed softly, took Ye Ye's hand and rose into the sky, flying straight towards the giant eye.

At this time, the red light of the giant eye has reached its extreme. It only takes a moment to shoot towards the two of them. Ye Ye hurriedly said: "Throw me over!" Lianhua shouted: "How can that be done? You can't knock it away. To protect the body!" Seeing the red light emitting soon, Ye Ye, regardless of anything else, pulled the lotus with all his strength, used his strength to shake it off, and flew straight towards the giant eye. The lotus was pulled hard by him and immediately lost its balance. He flapped his wings and flew quickly before he stabilized his body.

She looked up and saw that Ye Ye was surrounded by protective electricity. He waved his hands and threw four thunder snakes in succession.

The four thunder snakes did not shoot towards the giant eye, but they all attached to Ye Ye's body, blending with his protective electricity. They circled and entangled endlessly, like a diamond of thunder, piercing the giant eye fiercely.

The giant protective magic power became vulnerable in front of this thunder diamond. In the blink of an eye, Ye Ye had already pierced the giant eye! In an instant, the giant eye shook violently, and all the red light around it dissipated. While trembling violently, it emitted dazzling white light, and finally exploded into water splashes all over the sky, falling like a heavy rain.

The giant eye exploded, and Ye Ye and a ball of red light appeared in the air at the same time, falling to the ground together. Seeing this, Lianhua flew over and caught Ye Ye in the air.

That ball of red light was always chasing Ye Ye. Curious, Ye Ye stretched out his hand to grab it. When he took a closer look, he saw that it was a small ornament in the shape of a snowflake. Just when he was wondering why there was such an object in the giant eye, something suddenly hit his mind. With the sound, the whole world changed its appearance and turned into an endless sea of blood.

Ye Ye was no stranger to this sea of blood. He had been here before in front of the high tower in Huangtian, so he knew that this was not an illusion born in Huantian.

In the blink of an eye, a ray of light lit up from the sea level, a pair of huge eyes slowly rose, and a deafening voice rang out: "I give you extreme power, and you will be my slave, find my body, Let me return to the world!" This rhetoric was not unfamiliar to Ye Ye. Just when he was wondering, a wave of dizziness hit him, and Ye Ye's mind buzzed. When he woke up again, he saw himself lying on the bed. In Lian Hua's arms, Lian Hua kept calling anxiously. When she saw him waking up, she let out a sigh of relief.

Ye Ye stood up and said, "Did you see clearly? What happened just now?" Lianhua said, "You fainted just after you caught the red light, but you didn't wake up until now.

I thought..." Ye Ye smiled, caressed Lianhua's hand and comforted her softly. Then he realized that there was nothing in his hand, so he asked, "Where is that thing? Lianhua said in a daze: "What?" "Ye Ye said: "It's the snowflakes that glow red. "

Immediately after holding the thing, he told Lianhua everything he saw in his eyes, and then said: "The last time I was deceived into the wilderness, I also entered the illusion of the sea of blood, but I don't know what happened. .”

Lianhua was stunned for a long time and then asked in surprise: "Could it be Yunyao's residual weapon?" Ye Ye was startled and said in astonishment: "What did you say? Is it really Yunyao's residual weapon?" Lianhua nodded and said: "Do you still remember what Immortal Lord Lei Ao said? Yun Yao's limbs turned into magic weapons and scattered in the void. I'm afraid that's what you just got.

And that sound, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it's the power of Yun Yao's thoughts left on this magical weapon. "

Ye Ye said: "He asked me to find a body for him and let him return to the world, but he didn't know that I was his opponent. It's really funny! But in this case, I have two Yunyao remnants in my body, Ruoyun Yaoshang still has his thoughts on it, so the more Yunyao remnants he gets, wouldn't it be..." Lianhua continued in shock: "Yunyao's thoughts will be stronger!" Ye Ye nodded and said, "By then, I'm afraid I will become Yun Yao's loyal servant, or... become Yun Yao!" Lian Hua couldn't help but shuddered, and said repeatedly: "No, no!" While the two were sighing, The earth in Huantian suddenly trembled again. The huge moon in the sky gradually dimmed and slowly sank, as if it was about to hit the ground. The grassland in the distance also slowly collapsed. Huge eyes emerged from the ground one by one. On one side Slowly growing in size, one side rising to the sky.

Lianhua stared in shock and said: "If these all emit that red light together..."