The Song of Spirits

Chapter 44: The Secret Realm of Blood Sky (Part 1)


It was a gray stone giant over four feet tall. It was carved into the image of an armored warrior. Its thick arms and legs made it look both mighty and majestic, and also revealed a powerful force that could destroy the world.

On its forehead, there is a red "mountain"-shaped pattern. If you look carefully, there are faint lights flashing in the pattern.

The thunderous voice sounded from the giant's head: "You mortals, how dare you hurt my people? You will definitely pay the price for your arrogance!" The man stared at the giant with wide eyes, even the hair on his left arm. The severe pain had been completely forgotten, and now there was only a blank left in his mind! Any mortal would be like this if he saw such a monster! However, Ye Ye was different. When he suddenly saw such a powerful enemy, he felt a sense of excitement in his heart. He vaguely felt that only such an opponent was worthy of his all-out efforts and fought to the end! In an instant, power came from his mind. Ye Ye felt that the thunder power in his body suddenly surged again. He couldn't help but let out a long roar, waved his hand and threw a thunder snake. This huge thunder snake, as thick as a person, spit out lightning bolts, It hit the giant's chest hard, and the giant couldn't dodge, and with a loud bang, he was hit by the thunder snake.

A puff of green smoke rose into the sky, and the giant's body swayed slightly before standing firm.

After the green smoke dissipated, it was seen that there was only a large scorch mark left on its chest, but there was no damage.

There was a burst of laughter, and the giant said: "Ignorant mortal, I am the Lord of the Blood Sky, the King of the Blood Demon, and you are just a trivial person, but you want to hurt me?" As the giant spoke, he slowly raised his huge palm. , and suddenly photographed Ye Ye! When the man on the side saw it, he couldn't help but screamed: "Be careful!" The six-clawed spider under his feet that was connected to his flesh and blood trembled suddenly. Before Ye Ye could give an order, he raised his six giant claws and moved like lightning. He jumped up and avoided the giant's fierce slap.

The giant's huge palm hit the ground, and there was an ear-splitting roar immediately. The hard rock was smashed into countless pieces and scattered into the air. A powerful airflow surged from the ground and rushed Ye Ye's body in the air. A sharp shake.

Before the giant could stop its hand, a six-clawed spider with lightning flashing all over its body landed on its wrist. The six giant claws sparkled with lightning and stabbed into the giant's arm, along the giant's long arm. Running quickly, carrying Ye Ye straight to the giant's shoulder.

The giant's other hand hurriedly stretched out and grabbed Ye Ye fiercely. Ye Ye shouted sharply, put his hands together, and slashed out a huge thunder blade Cang Yue Dao more than two feet long. The huge blade swept across it instantly A black scorch mark burned out of the giant's wrist, but he failed to cut it off.

At this moment, the giant suddenly shook his shoulders. The six-clawed spider was unsteady and had to pierce its giant claw into the giant's arm to prevent it from slipping. The giant used this short pause to accurately catch Ye Ye. With a gentle pull, it pulled Ye Ye and the six-clawed spider from its arm, and then threw them fiercely towards the distant rocky mountain.

Although Ye Ye had tyrannical thunder power, he was unable to do anything to this giant. With a loud bang, he hit the rocky mountain hard, smashing a large rocky mountain into pieces.

Stone chips were flying and sand mist was drifting away. Ye Ye fell into a pile of rubble, but could no longer move.

At this moment, he felt that his head and face were covered with hot blood, and there were bursts of severe pain all over his body. It was as if all the bones in his body had been broken into pieces. There was no more surging thunder power in his body. The six-clawed spider connected to him has also disappeared.

The giant looked up to the sky and let out a long laugh, saying: "Mortal, have you seen it? This is the power of the Blood Demon King!" In the sky, countless green-winged demons screamed loudly, as if to accompany the giant's laughter, they Like a black cloud, it gradually advanced towards Ye Ye and kept hovering over Ye Ye's head. It seemed that it was just waiting for the giant's order to pounce down and tear Ye Ye to pieces! The giant had no such intention. It took long strides and walked towards Ye Ye, saying: "Get out of the way, I will crush him into a pulp myself!" The green-winged monsters all had disappointed looks on their faces. , but they didn’t dare to disobey, they all flapped their wings and flew high.

Ye Ye raised his head with difficulty and saw the giant approaching slowly. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Am I going to die like this?" The man who had been stunned suddenly woke up at this moment. He ignored the drama on his body. Painful, he stood up and shouted loudly: "You ugly stone monster, there is another person here! Do you have the guts to fight with me?" The giant did not look back, but stopped and said: " You are not worthy of my action! People, kill him!" With the order, the green-winged demons in the sky immediately became excited and flew towards the man with noisy voices.

The man was not afraid at all. He looked up to the sky and smiled and said: "Little brother, thank you for letting me see what a real master is. I, Qi Lianjia, have lived in vain for most of my life. I always thought that I had great kung fu, but today I finally woke up." Come on! Little brother, God allows me to get to know you before I die. I’m satisfied. Let’s walk hand in hand on the road to hell!” As he spoke, he straightened up and let out a loud roar, with his big right hand The ax was raised high, and a surging thunder and electricity force immediately spurted out along the big axe, turning into a thick electric pillar and shooting straight into the sky. Those green-winged demons who rushed towards him immediately Turned into ashes by this electric pillar! Although they were far apart, Ye Ye could still feel that the thick thunder pillar was actually the last remaining strength of the man who called himself Qi Lianjia.

He knew that Qi Lianjia was burning his true energy, trying to fight these monsters to the end with all his life force! In an instant, an urge to refuse to admit defeat suddenly surged in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and muttered to himself: "No matter what happens, I will drag you to hell before I die!" All the mana in the body began to violently attack the six seals on the body! This time, he was ready to die. In his heart at this moment, there was no fear or nostalgia for the world, but only a fierce determination to die with a powerful enemy! The magic power surged through the body, and the thunder power was constantly being released, participating in the torrent of impacting the seal. At this moment, the purple energy suddenly surged from Ye Ye's body and came back again. Ye Ye's bloodline merged with thunder power and magic power, forming a surging torrent that instantly circulated throughout Ye Ye's body! At this moment, a thunder suddenly fell straight down from the sky and struck Ye Ye hard. A thunder that shook the heaven and earth resounded through the sky, shaking the eardrums of the green-winged monsters and screaming. They fled in all directions, and even the giant couldn't help but sway.

Qi Lianjia had already decided to burn and release his true energy together with his own life to kill as many demons as possible. However, at this moment, he couldn't help but put away his strength and looked at Ye Ye in astonishment. His eyes were round and his face was full of He was so horrified that he really couldn't believe what he was seeing! The thunder gradually weakened and finally dissipated, but Ye Ye slowly stood up.

At this time, Ye Ye has completely transformed into a person of thunder and lightning. His body, hair and skin have all turned into lightning. The bones that were originally broken have been completely fused together after turning into thunder and lightning. His eyes are radiating. The electric light slowly looked towards the tall giant.

At this moment, Qi Lianjia suddenly had an illusion. He felt that the giant was extremely small, but Ye Ye turned into a giant that could break the sky! Although the giant didn't move, he still let out a horrified cry: "This... what is this?" Ye Ye felt that his whole body was exuding powerful power that he had never experienced before. At this moment, his mind was clear, and he raised his head towards the When the giant looked at it, he felt that it was just a giant doll in front of him. As soon as he made a move, the giant would turn into a pile of rubble.

Not only that, he also clearly felt the flow of various powers in his body... The familiar and warm one was the power of the unknown magic weapon that had been in his body since he was a child, while the other two cold auras, They are two remaining Yunyao weapons obtained from Huangtian and Huantian respectively.

For the two Yunyao remnants, he only felt strange and alienated, but for the purple energy, he felt extremely kind. He couldn't help but let the purple energy circulate throughout his body, and felt a warmth spreading in his body. , making him feel indescribably comfortable.

However, when the purple energy was halfway through, it suddenly shook violently. The fluctuations caused by the vibration made Ye Ye's body tremble violently, and the thunder and lightning body was almost shaken away! Ye Ye was quite surprised at this moment and hurriedly used all his strength to stabilize the thunder power and purple energy. However, although the two forces were stabilized, Ye Ye's thunder and lightning body also disappeared.

The giant saw Ye Ye's flaw, and immediately raised his palm and slapped it down hard. Seeing this, Qi Lianjia hurriedly shouted: "Little brother, be careful!" However, it was too late, and Qi Lianjia's shout did not stop. , that giant palm slapped Ye Ye heavily! But it was not Ye Ye who was injured.

In a flash of lightning, a loud bang suddenly erupted, and a powerful thunder force suddenly erupted from Ye Ye's body. The giant palm that the giant slapped on Ye Ye's body was shattered to pieces! Ye Ye looked at the giant, raised his hand slightly, and a thunder snake immediately shot out of the air, opened its mouth and bit hard on the giant's other arm, and then the long thunder body tightly wrapped around that arm. , exploded violently, blasting the giant's arm and half of his shoulder into stone fragments all over the sky.

The giant roared angrily and shouted: "What a mortal, how can he hurt my stone servant!" As he spoke, he bent down slightly, and with his only remaining handless arm, he held it up on a nearby stone mountain. In an instant, the stone mountain actually It turned into gray and surged up the giant's arm like water. Within a moment, it turned into a new arm and palm, healing the giant's injuries.

Not only that, the rocks around the giant also turned into flowing water, which surged up the giant's arms, turning into a giant shield as high as the giant and a huge axe.

The giant roared angrily, protected his body with a giant shield, raised the giant ax high with his other hand, and struck Ye Ye hard.

At the same time, the rocky ground under Ye Ye's feet also suddenly changed. Like a big bag, it rose from all sides, wrapped Ye Ye in it, and quickly turned back into solid rock.

When the stone prison was taking shape, the giant ax fell in the air, carrying a violent wind, and struck hard on the stone prison. The solid stone prison immediately turned into debris all over the sky.

A bolt of lightning shot up into the sky, scattering the dark clouds and shattering the stone ax as huge as a hill. It was Ye Ye.

At this time, with the power of thunder and lightning, he easily jumped more than five feet high and reached the top of the giant's head.

Looking down, I saw a big hole on the rock armor on the side of the giant's head and shoulders. Curious, I couldn't help but take a closer look. As I stared, a cold air immediately surged through my body. It turned out to be the remnant of Yunyao's weapon. the power of.

This power quickly entered Ye Ye's eyes. A red light flashed in front of his eyes, and the scene in the cave was immediately revealed. He saw a green-winged demon sitting inside, looking up at him with his eyes widened.

Ye Ye stepped into the void, and powerful thunder force came out from his feet, pushing him towards the giant's shoulder.