The Song of Spirits

Chapter 5: Cangyun Immortal Sect (Part 2)


After the two people left, Immortal Master Liu He said solemnly: "This matter is of great concern, and the letter has been taken away. There is no evidence for everything the Ye couple said, but the two of them did fall in love because of this matter." If you lose your life, you can say that you are kind to me, Cangyun Clan.

Our sect always repays kindness. Although this child has a weird temper, everyone must be more tolerant towards this child in the future. "

Everyone nodded, Immortal Master Liu He added: "It is still unknown whether there is a traitor in the door. At this time, we should not make unreasonable guesses and ruin everyone's friendship."

Li Junjing immediately said: "That's right, we are all my father's direct disciples, who would betray our sect? I think this matter is completely false, it's just the couple making a fuss out of a molehill."

Xin Yuesong's face darkened, and just as he was about to speak, Su Hengwu said, "Second senior sister, how can you say that? They even lost their lives for our Cangyun Sect, but you..." Li Junjing glared and said, "What? Is it your turn, little girl, to teach me a lesson?" Su Hengwu was angry and shouted: "You are wrong, I just can't stand it!" Li Junjing raised his eyebrows, pointed at Su Hengwu and said: "You This girl has only learned skills from my father for a few days? What qualifications do you have to be called a fairy? For you to be on an equal footing with us, I already think highly of you. Who do you really think you are and dare to talk to me like this?" Su Hengwu was so angry. Her body was shaking and tears were about to fall down. Xin Yuesong pulled her back and said, "I'm worried about Ye Ye, go and see him."

Su Hengwu bit his lip for a long time, stamped his feet, turned around and ran out.

Yan Huolan said displeased: "Jun Jing, how could you say that to her?" Li Junjing said: "Did I say it wrong? When my father was here, when did she dare to speak to me like this? Huh, ungrateful thing!" Xin Yuesong's expression changed. Cold, he said in a deep voice: "Second Senior Sister, if we hadn't cared about Master's kindness, do you think we would still call you 'Senior Sister'?" Li Junjing turned pale and said in a trembling voice, "What do you mean?" Xiao Zhaoshan hurriedly said He came close to Xin Yuesong and whispered: "Fourth Senior Brother, why are you doing this? Don't lose your temper!" Xin Yuesong ignored him and said coldly: "Master is kind to us, we will keep it in our hearts, but that kindness It was given by Master, but not by you!" After saying that, he turned around and left. Li Junjing was so angry that he was trembling all over. Immortal Master Liu He kept calling Xin Yuesong from behind, but he turned a deaf ear and strode out.

When he came outside the hall, Xin Yuesong stood on the side of the square, looking at the disciples who were practicing their swords. He couldn't help but think of the situation when he first entered the Cangyun Sect. He sighed softly, looked up to the sky and said to himself: "Master, in the fairy world Are there any troubles in the world?" Suddenly he thought of Ye Xiruo and Ou Mei, and thought that these two people had refined their souls before they died and had already arrived in the fairy world. They should have met their masters, but they didn't know what it was like. situation.

Thinking of Ye Ye again, I couldn't help but be stunned for a long time. Finally, I let out a long sigh and walked away slowly, full of loneliness.

Cangyun Gate occupies the entire top of Yuemang Mountain and covers an extremely large area. The Five Immortals and the Three Immortals each occupy one side and have their own vast palaces. Ye Ye has never seen such a huge palace. Along the way, he couldn't help but feel My eyes were straight.

The guide was very proud and kept introducing various landscapes and palaces. Ye Ye heard it freshly, but he remained calm on the surface.

The man couldn't help but said: "Child, you have never seen such a magnificent palace in your life, have you?" Ye Ye glared and shouted: "How rare is it? Isn't it just a big house? What's so great about it!" He snorted and said no more to Ye Ye.

Not long after, the man led Ye Ye to an inconspicuous courtyard and said, "This is the Palace of the Silver-haired Immortal. You can go in and rest by yourself."

After saying that, he walked away without looking back.

Ye Ye looked at his back, snorted, pushed open the wooden door of the courtyard, and strode in.

Although the courtyard is large, there is only one small house and one big tree in it. It looks lonely and desolate, and has a sense of depression. Not to mention compared with other palaces of immortal kings and fairies, even compared with ordinary residential buildings in the world, it is quite... Why not, Ye Ye couldn't help being surprised when he saw it.

He came to the house, pushed the door open, and saw that there was only a table and a bed, and nothing else. He couldn't help but be even more surprised. He suspected that the guide had deliberately taken him to the wrong place.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it must be the case. He couldn't help feeling depressed, so he ran outside and sat down under the big tree.

The desertedness in the courtyard made him feel even more lonely. Thinking of his parents, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

At this moment, the wooden door of the small courtyard opened quietly, and Su Hengwu walked in slowly. Seeing Ye Ye crying under the tree, Su Hengwu sighed softly and asked, "Do you miss your parents?" Ye was startled when he heard the sound. He immediately straightened his face, turned around and wiped away his tears desperately, shouting: "You don't have to worry about it! Aren't you going to discuss important matters? What are you doing here!" Su Hengwu didn't say anything to him. He walked inside, but leaned against the door, looked at Ye Ye and said, "You and him are really similar, both like to pretend to be strong.

In fact, if you cry when you feel sad, what’s the big deal? Ye Ye was startled and asked, "Who are you talking about?" "Su Hengwu didn't answer, but said dreamily: "I was younger than you that year, and my parents took me to my grandmother's house, but they met a bandit halfway.

I watched my father and mother being killed by bandits, and I still remember that scene clearly until now..." As he spoke, tears fell down uncontrollably.

Ye Ye looked at Su Hengwu blankly and heard her continue: "If it weren't for Master and him, I'd probably follow my parents.

At that time, I cried all day long, but he did not comfort me, but just watched quietly. At that time, I simply hated him... But although he was cold, his heart was warm, and everyone at Cangyunmen was full of love. He is the one who takes the most considerate care of me. I am grateful to him and respect him even more. Seeing him hurt makes me sadder than anyone else.

I really wish I could bear all the sorrow for him, but..." At this point, Su Hengwu suddenly laughed. She slowly wiped away her tears and said, "Look at me, why are I telling you this? I came here to tell you that there is only so much space in the Palace of the Silver-haired Immortal, and senior brother is used to being alone, so he is afraid that he cannot take care of you. Are you willing to live with me? "Although Ye Ye didn't quite understand what Su Hengwu said, and he didn't know who the "he" in her mouth was, he also knew that Su Hengwu was in the same situation as him, and he couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. Feeling this, he replied smoothly: "Whatever. "

The Zhixiang Fairy Palace in Su Hengwu is located in a large garden, where all kinds of flowers are blooming and blooming, filling the garden with fragrance.

When looking from a distance, the surrounding green trees are like a wall, fairy clouds are surging behind the trees, the blue sky hangs high like a jade cover, and the sunlight is shining softly, which makes people feel intoxicated.

Seeing such beautiful scenery, Ye Ye couldn't help but marvel.

There were dozens of disciples in Zhixiang Fairy's palace, all of them girls, who loved to play and make trouble. When they saw the palace master coming back with a little boy, they all came up to watch, making Ye Ye feel uncomfortable all over.

Su Hengwu carefully chose a fresh and elegant room for Ye Ye, but Ye Ye looked at everything awkwardly and said, "I am a man, what does it look like living in a woman's house?" All the disciples laughed and said one after another. "You are such a little boy, why do you call yourself a man?" Ye Ye was choked up after hearing this. He pushed everyone away and walked out. Su Hengwu hurriedly caught up with him, trying to talk to him, but he couldn't stay.

Ye Ye strode out of the palace and said as he walked: "My mother said that a man who is surrounded by women all day long has no future.

I want to go back to Xin Yuesong's place! "It made Su Hengwu dumbfounded.

When Fang walked to the door of the garden, he saw a little girl standing there, looking at Ye Ye blankly.

Ye Ye recognized that she was the girl he met when he first entered Cangyun Sect. Seeing her looking at him like a monster, he felt quite unhappy. Remembering the girl's question to him before, he raised a stick in his neck and said imitating Looking at her look at that time, he asked: "Why are you looking at me? Why don't you say hello to me?" The girl was stunned for a while, and then timidly said: "You... Hello, my name is Ni Suxin, what is your name?" Su Hengwu and other disciples who followed Ye Ye were shocked when they heard this. Several of them whispered in low voices, and one of them said: "Why did this girl change her gender? I thought she would definitely fall out. Let's do it!" Another said: "Who knows, this girl has always been arrogant and arrogant with her master. What happened today?" Another said: "As the saying goes, evil people will be punished by evil people. I think this kid is afraid of her fate. He must be the destined nemesis!" Ye Ye looked at Ni Suxin up and down, feeling that she was dumbfounded, and feeling quite disdainful in his heart, he snorted and walked away.

Ni Suxin was stunned for a while, then hurriedly chased after her, shouting: "You... you haven't told me your name yet!" Ye Ye ignored her and walked straight to the Silver-haired Immortal Palace along the original road.

The two palaces are far apart, but Ye Ye has an excellent memory and has not forgotten the journey back at all.

Su Hengwu dismissed all the disciples and accompanied Ye Ye all the way, constantly persuading him to live in his palace, but Ye Ye ignored her until he walked back to the door of the courtyard, then he turned back impatiently and said, "You woman Why is it so??Long Jun?P>Su Hengwu sighed softly and said: "If you don't want to go, then forget it. "

Without further words, he turned around and left.

Ye Ye looked at her back and suddenly said: "Aunt Su, thank you, I know you are good to me.

But I came here to learn how to avenge my parents, not to enjoy the blessings. "

After saying this, he strode into the courtyard and closed the door behind his back.

Su Hengwu was stunned for a long time, and murmured: "Like, it really looks like him..." With a slight sigh, he walked away slowly.

Ye Ye sat under the tree again and looked at the deserted courtyard, but he couldn't help but feel a little regretful, feeling emotional and sad at the sight.

He gritted his teeth, held back his tears, and muttered to himself: "Don't cry! Don't be so worthless! I am the son of Ye Xiruo and Ou Mei, how can I look like crying?" The shadow of the sun moved westward, and in the blink of an eye the sky was dark.

The door of the small courtyard was gently pushed open, and Xin Yuesong walked in with a plate of food, came to Ye Ye, and handed it forward.

Ye Ye stood up, shook his head and said, "I'm not hungry.

Please teach me kung fu. "

Xin Yuesong said calmly: "Only when you have eaten enough will you have the strength to learn kung fu and avenge your parents."

Hearing this, Ye Ye grabbed the food and ate it with big mouthfuls. It didn't look like eating at all, but it seemed like he was completing an extremely painful task.

In a moment, Ye Ye swallowed the food, wiped his mouth, and said, "Teach me kung fu now!" Xin Yuesong turned around, waved to him, and walked into the hut. Ye Ye hurriedly followed him.

Arriving inside the house, Xin Yuesong said: "Although my place is called Silver-haired Immortal Palace, there is only such a small room.

From now on, you will sleep here. "

Ye Ye immediately shouted: "I won't sleep! I want to learn kung fu!" Xin Yuesong said: "Spell cultivation is not something that can be achieved overnight. The more anxious you are, the harder it will be to achieve success.

Haste makes waste, you have to understand this, otherwise it will be easy to get carried away. "

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Ye Ye thought for a moment, then finally turned on the bed and lay down.

But he tossed and turned, but couldn't fall asleep. His mind was full of images of his parents, and he couldn't help but burst into tears again.