The Song of Spirits

Chapter 67: Cave in the Sea (Part 1)


Seeing that there were only eight fox tails left in Bilin, Ye Ye felt extremely ashamed and felt like a knife was piercing his heart.

He understood that Bi Lin had sacrificed a lot of her true energy for him, and Bi Lin had never practiced martial arts or various demonic arts. Her true energy was simple and unpretentious, and it was the purest and most precious source. It is difficult to recover. Unless we can get the Yunyao remnant weapon that exists in this realm and stimulate the power of Li Zhixin, it will probably take decades or even hundreds of years to restore the true energy to its original level. time! Bi Lin looked at Ye Ye in his arms, smiled tenderly, and said: "Brother Ye, don't do this, I'm not doing this just for you.

I also have to survive in this void. Apart from doing this, I really have no other choice! "Although there are only eight tails left, Bi Lin's power is still far superior to these three monsters. The three monsters suddenly sensed Bi Lin's powerful monster energy and cowered in shock. The tall monster was even more powerful. It was the thought of turning around and running away.

Bi Lin sensed the opponent's intention and immediately flew out, attacking the high monster first.

She knew that if these three monsters were not eliminated, once she returned to her normal form, they would come to harass her again. If she repeated this several times, her power would be exhausted, and both of them would become meat on the chopping block. , let three monsters taste it.

So she would rather let her true energy be severely depleted than kill these three monsters in one fell swoop! While flying towards the strongest monster, four fox tails swung behind her at the same time, throwing out two green lightning bolts like chains of light, which tightly entangled the other two monsters. After a shrill scream, the two The monster was turned into a ball of charcoal at the same time.

When the tall monster saw Bi Lin coming towards him, it screamed strangely and sank. The scorpion sting behind it had detached itself from its body and stabbed at Bi Lin like lightning. It took the opportunity to turn its head and flew into the depths of the forest, planning to Take the opportunity to escape.

But how could Bilin take this little trick into his attention? While the fox tail was waving, a green lightning scorched the scorpion tail, and Bi Lin had already stopped in front of the monster, waved his hand and struck hard, crushing the monster's snake head to pieces! And at the moment when the monster died, another fox tail disappeared behind Bi Lin.

She knew that the loss of her true energy was huge, and as soon as the danger was over, she immediately put away her strength, carried Ye Ye on her back, and trudged into the dense forest to find a hiding place.

The hard work paid off. After searching for nearly half an hour and almost running out of strength, she finally found a cave entrance hidden in the grass. Overjoyed, she hurriedly carried Ye Ye into the cave.

The space inside the cave is not large, but it is extremely deep. Bi Lin carefully explored and found that there are two more passages leading to the outside, and the entrances of the two exits are covered by vegetation. They are very well hidden, but they are used for hiding. It could not be better.

She pulled out a lot of soft long grass outside, laid a thick layer inside the cave, and carefully put Ye Ye on it, for fear that he would be hit a little. Ye Ye watched her busy and couldn't help but think of Bi. Lin had sacrificed everything for him, and before he knew it, this extremely strong man was moved to tears.

After packing everything, Bi Lin was so tired that he was dripping with sweat. He sat down next to Ye Ye. Looking at Ye Ye who could only open his eyes, he smiled softly and said, "Okay, our home is finished. .”

Hearing the word "home", Ye Ye's eyes couldn't help but reveal a gentle light.

Home reminded him of too many warm past events, and even more of the small home where he lived in Wangjia Village.

Home, whether it was the one with his parents in childhood or the one with lotus flowers in Wangjia Village, was like heaven in Ye Ye's eyes.

At this moment, this simple cave was not only incomparable with Ye Ye's childhood home, but also compared with the ordinary hut in Wangjiacun. However, Ye Ye suddenly felt that this temporary home was the most like his childhood home. Just because there is a woman in this family who can give everything to him and care about him extremely.

Ye Ye's twinkling eyes soon infected Bi Lin. Looking at Ye Ye lying on the ground, Bi Lin couldn't help but shed tears and said uncontrollably: "Brother Ye, you know, I... I..." A The word "I" was repeated for a long time, but there was still no follow-up. In the end, Bi Lin just sighed softly, lowered his head and said: "I just hope you get better soon. We are not looking for any Yunyao remnants, as long as Once we find the exit, we will leave together and return to the world... Miss Ni must be looking forward to your return! She is a very good person and cares about you more than anyone else. Her smiles and tears are always for you. Liu, Brother Ye, you must be worthy of her in the future!" In an instant, Ye Ye thought of his years in the dark prison again. At that time, Bi Lin was always so hesitant to speak, and in the moment of silence Finally, he said a lot of "lotus" love words to himself.

He understood that Bi Lin was up to his old tricks again and was doing his best for the happiness of others.

He couldn't help but have the urge to tell Bilin loudly, stop giving to others without regrets like this! Ye Ye has understood that you are the only one in the world who is truly good to Ye Ye, cries for Ye Ye, and laughs for Ye Ye! It's a pity that now, apart from blinking, he can't even say a word! In anxiety and shame, Ye Ye spent several days in this cave.

In the past few days, Bi Lin has been looking for food near the cave, but found nothing. In the forest of this strange world, there are no various beasts that should be found in the human forest, not even ordinary insects. Bi Lin also He didn't dare to take the risk of leaving Ye Ye alone in the cave so that he could go further to find food, so he could endure it.

Hunger is bearable, but thirst is far more torturous than hunger.

There was no water source near the cave, so the two could only endure hunger and unbearable thirst.

For a few days, Bi Lin could only stay by Ye Ye's side, enduring the torture of hunger, thirst and anxiety.

Seeing that Ye Ye's lips were as dry and chapped as a dead tree, Bi Lin was so anxious that he didn't even notice that his own lips were also split and bloody.

In desperation, Bilin came up with a good idea.

The cave is in the forest, surrounded by flowers, trees and grass. Although there is no day and night in this world, it is like the human world, with alternating cold and heat. Therefore, every time the cold and heat alternate, the flowers, grass and leaves will change. A little dew will appear. After Bilin discovered this pattern, he collected as much dew as possible before the weather got hot and fed Ye Ye to drink it.

However, the dew was limited after all, and she did not dare to go far. The dew she could collect every day was not enough for one person to drink, so she poured all the dew into Ye Ye's mouth, but she would rather be thirsty.

In the past few days, Ye Ye was extremely moved and ashamed. He secretly swore countless times in his heart that he would repay Bi Lin's kindness even if he worked as a cow or a horse in this life! But what really made Ye Ye's touch and shame rise to the extreme was Bi Lin's meticulous care for him. Even though he was a top master, even though he was recognized by even the sect leader as the best candidate for the next sect leader, he We still have to eat, drink and have diarrhea like other mortals.

The chaotic Qi paralyzed his whole body and he was unable to control himself at all. He could only let his urine and feces pass freely out of his body.

Whenever this happened, he felt so ashamed that he wished he could die immediately.

However, Bi Lin did not dislike him. She ignored the fishy smell and the dirt, and helped Ye Ye clean it up again and again.

In order to keep Ye Ye clean, she would rather not let in any water, and use the extra dew she finally collected to scrub Ye Ye's body! Facing Bi Lin like this, Ye Ye, a strong man, actually cried.

He suddenly realized that even if he spent his whole life trying to repay Bilin's love and kindness to him, he still couldn't repay it! What can I give her? Ye Ye blamed himself in his heart more than once.

He knew that Bi Lin's contribution to him was selfless and did not ask for anything in return, but he had to repay it! As a man, if he cannot repay the woman who cherishes him so much, how can he live between heaven and earth? In the past few days, Ye Ye's state of mind was finally infected by Bi Lin, and undergone earth-shaking changes! In his heart, the sacred land that originally belonged to Lotus had quietly dried up and shattered, and was replaced by a woman who only knew how to selflessly sacrifice for the one she loved - Bi Lin! I will spend my whole life loving her, protecting her, and making her the happiest woman in the world! Perhaps it was God who admired Bilin's affection for Ye Ye, or perhaps it was because Ye Ye made this determination that his mind suddenly became extremely firm. In an instant, the true energy that was so chaotically swimming in his body unexpectedly The flow gradually stopped, slowly regrouped, and then gradually returned to where they should be, flowing normally again throughout Ye Ye's body.

At this time, Bi Lin was slowly pouring the dew contained in a huge leaf into Ye Ye's mouth with his hands that were trembling from hunger. Suddenly, Ye Ye suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist and pulled it. She was startled.

After Ye Ye slowly sat up and hugged her tightly in his arms, she cried out in surprise: "Brother Ye, you... you are finally fine, so good, so good! "Her voice was hoarse, making her voice of joy sound like crying.

Ye Ye hugged the woman who loved him deeply and couldn't help but shed tears. In a low and firm voice, he said in Bilin's ear: "There was once a girl who let me live at the cost of her tears. I got the happiest smile; there was once a girl who exchanged her own pain for the happiness I longed for; there was once a girl who exchanged her life for me and the one I love Forever and ever... Now, this girl is using her own life in exchange for mine! What is Ye Ye worth to me? I am worth nothing! I am not worthy of her paying so much for me! I owe that girl so much. Oh! I'm a bastard, I'm not a man! After a girl paid so much for me, I didn't give her anything!" Bilin cried, tears rolling down like rain.

She knew who the girl was, and she even knew what sacrifices the girl had made for the happiness of her beloved! But now, she didn't think about this. She just shook her head desperately and persuaded Ye Ye: "No, Brother Ye, you are a truly upright man, the best man I have ever seen! That girl is just Do what she wants to do most, no matter what she does, it is her own business and it is her willing thing. You don't have to feel sad for her, you don't have to..." "No!" Ye Ye yelled. He stopped her and choked up: "Bilin, you know who that girl is, you know! I want to tell you now, Bilin, in this life, I swear that I will only love you, and I will make you the happiest woman in the world. ! I want you to be rewarded for everything you have done! I want you to be my wife and the mother of my child. No matter who it is or for whatever reason, it is impossible to separate us!" Bi Lin was stunned. , she didn't expect that one day she would hear Ye Ye say such words. She burst into tears. She couldn't believe her ears! She has been looking forward to this moment all her life, but she must refuse the arrival of this moment, because she understands that she will only bring countless disturbances and turmoil to Ye Ye! She shook her head desperately and cried: "No, that won't work! I am a demon clan, a demon clan that is not tolerated by others. I can't harm you... Miss Ni is your classmate, and I like you so much, Ye Brother, she is the one who deserves your love!"