The Special Agent Princess

Chapter 258: The name is Ling Yun


After hearing his words, Ye Qingge's eyes regained some warmth, and Xuanyuanzhang slowly took the sword from Ye Qingge's singer.

Then he turned around, pointed his sword at Ye Han and said, "Master Ye has made my girl unhappy, you should know my position in the emperor's heart, I will definitely not be punished by the emperor if I kill you."

"No, no, please let us go, Shizi, I really have nothing to do with Mrs. Zhao's death. Yes, it was my mother and the midwife she found. I don't know anything about it."

The old lady looked at Ye Han disappointed when she heard the words, she never thought that her good son would push the responsibility to herself at the moment of life and death.

Forget it, anyway, it was because she herself didn't instruct the midwife well, which led to the current situation.

Xuanyuanzhang narrowed his eyes slightly, and stopped talking to him, his sword was about to stab Ye Han in the heart, "Wow~Wow~~~!!Wow~~"

Ye Qingge was taken aback, and Xuanyuanzhang was also taken aback, stopped the sword in his hand, turned around, and saw Ye Qingge holding a crumpled baby, "It's so ugly!"

Ye Qingge glared at her, his eyes had regained clarity now, full of love and pity for the baby in his arms.

Seeing this, Xuanyuanzhang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and shook Ye Han slightly with his hands behind his back, telling them to back off.

Ye Han and the old lady narrowly escaped death. Seeing Xuanyuanzhang's hand gesture, they quickly got up and left without daring to stay for a moment.

Ye Han wanted to help the old lady, but was avoided by the old lady. Ye Qingyun, who also escaped from death, took a look at Xuanyuanzhang, and quickly helped the old lady to leave.

Ye Qingqi gritted her teeth, one of her arms was broken, and her aunt died. Now she only has a younger brother, and she wants to live to avenge her aunt.

No one would care about her leaving. Ye Qingge held the child in his arms and looked at it. This child looked like her Xuan'er. Everyone said that her nephew looked like an uncle. It was probably true, that's why this little guy looked so good. Like her Xuan'er.

Xuanyuanzhang frowned. He really thought this little guy was too ugly, red and wrinkled, but in order to please his girl, he still said, "Is he hungry?"

It was only then that Ye Qingge remembered that he hadn't drunk milk yet, by the way, this little guy is a boy, right

Ruying stepped forward and said, "Miss, the nanny is ready, do you want to breastfeed the young master?"

"Where is it, call here!"

Ruying looked around at the corpses and frowned slightly, "Miss, do you look around here?"

"Don't worry about it, just let the people from Ye Mansion clean it up, and kill the family members of those two stable women."

After saying all this, he went back to his yard with the child in his arms. Xuanyuanzhang followed behind him step by step. When he arrived in the yard, Ye Qingge found that he was still there. He looked down at the little baby and said, "Go back, don't worry, I'm fine, trust me They will not dare to do anything to this little guy in the future."

Xuanyuanzhang wanted to stay a little longer, so he found a topic and said, "Okay, but what's the name of this guy?"

Ye Qingge was taken aback for a moment. She hadn't thought about this question yet. She didn't have a younger brother in her previous life, so she naturally didn't have a name for him. After thinking about it, she said, "Let's call him Ye Lingyun? It won't offend the royal family, right?"

Xuanyuanzhang nodded when he heard the words, "That's a good name, let's call it Lingyun, I won't offend anyone, that name is Lingyun, let's call it Ruxuan!"

"Ruxuan? Ruxuan?"

Ye Qingge thought of Xuan'er in her last life, such a sensible child, but she didn't protect him and let him be burned to death with her. her son