The Special Agent Princess

Chapter 260: Bloody shock


Let him come to seek justice for Aunt Gao, Gao Nongzhong is a member of the third prince, and after hearing the news, he naturally wants to seek justice for his daughter.

Only then did he bring his wife and a son, Gao Jiaxing, who is seventeen this year.

There is also his youngest daughter, this youngest daughter Gao Jiahao, who is also fifteen years old this year, these two heirs were obtained by their old mussels, so they are also very doted on.

This is the third prince's secret guard to send a message, otherwise how could he seek justice for a concubine

When the door of Ye Mansion opened, a bloody smell rushed in, making Gao Nongzhong frown slightly, and Gao Jiahao at the side frowned slightly and said to Mrs. Gao, "Mother, why does this smell so bad?"

Mrs. Gao didn't want to come either. Although a concubine was recorded in her name, she was either born by her or not born by her, the seed of a slave!

"My dear son, Renren, how come this is also the mansion of Minister of the Ministry of War, he is a third-rank minister, and your father is only fourth-rank, so don't talk nonsense for a while, just the daughter of the prostitute was named the county owner of Zhehua! "

Gao Jiaxing on the side said, "This time, the mistress of the Ye Mansion gave birth to a child and died. I heard that the county magistrate went crazy and killed the eldest sister."

"What big sister? It's just a concubine pretending to be a concubine!"

What else did Gao Jiaxing want to say, "Ah!"



The three screams were naturally made by the siblings and Mrs. Gao. Gao Nongzhong was also taken aback, but fortunately he stabilized, and said to the leading boy, "This little song, this corpse all over the ground, this ,How is this going?"

The young man got Master Ye's order and said, "This is not our county lord, because our wife was killed when the young master was born, so we want to be buried with Ye Mansion, and almost killed our master,"


"Ah~ It's terrible, mother! I don't want to go in anymore, I can't take it anymore, vomit!"

After talking, the Gao family walked aside and vomited. Madam Gao, who had been holding back a little, couldn't bear it anymore.

On the contrary, Gao Jiaxing gritted his teeth and endured it. Anyone who saw this messy corpse lying all the way would have a shadow in his heart, and these were thrown out of Zhao's yard by Ye Qingge's order.

Quite a few of them had their heads severed, even Gao Nongzhong’s calves trembled when he saw him, and he insisted on walking out of that road. His mouth and nose were covered.

After finishing it, he said, "Master Gao, this is Aunt Gao's yard. The master said, our lady is the current county head, and she has received the emperor's orders. Anyone who is suspected of framing our wife can be killed first. "

As he spoke, he pushed open the gate of Aunt Gao's yard and said, "This is Aunt Gao's yard, go in and have a look at Aunt Gao!"

After Gao Nongzhong heard this, he knew that his visit this time was probably in vain, but it was not good not to go in when he reached the gate of the yard, so he had to cover his mouth and nose with his sleeve and go in.

The same was true for Gao Jiaxing behind him. The mother and daughter didn't want to be left behind alone, so they had to go in boldly. The corpses here were even more dead in disorder.

Especially for Aunt Gao's corpse, this time Gao Nongzhong finally couldn't hold back, and ran outside and vomited.

Gao Jiaxing also ran to Gao Nongzhong's side and vomited. The father and son vomited together, and the more they vomited.