The Special Agent Princess

Chapter 276: The emperor is wise


Mr. Ye wanted to come back and teach Ye Qingge a lesson, but he didn't expect that the emperor would only fine her a month's profit. Based on what he knew about the emperor, he was on the side of that girl.

Seeing him in a daze, Mr. Zhao went on to say, "Hey! At that time in the main hall, Gao Nongzhong, the Minister of the Taifu Temple, wanted to seek justice for his daughter, but was fined by the emperor for three months. The emperor said, concubine Shi murdered the mistress, there is more than a crime to die, but for the sake of Qingge girl killing seventy-six people this time, Aunt Gao's family is not included."

He sighed with emotion as he spoke, and continued, "Brother, you said that this emperor is really becoming more and more wise, he is really the enlightened lord of my Tianwu Dynasty!"

Ye Xie was choked by his words, and she couldn't say anything. The faces of the other people were not good. Ye Han and Ye Mingye were both in the hall at that time, so they knew about it.

On the contrary, the old lady's heart moved slightly when she heard this. Although her complexion was not good, she thought of something, and her complexion returned to normal.

As for the brothers and sisters who supported Aunt Yu and followed them, Aunt Yu and Aunt Yu not only looked bad, but also regretted a little in their hearts. They shouldn't have gone in directly in the first place. Now they have offended the county lord, right

Thinking of this way, I felt a little guilty, but when they saw the prosperity of the Ye Mansion, they were secretly happy. They can live a good life in the future, so that the eldest aunt looks down on them? snort!

Mrs. Ye led the crowd to Zhao's mourning hall first. Ye Qingge raised his head to see them coming. His expression didn't change at all. He was still burning the paper money with his head down. Xiao Lingyun in Xiyue's arms moved slightly and turned over. continue to sleep.

The little fox found a comfortable position in his arms, looked up at the man, then at Ye Qingge, and continued to sleep. Anyway, where there is this woman, it should be safe.

When a group of people came to the mourning hall, the old lady said, "Let's put incense on the eldest daughter-in-law first!"

Mr. Ye's complexion was not very good, but Mr. Zhao was here, so he couldn't say anything, so he went to burn the incense in silence. Aunt Yu and the two children behind him also went to burn the incense. Afterwards, the old lady said, "I will bring You go to your yard, we can talk there if we have anything to say, "

Mr. Ye said "En!", glanced at Ye Qingge who hadn't raised his head since they entered the door, and followed Mrs. Ye out.

As soon as I walked outside, I heard two voices of "Grandma! Father!"

"Grandmother! Father!"

Did Ye Qingshan and Ye Qingyun run back? When they saw Mrs. Ye and Ye Han, they said, "Grandmother! Father! Where's my aunt?"

"Grandmother! Father! Where's my aunt!"

Mrs. Ye sighed slightly, and Ye Han said with a straight face, "Who told you to come back?"

Ye Qingshan poked his neck and said, "Father, where is my aunt?"

Mrs. Ye first sighed, and then snorted coldly, "Your aunt murdered the mistress and was executed. You are only bastards. If you want to make trouble! Then get out of the Ye family. The Ye family has a son. Do you understand? Now go back to your own yard and be honest!"

After all, Ye Qingyun was older than Ye Qingshan, after hearing what the old lady said, he lowered his head, but at such a young age, his eyes were full of hatred.

Ye Qingshan was young after all, heard the words and retorted, "My aunt will not kill the mistress, what proof do you have? My aunt is the queen's distant cousin, why do you kill my aunt?"