The Special Agent Princess

Chapter 287: Have someone copy the book


Seeing that the expression on Ye Qingge's face became richer, Xuanyuanzhang said, "Actually, I only saved him twice, and then accompanied him with two hidden guards, but this guy actually asked my hidden guards to inquire about gossip for him. Gossip is fatal."

Ye Qingge smiled slightly and said, "This is more suitable for the job I have given me,"

"What's the matter?"

"Open a newspaper!"

Xuanyuanzhang didn't understand what a 'newspaper office' was, and frowned, "What the hell is that?"

Ye Qingge rolled his eyes at him and said, "To put it bluntly, it's selling paper!"

"Sell paper?"

"For those who are only for rich and noble families, it is such a large piece of paper with a title on it, and then it can be divided into many small grids to write gossip about each family, or agriculture, weather, situation, clothing and jewelry, or to find people. , or to help a businessman promote products, you tell him these things, let him think for himself, I just give a general framework."

Xuanyuanzhang frowned, "But in this way, the cost of just hiring someone to copy the book will be very high."

Ye Qingge asked in surprise, "Have someone copy the book?"

God? Did she hear correctly? Ye Qingge quickly walked to his bookshelf, picked up a book and opened it, picked up another book and opened it, and after reading three or four books in a row, he couldn't help knocking himself on the head.

I'm so stupid, I didn't even think of this.

She often copied books in her previous life, and in this life, she was still copying books a few months ago. Why didn't she think that there is no movable type printing now

oh! God? Her mind was really in a mess, Xuanyuanzhang held her hand and said, "What's the matter, girl?"

Ye Qingge said discouragedly, "I! I even forgot that we don't have movable type printing here!"

Ye Qingge covered her mouth after speaking, what did she say? Did she tell it? When did she become so wary of this guy

Xuanyuanzhang repeated her words, "Movable type printing? What is that? I'll find it for you!"

Ye Qingge waved his hand, "No need, I can do my own research on this, it won't bother me, after I finish my research, we will publish a book, buy that newspaper, or call it Di Bao, then we don't need to write it, just typeset and print it just come out,"

"Is it really so magical?"

"Well! Of course!"

Xuanyuanzhang touched her head and said, "I really don't know what's in your little head?"

As soon as they were talking, Xiaobai came back, and Xuanyuanzhang praised Xiaobai when he came back, "Xiaobai, you are much stronger."

Xiaobai raised his head triumphantly, Ye Qingge said, "Have you followed them to their lair?"

Xiaobai nodded, but how could it tell where their lair was

"That's good, let's go see who is behind that now?"

Xuanyuanzhang stopped her, "You don't want to go in the middle of the night, I will take Xiaobai there, and then use that space to come back and tell you, just wait at home!"

The corners of Ye Qingge's mouth twitched. Why do these words sound so strange? But still nodded in agreement, this is indeed a good way.

After Xuanyuanzhang left, Ye Qingge began to study movable type printing. Soon Xuanyuanzhang returned to the storage box. Ye Qingge called him out and said, "How is it? There is no danger, right?"

"No, guess whose mansion it is? I promise you won't be able to guess!"


"Give me a hug and I'll tell you,"

Ye Qingge...

She regretted it, should she go by herself and let him wait at home, let him take advantage of her? snort! "fine!"