The Special Agent Princess

Chapter 318: It doesn't rain in January


Ye Qingge nodded, it seems that a drought is really going to happen, "You guys will go out and ask someone to buy two big water tanks and come back, these two water tanks have to be filled up every day just now."

Zhiqiu heard the words and whispered, "Miss, are you worried?"

Ye Qingge nodded, she knew that Zhiqiu was stable, she never thought her mind was so sensitive.

Zhiqiu heard the words and immediately said, "Then I will go now,"

As she said that, she ran out, Zhilan still said without any mistakes, "Miss, what's wrong with sister Zhiqiu? Why are you in such a hurry, and, miss, what do you want a big water tank for?"

Ye Qingge shook his head, sometimes it's a good thing for this girl to think less, "It's nothing, just prepare more water for Ling Yun to swim in,"

"Oh! That servant, let's get someone to build a bigger wooden basin,"

Speaking of swimming, Ye Qingge suddenly felt that this was a good way to relieve Ling Yun's summer heat, "Go ahead and have someone build a large wooden basin of one or two meters, the bigger the better,"

It took only a few days for the big wooden basin to be built. It was a big wooden basin with a diameter of two seconds. When it was filled with water, it was placed in the yard to bask in the sun at noon. When it was almost midnight, the water temperature was just right, and Ye Qingge Put Ling Yun's bare skin into the wooden basin.

The little guy was having fun now, he kept puffing in the wooden tub, he was very happy, until it was dinner time, he was tired and came out to eat, and fell asleep after playing for a while.

It's almost October, and it's still so hot, and it still hasn't rained.

Zhiqiu wiped the sweat off his head and said, "Miss, this day seems to be true, it hasn't rained for a month,"

"Well, put away the wooden basin in the past two days, don't let Ling Yun play anymore,"

Zhiqiu responded and continued, "Miss, there has been no movement from the master, so you won't let the lady move out?"

Ye Qingge glanced at the direction of the outer courtyard, shook his head slightly and said, "Don't think too much, if he lets me move out, I'd love it, take out some ice from the ice cellar today, and share a piece with everyone in the courtyard , tell them that if they are not willing to throw it away after using it, they must boil it and take it,”

Zhiqiu complied and went to do it, and after a while, they heard cheers from the yard. It was too hot and they couldn't sleep well at night, and they couldn't do their work well during the day, so they were worried about being punished by the lady.

Now that they have ice, their lives will be much easier, and some of them are given to their family members. In short, having ice at this time is a good thing.

And the fact that every servant in Qing Yaxuan can receive a piece of ice was quickly spread to the old lady. The old lady knew about it, and Ye Han naturally knew about it. At this time, due to the continuous month of drought, the court divided The ice that comes down is limited.

They, Qing Yaxuan, even have ice collars for the servants, which puzzled the old lady and Master Ye, and Ye Qingxue and Ye Qingyu lived directly in the same yard, in order to save some ice and cool off for a while .

One can imagine how angry the two of them were when they heard the news, but Ye Qingqi, after breaking one of his arms, seemed to be invisible in this mansion, and easily did not show his face.

Emperor Mingzong sat in the imperial study and sighed, "Zhang'er, you said it hasn't rained for a month, so is it still not raining this month?"

Xuanyuanzhang smelled the fragrance of the tea and said, "It's possible!"