The Special Agent Princess

Chapter 322: November eleventh


This made Emperor Mingzong more and more disappointed with him, and finally some ministers proposed to sacrifice to the sky and pray for rain.

That night Xuanyuanzhang found Ye Qingge and said, "Do you know when it will rain?"

Ye Qingge glanced at him, thought for a while before saying, "It will probably be November 11th, what's the matter? You want to help the First Prince?"

Xuanyuanzhang didn't speak, but the meaning was obvious. He didn't want the second prince to become bigger, so he naturally had to help the first prince, but he couldn't help this imperial prince.

"I want to help him, after all, the second prince's mother and concubine is the queen,"

Ye Qingge interrupted him and said, "Stop, from now on, we will call them the women of the Yang family,"

Xuanyuanzhang smiled and said, "Okay, let's call them the daughters of the Yang family. The women of the Yang family have always been malicious towards me and assassinated me several times, so I don't like the second prince gaining power."

Ye Qingge nodded, "I don't like the second prince gaining power either, but I don't like the third prince gaining power even more,"

Xuanyuanzhang pinched her nose and said, "Okay, if you don't like it, then don't let it gain power."

"Well, don't those people want the prince to sacrifice to heaven? Let's choose November 11th."

"Okay, that's right,"

As Xuanyuanzhang said, he took out a piece of paper from his bosom, and Ye Qingge was immediately happy when he saw it, "Is this printed by movable type printing? Not bad, you got that thing out so quickly,"

Taking advantage of Ye Qingge's joy, Xuanyuanzhang moved his body to Ye Qingge's side and said, "It's because you're so good that you can see it at a glance. With this movable type printing technique, everything will be convenient in the future. You're still the best."

Ye Qingge felt a little embarrassed when he looked at it. Fortunately, she couldn't see her blushing at night, but this was her own idea. In fact, in Xuanyuanzhang's eyes, the blackness did not hinder his vision at all.

Seeing Ye Qingge blushing, his little girl knew it was blushing, that's great!

Ye Qingge coughed lightly and said, "Well, why do you say that the people under the First Prince often hold him back?"

Xuanyuanzhang still looked at her and said, "It's nothing, it's just that the cronies around him didn't die for no reason, and some cronies around him betrayed him. I asked someone to check it out. It wasn't the second prince who did it." , and it wasn't the Third Prince's who did it, it's really strange."

Ye Qingge shook his head when he heard it, "If it wasn't made by the prince, then it was made by the prince's family!"

"A foreigner?"

"That's right, the second prince's natal family is the Duke Protector, that's right,"

Ye Qingge said as if thinking of something, "When I went to kill Aunt Yang, she was accompanied by an old woman who knew poison, and she seemed to have taught Ye Qingqi."

"An old woman who knows poison? What does this mean? You mean? The Palace of the Protector?"

Ye Qingge nodded, "Yes, it's the Duke Protector's Mansion. Think about it, as Aunt Yang, how could she have an old woman who knows poisonous arts around her? It must have been given to her by the Yang Mansion. If it was given to her by the Yang Mansion, then wouldn't it be explain?"

"Is there anyone in Yang's mansion who knows poison?"

"Yes, it must be,"

She said that in the last life, shortly after the crown prince was sealed, everything began to go wrong, especially the people below were not good enough. Fighting with a group of pig teammates, it's no wonder that it can get better, or a group of people are controlled by others pig.

Xuanyuanzhang nodded, "It seems that this matter should be handed over to Bai Xiaorao to investigate, the ice here is still enough, you don't need to have more at my place,"

"That's enough, none of the wells here are dry! But you have to be careful recently, I'm afraid they will deal with you in the same way,"